My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2028: hit! Must fight hard!

Now, Su Jin is the strongest with the king of life and death!

Not long ago, Su Jin had guessed that his king and Buddha would become emperor first, and now his Buddha's avenue is as good as he guessed!

Just like this, the three temples began to sublimate qualitatively——

If you observe carefully, you will see a faintly blooming ‘Bodhi tree’ in front of the ‘Sumi Bodhi Temple’, the flower is like an epiphany, and the petals and stamens are shed quickly!

Six Bodhi Buddha Fruits swayed in the branches, and on each Buddha fruit, a Buddha character appeared.

‘Om’, ‘Mah’, ‘Nah’, ‘Ba’, ‘Mi’, ‘Hum’!

How could it be that the Sumeru Bodhi Temple is nothing more than that, and the performance of the'Da Leiyin Temple' is even more extraordinary. A strong wake-up bell sounded melodiously, dispelling the evil thoughts in people's hearts.

And the "Daxiong Hall" actually houses the true Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and at least part of the ascetic monks that have manifested around them!

The treasure hall accepts thousands of compassionate Buddhas!

"Ah, what did you do to me!" The Red Shadow Girl screamed in horror.

There are many good repairs at the Tiandi City site.

Although the distance is far away, looking up at the palace is only three feet away, and at this moment, Hongying Girl feels sinful in her heart, looking up at the'Daxiong Palace', it is a hundred thousand miles away!

In Hong Ying Nu's eyes, those tens of millions of Buddha shadows were standing in two rows holding Buddha sticks, with a Buddha ladder crossing her!

On the other side, there was no blood on the face of the Zen Snow Female Venerable——

When the Tyrant died, she and the Bi-Hun female veteran stopped their hands with the other two world realm powerhouses. In a short period of time, if the other party didn't fight hard, they would not be able to kill them, so they simply gave up temporarily.

I don't know, Zen Xue saw this kind of scene! Knowing deeply about the powerful Zen Snow Girl in Da Lei Yin Temple, he couldn't help but look at the Red Shadow Girl with sympathy.

The Zen Snow Girl feels that the Red Shadow Girl is suppressed by the "Daxiong Palace", and she will end up more miserable than her——

Good ones, there is a king Buddha on three feet!

The evil one, Wanli Buddha Ladder is tortured with a rod!

There is no escape for Hongying Girl now, no matter how she resorts to the escape method that is not allowed in the avenue, it is of no use. Her power seems to be deprived and controlled by Wang Fo.

"You can't punish me! Can't!" Hongying female turned her head in embarrassment and looked at Su Jin. She only had facial features to distinguish from red, but she couldn't see beauty and ugliness.

"Boom——" The Buddha bell rang at Da Leiyin Temple~~

The Red Shadow Girl seemed to be severely hit, and was severely shaken on the Buddha ladder.

Su Jin has no expression on his face, his precious face is solemn, and his hands are in a standard state of folded together——

Buddhism and Taoism are now taking the most important step, and other kinds of Taoisms in the near future will also go hand in hand. At that time, the six ancestors will no longer be called the six ancestors!

And called the Six Dao Great Emperor!

Su Jin is really looking forward to that day when the Six Dao Ancestors can’t become emperors, it’s just as **** as shit——

"Suffering a hundred thousand li tortured and taking refuge in my king of life and death is your right choice." Su Jin glanced at Hong Ying-nv and said indifferently.

One hundred thousand li!

The mysterious red shadow girl's body trembles obviously, just listening to it will make people frightened, she knows that Su Jin wants her to die, really wants her to die!

In this case, who can be punished like this?

unmanned! Including Hong Ying-nv herself thinks it’s impossible, she will probably die by a rod before she finishes 100,000 miles.

At this moment, the entire Celestial City seems to be transformed into a great world of bliss, Buddha's glory crossing me, crossing the destined, crossing the lost and evil generations.

The Buddha's brilliance and harmony, as if to show people a way back in the boundless sea of ​​suffering.

"I don't want you to cross! Ah-" a cry of pain resounded around.

The first rod torture fell on her!

After being hit by the buddha stick, the red body has a ray of Buddha light~~~

Zun Xue Nv covers her eyes, really, she hurts when she looks!

And the female master Bi Xun was nervous. She and the two of them were acting just now, and they failed to take the task assigned by the master. With the master's wisdom, she wouldn't fail to see it!

Su Jin is now in full swing, and Bi Hun is worried about being blamed after the war——




The Red Shadow Girl was forced to dodge quickly. This is indeed a very good method. She may be hit by one stick after walking ten steps, but that stick is more serious and painful than ten sticks combined.

"Tiandi Lao Er, you also go up to Lao Tzu!"

Su Jin protruded out of the Buddha's palm. The Buddha pattern on it was reckless and the Buddha was overflowing with yellow. The Emperor Tai Brahma had no resistance at all, so Su Jin broke his leg with the Buddha's finger and threw it up.


The monks in the city were all dumbfounded.

They will not forget, how Su Jin is willing to let go of the Brahma Emperor at this time of prosperity? It's just the way the Emperor of Heaven was knocked, broken, and thrown up, which was shocking.

"Su Jin, you can't die!!" Tai Brahma Heavenly Emperor's face was grim, but his heart was full of fear.

What happened just now!

Su Jin was not so strong before, how could he suddenly be able to catch him, an emperor realm powerhouse, and maimed him? This strength makes him afraid!

"Open the Mogu God Prison and tell my mother the exact whereabouts, otherwise I will let you live in repentance forever--" Su Jin Leng glanced at the Emperor Tai Brahma.

Su Jin didn't say anything false! When he finished speaking, he waved his hand to remove a coffin lamp from the bone ring.

On the coffin lamp, the light is unknown, and many powerful true spirits have been entangled in it. They are in a state of scorching all the time, and there will never be a day before.

The Supreme Brahma Emperor trembled all over, and he understood what Su Jin said.

"Mogu God Prison, I can tell you how to open it, but your mother, I really don't know if I am still alive or not." Tai Brahman said with a trembling voice.

"You have to die, you must die!" Su Jin's brain buzzed, a little irrational.

"Boom boom boom—"

The Tai Brahman emperor screamed miserably, and a true Buddha waved his stick and struck him **** his back, followed by the second, fifth, and tenth sticks!

No way back! The Emperor Tai Brahman turned his head several times, but he always felt that he was the last step behind him, but as he moved forward, the staff kept on, his hair was loose and he was in a panic!

How did Su Jin not hate, the Emperor Taifan should know the situation best. When he first arrived at Taifan, he was recognized by him. This person didn't know whether his mother was dead or alive?

hit! Must fight hard!

Anyway, the Mogu God Prison, Su Jin can also learn from Taijingtian, where the big demon **** captured from the void battlefield must be locked in the Mogu God Prison, not afraid that it cannot be opened.

Immediately, Su Jin didn't care about the two, but stepped to the front of the four dragon head phoenix coffins——

Slightly, full of hope, Su Jin pushed aside the "Phoenix Head Coffin" where Tang Yingjiao was.

The body trembled fiercely, Su Jin slowly closed his eyes and stood silent.

In the second mouth, Lu Yanyun lay in the Huangshou coffin. After Su Jin opened his eyes, he stepped forward and peeled off the lid of the coffin.

In the third mouth, the phoenix head coffin where the swan fairy was buried alive, Su Jin looked numb, and opened the coffin in silence——

"Kill! Kill! Kill!" Su Jin roared up to the sky, shouting the same word frantically.

The cultivators in the whole city were frightened by Su Jin's heartbeat. They didn't know what Su Jin saw in the coffin of the Phoenix Head!

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