My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2027: Even she swallowed it!

After all, as a world realm powerhouse before, Ba Tian could not escape the tragic end of the flesh body into a furnace and turned into a fan——

Su Jin's face turned very, very gloomy at that moment. In the wheel of the secret of the sky behind him, the Buddha yellow is rich, and there is a wonderful Buddha charm in his wisdom Buddha pupil~~~

Only one voice appeared between heaven and earth!

Su Jin’s eyes became clearer, and at the moment the golden body faded, from the rhyme of the wisdom Buddha’s pupils, he gained Buddha enlightenment——

Su Jin muttered to himself.

"There is no self, no one, no sentient beings, no life."

"All aspects are vain. If you see all aspects, you will see my life and death king Buddha."

"The root of all distress lies in fetters."

"Life and death are fierce, and there are boundless sufferings. To develop the Mahayana mind, and to help all, I am willing to take on behalf of all sentient beings, suffer infinite suffering, and make all sentient beings. Forge my great joy in life and death, the golden body of the Buddha."

Su Jinming understood a few Buddhist words, and when every word was spoken, his golden body solidified a layer of thickness. In the end, the mottled body of Jin was covered and smoothed out——

"The golden body of Buddhism is so terrifying!" Many people in Tiandi City pointed to the place where Su Jin stood and exclaimed.

"No, why is this golden body so powerful! Is it possible that he is the first to enter the realm of the Buddha in the realm of the ancestor Buddha?" Someone was surprised and guessed.

Don't dare to have this idea.

Historically, few ancient Buddhas became emperors.

Buddha is a very special kind of spiritual practice. Some people can become a Buddha at a moment's notice.

You know that many people have heard of the Great.

Think about the imperial realm. At least many people have heard of it. Although Zufo is rare, it is not without—

But the Buddha is really hard to find! Too Brahman, Too Pure, not at all, even in the great world of China, the Buddha can only reach the ancestor!

The Emperor Tai Brahma turned black now and looked nervous. In the state visible to the naked eye, Su Jin clasped his hands together, and the mottled golden body had long since recovered.

Not only that, Su Jin's golden body rose up out of thin air while it was still in place!

"This little beast! Ba Tian did everything, and gave up everything, but he still couldn't kill him!"

The Emperor Tai Brahma was already a little bit frustrated, his face gloomy.

In the end, the Tai Brahman Emperor's eyes lit up, and there was some hope in his heart. The ‘Mountain Ghost Thunder Game’ in the sky seemed quite extraordinary, and the red shadow girl—

I don't know where it came from.

Of course, the hope of the Emperor Tai Brahma is pinned on Hong Ying.

If the Red Shadow Girl could kill Su Jin, that would be great, even if he sacrificed the Batiandu, at least he was too brahma to be a big threat!

At this moment, with the two strong fighting each other, the day turned into night.

Above the Mountain Ghost Thunder Bureau, thunder continued, and the Tao characters manifested from each avenue seemed to have evolved into stars, and the momentum did not lose Su Jin by half!

But Su Jin's temperament is even more crazy, and even the female nuns in the'Tiandi City' started to scream frantically.

Those tens of thousands of Buddha shadows, bodhisattvas, and Taoist tattoos on their bodies, holding green lanterns with tangled branches in their hands, walked into the evil spirits, and wanted to open a Buddhist path out of them.

"I am the king of life and death, I am going to become an emperor! But why do I still feel that something is still missing—"

Su Jin asked and replied: "Six ways to become emperor, only six ways to become emperor together, my life and death king Buddha Dao is equivalent to a breakthrough, no obstacles, I feel a little more than the other five ways."

It turned out to be so!

However, since the Buddha of Life and Death is infinitely close to success, Su Jin naturally does not need to worry.

Next, Su Jin only needs to repair the avenues of ‘Xian’, ‘Holy’, ‘Ghost’, ‘Devil’, and Fire Lotus to the same height as the Buddha, and the Six Dao Emperors will come true!

Su Jin understood the truth, and along with the bodhisattvas and true Buddhas manifested by thousands of ways, they walked towards a Buddhist path opened up from the "Mountain Ghost and Thunder Game".

"Good good! Now that you have stepped into the thunderstorm, I will let you survive this Buddhist catastrophe!"

The Red Shadow Girl seemed extremely excited.

Countless evil spirits envelop the light of the Buddha, and thousands of bodhisattvas, true Buddhas and imaginary shadows, layer upon layer, sit in their own positions, and the Buddha's eyes become wisdom.


Gorgeous purple-red tribulation light intertwined from the depths of the void, especially the tribulation light in the middle, which was thicker, and there was a faint roar.

Su Jin had no expression on his face. In the eyes of the Wisdom Buddha, he saw a ‘Lei Suan’ enveloping a purple electric light in the purple roaring light.


The harsh and shocking voice faintly opened the whole sky. This is the cry made by the purple silk, the cry is like a baby crying.

In Heavenly Emperor City, many monks have cold sweat on their faces.

"The Shocking Thunder Beast was born in the'Mountain Ghost Thunder Bureau'. I have only seen this kind of thunder beast in ancient books--" a Confucian and Taoist monk wiped his forehead and said with cold sweat.

"It's terrible. This Mu Ziye has already stepped into the center of the mine. He provokes the wrath of the sky. He is either swallowed by the hustle or he is about to be killed by the thunder."

"The sky does not allow such a heaven-defying evildoer to survive, he won't have the last laugh!"

"Hahaha, let's see how he escaped this thunderstorm."

"Look, he moved his hand!"

There were many people who gloated and looked at Su Jin without blinking. At this moment, Su Jin raised his arms and opened his palms calmly.

Su Jin sighed, and a black boat in his palm rose directly into the wind. When the black boat appeared, the lei beast directly stopped the forward movement!

Immediately, the scene that made people fall off their glasses really appeared in everyone's eyes.

Thunder Beast Sui, turned around and ran away!

what's the situation?


Long Xiao's sound was loud and long, and almost everyone felt an explosion in their ears!

It was a red robbery dragon. When Su Jin's strength was still very weak, he was raised in the Nine Elephant Flying Boat. How could this level of thunder beast 狻猊 be compared?

Lei Shou Suan seemed to know that he could not run away, shaking his tail in the void, burying his head in front of him.


The red robber dragon rushed forward, without thinking about it, and directly opened the terrifying dragon's mouth, swallowing the Thunder Beast, chewing and chewing--

"Eat my Thunder Beast?"

The Red Shadow Girl was obviously surprised, "Where did you get this Dragon Jieking King?"

"Even swallow her!" Su Jin yelled, ignoring Red Shadow Girl at all and gave the order directly.

The red robbery dragon swam a few times in the sky, looked at the red shadow girl with fear, then stirred the panic thunder, and got into the Nine Elephant Flying Boat.

Seeing this, Su Jin's heart shook violently, he didn't know the identity of this mysterious red shadow, and immediately he took the Nine Elephant Flying Boat into his palm!

Suddenly, Su Jin in the state of golden body directly used the "wisdom Buddha pupil" on the center of his eyebrows to hit three strands of Buddha Huang Guanghua——

The first ray of Buddha turned yellow into "Da Lei Yin Temple"!

The second ray of Buddha turned yellow into the "Daxiong Palace"!

The third ray of Buddha has turned into ‘Sumi Bodhi Hall’!

In an instant, the three Buddhist temples were suppressed towards the Red Shadow Girl——

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