My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2022: Against the Domineering

Heavenly Emperor City, called the Emperor Tai Brahma!

this is too scary--

I am afraid that since the establishment of Taifan, there has never been such a ridiculous incident. Su Jin's voice has spread everywhere. He has confidence and is not afraid that Taifan will not come out!

If the other party still doesn't come out in this way, then he will find the Heavenly Emperor Palace and burn it with a fire to see if he still can't come out!

"Who! Who has the courage to offend the Emperor of Heaven so much!" In the entire super big city, men, women, children, and countless monks appeared, raising their heads to find a place to make a sound.

"The lord of my realm has a superb status, and it is rumored that there are five world realms in the city. Who will cause trouble?"

"Ah, Xiaozu! It turned out to be a Xiaozu~~~"

"Laughing to death, the ancestral realm is called to fight the lord of our realm, our emperor is the emperor realm cultivation base!"

"Something's wrong, I seem to have seen this person somewhere, very familiar, let me think about it—"


The two female veterans, Zen Xue and Bi Hun, almost bit the bullet and followed Su Jin. Bi Hun’s female veteran is fine, but Zen Xue is a person of ‘shentian and vast earth’, so acting like this is naturally inappropriate.

But if it is wrong, you have to work for Su Jin!

The sensational whole city made Su Jin disdain to see him. His face was calm and indifferent. He called the Tai Brahman Emperor here, even if the other party wanted to point his face, he would probably appear!

Sure enough, about ten breaths fell in Su Jin's voice. On the thousand high mountains that rose into the dome, the figure disappeared and moved to a place not far from Su Jin——

"Little beast! Last time you ran away, I will cut you here today!" Tai Brahman seemed confident, and there were three people who came with him.

Three worlds!

Su Jin's pupils brought a little anger in the depths, one of them was the Domineering Capital with a black moon ring sword with a wide body and two palms!

"Before you cut off the head of the Emperor of Heaven!" Su Jin said coldly.

"It's a big tone, I have to admit that you are crazy, but you chose the wrong place! Last time you were lucky and rescued by the Jiuli Taoist, but the old thing has turned to ashes. Who will save you today?"

The Emperor Tai Brahma looked at Su Jin calmly, but he was inexplicably shocked. As the emperor, how could he not see the realm of the two women behind him!

That's a female superior!

Strong in the world!

"Fuck your shit, if I do what I say, I will cut your Emperor's head and burn your Heavenly Emperor's Palace!" Su Jin was deeply irritated, and the Taoist Jiuli burned 900 divine coffins and sent him away.

No regrets, no hate!

I don’t know, when the ruthless words were released, the Taifantian Emperor did not choose to look at Su Jin again. Instead, he handed over to the two female veterans, Zen Xue and Bi Hun, and said, “Dare to ask the two seniors where they are from? Little beast, come to me too Brahma!"

Zen Xue Nu's face suddenly turned black.

The complexion of Bi Hun's female respect is also not much better, a few drops of red blood--

It's red, so beautiful!

"What do you mean?"

The Zen Snow Female Venerable looked at the Supreme Brahma Emperor, and said unkindly: "The little beast you said is the master of my two female Venerables."

"What do you mean... You said that the two of me are not as good as beasts?" A touch of frost began to appear on the flushed face of the lady of Bihu.

The Emperor Tai Brahma was stunned and almost spit out his old blood.

The three world realms, including the Domineering Capital behind him, were all abruptly in their hearts, and their eyes showed shocking eyes!

The effect is extremely explosive, the entire super big city... After a brief silence, Heavenly Emperor City suddenly boiled!

"Who is this person! But the cultivation base of the ancestor, how can there be two world realms as servants?" someone yelled in disbelief.

"Does he come from a certain big family? But how could it be possible! Even if it is in another big family, it is impossible for him to be a slave to the ancestral realm!"

"But, I can't figure it out! How could this happen? I heard it right?"

"Ah! I remembered, this man is called Mu Ziye. Not long ago, he walked on the'Blue Sky Ladder' in Qingzhou City. He was a super evildoer who reached the potential of the Three Steps of Heaven!"

The monk who was very familiar in his heart just now, but couldn't think of who Su Jin was, shouted directly.


At this moment, the sky above the entire Celestial Emperor City, the wind became even greater.

The Emperor Tai Brahma suddenly became sober, his face was gloomy to the extreme. Originally, he and Su Jin had a grudge, but now without knowing it, he offends the two female veterans to death.

"It doesn't matter who you are." Ba Tian walked to the side of Tai Brahman Emperor.

With a face in his thirties and a sturdy divine body, Ba Tian was full of confidence. Then he looked at the two women and said: "I advise you how far away you are, otherwise..."

"Otherwise, what?" The temper of the Zen Snow Woman came up.

"Don't worry about killing!" Ba Tian took the black crescent ring knife in his hand and pointed at the two women.

Bi Hun female respectful smile~~~

Su Jin was always jealous, and he was not afraid of the four Brahma Emperors, although they had three world-level powerhouses.

Because he can deal with one, Zen Xue and Bi Hun can also deal with one of them. What he is afraid of is the mysterious red shadow of the ‘Mountain Ghost Thunder Game’, which cannot be empty.

"Cut these four to death, help me open the Mogu Prison, rescue my mother, I will regard you two as a great achievement, and you will be free!" Su Jin transmitted the sound to the two women.

Bi Hun and Zen Xue's expressions were a bit bitter.

"Okay!" A silver-gray long whip appeared on the hand of the female veteran Bi Hun, her figure was dazzling, and she showed her beautiful temperament.

Seeing this, Zen Xue nodded—

Su Jin looked at the Supreme Brahma Emperor coldly, he could hurt this emperor at the time, not to mention that this world lord was not enough in his eyes!

The biggest threat is the three world powers!

"Batiandu! Let the dog Tiandi go away, I will kill you first, and then dispose of this waste material Tiandi!" Su Jin directly sought out his opponent.

At that time, if Tyrant could cut him with all his strength, Su Jin had been injured in the hands of this person.

Wherever he fell, he got up wherever he fell. Although Ba Tiandu still puts a lot of pressure on him, he is confident to live!

The Emperor Tai Brahma only trembles with hatred, it is not that the opponent is the real one, and he is called the Emperor Gou Tian, ​​can he directly come forward and let Su Jin behead him?

Simply insulting--

In Heavenly Emperor City, countless cultivators all felt Su Jin's madness, and some were even more admirable!

Seeing Su Jin found an opponent for the Zen Xue and Biyu women, they naturally deal with each other. Naha Tian is indeed not to be underestimated, and the two women also know well.

The overlord was angry and laughed loudly, Su Jin, let alone an ancestor, even if he has become an emperor, he has the confidence to kill in two moves.

However, Su Jin even threatened to kill him first!

Su Jin's arrogance finally made Batian feel unprecedented anger!

Overlord has spread all the momentum and coercion of the world realm, and the sky seems to be crushed, shattering thousands of miles away in the void around him!

"Little beast, die!" Ba Tian roared.

"Dog stuff~~~ Watch me slaughter you!"

Su Jin's fiery temper was directly aroused and rushed over.

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