My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2030: Damn little thief


Female Bi Hun's heart jumped, her face flushed.

And the Zen Snow Female Venerable stood up, walked to Master Su silently, and stopped in front of him——


Su Jinyang gave her a crunch.

On her beautiful face, the female veteran Rao Chanxue is a powerful person in the world, and her face has a five-finger print.

The fierce heartbeat of Bi Xunvun seemed to stop, and then her heart thumped like a deer. It turned out to be a slap in the face.

Both grace and prestige!

"I said it a long time ago."

Su Jin said coldly: "To do things for me wholeheartedly, let me go, I let you two free, but you let the master down again and again -"

Really disappointed.

The strength of the Zen Snow Female Venerable is obviously higher than the opponent just now, and even Su Jinjue's she can easily kill the opponent, but the result? Ha ha da ——

"Master, just now in the chaos of war, just admiring the master's brilliance, and letting the two run away without paying attention is the slave's fault." The Biyu woman blamed herself.

Real self-blame or false self-blame? Su Jin no longer cares.

At least this female Biyu was more pleasing to the eye than female Zen Xue, although she might have the same careful thinking as Zen Xue.

"You communicate with the Emperor Brahma, let him show the way." Su Jin gave the Bichen female veteran a cold eye, and then he put away the coffin lamp.

Coming to the Huangshou coffin again-

The fingertips touched the rim of the coffin, and there was a cold touch. Su Jin used the "Mahe Town Prison Eye" and the "Fire Eye Golden Eye". Looking into the coffin, he could only see the outline of a human figure.

Su Jin leaned his hand into the coffin, his warm skin still exuding heat, and even his heartbeat was still very strong. He was relieved when he had this feeling.

He took the Swan Fairy out of the coffin.

Unexpectedly, this phoenix head coffin had the ability to cover the avenue. Everyone looked at it, and it was empty. Fortunately, Su Jin could see through it.

"Little thief, what happened to me just now." Fairy Swan opened his eyes, and the first thing he saw was the Tiandi Palace, which was soaring to the sky, and then asked Master Su.

"The Emperor Tai Brahma has been captured alive by me and taken away by Bi Hun. Go and ask her to ask about the whereabouts of your parents." Su Jin dropped a word and continued to hug the next one.

Fairy Swan's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly walked towards the Bi Hun female veteran——

When Lu Yanyun was carried out by Su Jin, his face was embarrassed to death, but in a blink of an eye, there was no blood on his face. Just when I remembered, he clearly understood that he was bewildered by an inexplicable existence.

"Brother Su, you are still alive!" Tang Yingjiao hugged Su Jin's neck back, extremely excited.

"My journey is the stars and galaxies, where will I die!" Su Jin smiled lightly.

Tang Yingjiao entered the world of monks for the first time. As a music MM, she liked classical clothes, so Lu Yanyun gave her two sets of clothes on the way.

A set of white and green dresses, and a set of thin shirts with pink and blue edges——

Now Tang Yingjiao was held by Su Jin, her legs and knees were held by Su Jin's arms, her beautiful figure made the official Su look more.

The three daughters were fine, Su Jin naturally let go of worries.

"Master, the Mogu God Prison is in the northwestern barren ridge, in the void beneath the heavens and seas--" the Biyu female veteran reported.

"My parents are still alive." The swan fairy cried with joy, extremely excited, she also learned the news just now.

"I said it earlier, the Star Emperor will not die so easily." Su Jin said lightly.

"It turned out to have offended the Emperor of Heaven. My mother went with him to find my grandfather, but she has not yet returned." The Swan fairy wiped her tears and said with a smile.

Su Jin nodded.

There are some things that Su Jin knew. When he came to Taifan for the first time, the Star Emperor was pointed out by the Jiuli Taoist, and the emperor that he stepped into was originally not very powerful.

As for the swan fairy's grandfather, what is the situation, whether he can fight the Tai Brahman Emperor, Su Jin is not interested in this, and now his most urgent thing is to save his mother!

"Go--" Su Jin waved the'Nine Elephants Flying Boat', holding Tang Yingjiao, and boarding with the other women.

It is imperative! He is going to the Mogu Prison!

From afar, under the gaze of many cultivators in the ‘Original Emperor City’, Su Jin and his group disappeared by boat.

Why is it called "Original Tiandi City"?

It was only because the Heavenly Emperor Palace was burned that the extremely strange flames burned thousands of mountains, and the fire continued unabated, and it had spread into the Heavenly Emperor City.

The sea of ​​clouds is like a blanket, covering the entire area. On the magnificent white clouds, the black boat flies all the way to the northwest~~~

"Brother Su, the influence is not good." Tang Yingjiao was put in her arms by Su Jin and whispered in his ear.

Just rescued from the coffin of the Phoenix Head, Su Jin has not let her go until now, sitting at the table, still holding a pose——

"Little thief...I'm addicted to it!" The Swan fairy glared at Su Jin and muttered.

"Are you envious?" Su Jin asked sharply.

"Bah, baah, who envy!" The swan fairy's heart beat again and again, and she immediately denied.

"Then who do I hold, what does it matter to you?"


The swan fairy choked, she was itchy with her angry teeth, stomped her feet with deer boots on the spot, simply turned around, and no longer chose to communicate with Su Jin.

Music mm is very fragrant. I don't know if it is because of the smell of Lu Yanyun on the clothes or what perfume she put on. Su Jin leaned over Tang Yingjiao's shoulder, smelling and smelling.

Smell it, and squinted at Fairy Yanyun.

Lu Yanyun immediately turned Xiafei's cheeks and quietly turned around. The clothes she gave to Tang Yingjiao, although she only wore the clothes once, they smelled like hers!

After a while, the swan fairy turned around, breaking the awkward atmosphere, looking at Su Jin with a calm expression, and asked: "Little thief, have you seen your mother?"

"I haven't seen it, I don't know whether it is life or death." Su Jin shook his head.

"My parents are still alive, your mother will definitely be lucky, don't worry!" The Swan fairy comforted.

"Well, if my mother is alive, you will definitely be very happy to see each other."


"There is no why, are you unhappy to see your mother-in-law?"

"You **** little thief—"

The swan fairy was instantly irritated and had a headache, she really knew how to do things, this guy is so good at talking, why not die!

The two female veterans, Zen Xue and Bi Hun, looked at each other and sighed.

The sky was blue, and the pungent and twisted tone continued to appear on the Nine Elephant Flying Boat. The Swan Fairy finally retreated and lost her words to Master Su.

Time passed quickly.

Su Jin just wanted to relax, the Mogu God Prison was getting closer, and few things made him nervous. His mother was the existence he had been worried about all along—

According to the explanation from Emperor Taifan, Taifan’s ‘Greater Northwest’ has emerged.

In the distance, the endless expanse of the "Mogu Heaven Sea" exudes a mysterious atmosphere. If the Emperor Tai Brahma is right, the space deep under the sea is the famous "Mogu God Prison".

Su Jin stared at the front and silently said something in his heart:

"Mother! I will soon become the emperor of the six daos. I hope you are still alive and witness your son's emperor road with your own eyes!"

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