My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2023: Fight!

Many people are very puzzled.

What time is it now? The era of the strong! Su Jin is no more than a small ancestor. The ancestral realm is in the Brahma, not to mention it everywhere, it is definitely not a rare thing.

Tai Brahma, who can give birth to hundreds of great emperors, can naturally imagine the identity of the ancestral realm.

However, just today, with the strength of the ancestral realm, Su Jin took the lead in rushing to the Domineering Capital. No one has seen this situation!

"He--" Immortal Swan clenched the corners of his clothes, and his beautiful and moving eyes were full of worry.

"The two female elders are the masters of Brother Su. He must be an unprecedented ancestral realm. Don't panic the younger sister." Lu Yanyun said.

Although this is the case-

In fact, Fairy Yanyun himself is very nervous now. It is very rare to see the powerhouses fighting the emperor with his ancestors. It is incredible and crazy to think about fighting the world with his own ancestral realm.

Tang Yingjiao doesn't have such a concept. Looking at Lu Yanyun and Swan Fairy, the three girls in the room are the only ones who have confidence in Su Jin, even though she is an overwhelming kind of admiration~~~

Su Jin took the lead in the trouble and faced the Domineering Capital. When Void rushed away, he directly opened up the Ancestral Realm Heaven and Earth. There were more than a thousand imaginary phases in it, which evolved the move of the'Great Collapse God Fist'!

The opening session was a ‘Great Crash Fist’!

And it's not a simple big collapse. At this moment, the flames on the fist rustled, as if wrapped in a kind of wonderful flame, and it was beaten in an instant.

"So strong! He is stronger than the last time when we were too Brahman, he seemed to be a different person!" The Swan fairy was obviously taken aback.

She finally felt the difference between Su Jin!

Lu Yanyun was dumb. In their too pure heaven, he was regarded as the proud girl of heaven, but he was only the Holy King now, but Su Jin left her behind.

"It's just started. As the ancestor of the Six Daoists, he still hasn't resorted to big means." Lu Yanyun was a little excited thinking about it.

To Lu Yanyun, Su Jin is definitely a benevolent existence, and it is absolutely an honor to watch this stunning battle with his own eyes.

Six Dao Ancestor?

The swan fairy stunned--

This means that all over the Domination’s imprisonment rules, Su Jin is just an ancestor to him, no matter how strong he is, he is also an ancestor, and it is impossible to escape his world realm!

Moreover, after spreading the World Realm Imprisoned Dao Mark, Tyrant can still have the rest of the time. Under Su Jin’s "Great Collapse Fist", he raised his left arm and smashed it hard~~

Tyrant sneered, his left hand raised, and the energy-turned **** arm slammed into his fist!



Tyrant's expression suddenly changed. He used energy to condense his divine arm, and the front of the boxer felt strange when he touched Su Jin's "Great Collapse Divine Fist".


The Great Destruction Divine Fist smashed everything into pieces, and the power divine arm of Ba Tiandu almost shattered in an instant!

"What kind of flame is this!"

When Tyrant was anxious, he raised his left arm horizontally in front of him. His divine body was famous in Taifan, but a trace of flame was wrapped around his little finger, which immediately burned a piece of his little finger to ashes——

In desperation, Ba Tian had to cut off his whole little finger, a layer of fine sweat appeared on his forehead, and his face was already extremely gloomy.

Su Jin and Batian both fought, and the Emperor of Brahma retreated far as Su Jin said, but this scene was also observed by him, and he was very scared.

On the other side, Bi Hun and Zen Xue fought against the two world realms respectively, and they were equally indistinguishable from each other.

"Batiandu, today I will behead your head!"

Su Jin naturally saw that Tyrant had suffered from the dark loss of "Red Lotus Purifying Fire", and immediately grabbed the Juque Saint Soldier——

The tip of the giant **** saint soldier's sword is facing down, Su Jin is holding the hilt, and the divine sword is expanding rapidly in the naked eye!

A sword is like a mountain!

The mountain pattern above was clearly shining with all kinds of Dao marks, and finally rose to a point higher than the thousand mountains in the Celestial City!

Su Jin was at the top, holding up the huge mountain-like fault with both hands, and slashed to the place of the Domineering Capital!

At this moment, the four world realms, such as Zenxue and Bihou, all felt Su Jin’s dominance. Seeing this situation, they had to avoid their sharp edges.


The giant mountain-like fault was smashed down sturdily, and a sword mark was smashed from a thousand high mountains. Some of the high mountains were fragmented, and it almost stretched to the high ‘Baidi Bridge’.

Tai Brahman wiped cold sweat on his forehead.

And Tyrant as a world realm, naturally will not be hit by this clumsy giant sword, on the contrary, he is now more and more fighting spirit, holding the black meniscus ring knife in his right hand, appearing ten miles to the west.

"Sora has brute force, but he doesn't know how to use it. Let me tell you what is controlling power!" Ba Tiandu's expression was grim and his tone was cruel.

After all, Ba Tian turned his right arm around, and the black meniscus ring knife also turned into a black round blade——

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

The Overlord seems to be fused with the black wheel blade, and the entire void is like a giant Ferris wheel rising up, but this wheel blade is spinning fast, cutting the void!

Su Jin collected the Giant Que Saint Soldier into the bone ring and stood in place.

Not moving!

The breathing sound of the entire Tiandi City was connected, and only then did the monk dared to speak.

"The Tyrants are all world realms. They were just warming up just now. This Mu Ziye is already scared and dare not move in the same place --" said a monk.

"Who dares to act rashly? It's no different from looking for death, but Tyrant is already serious. Killing this little ancestor is just a matter of minutes."

"Last time in Qingzhou, this Mu Ziye almost died in the hands of Ba Tiandu. I didn't expect to dare to die now!"


The people who watched the game in private were still discussing it, and Su Jin did feel the threat. When the black wheel blade came, there was no trace, and the speed was so fast that it was difficult to detect.

Finally, Su Jin's eyes lit up.

He stood still, and was regarded as a Tuo Da, and now Su Jin suddenly sat cross-legged in the void. This behavior inevitably made the whole city exclaimed——


There were clusters of red flames outside Su Jin. Those flames were very mysterious and mysterious. Finally, the bright red flames rose around him and became a lotus flower~~

"This is!" The Supreme Brahma Heavenly emperor burst into his heart, and he stunned.

"This is Red Lotus Purifying Fire, Domination is careful!"

The two world realms that were fighting against Zen Xue and Bi Xun Nu Zun directly exclaimed and reminded them.


Red lotus cleans the fire!

Tai Brahma Emperor’s old face turned black. What kind of luck is this little beast. He didn’t have this flame last time.

Su Jin was not surprised, the black wheel blade that weirdly cut the void turned into an afterimage and flashed past not far away. His body, especially his pair of eyes, was extraordinarily red!


Under the attention of the city, Su Jin's eyes sprayed two extremely hot pillars of fire, directly following them, hitting the black wheel blade!

Many people are looking at Ba Tiandu, don’t know how he will end up--

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