My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2031: Monument to the Devil

Six Dao Chengdi!

Su Jin feels that it will not take long, as long as one month, or as few as two weeks. Now his vigorous power is in the veins of his body. At present, there are only five ways to reach the critical point. When he does it, he will sublimate with Buddhism!

The Biyu female veteran looked at Su Jin with a sad face. This powerful man who will be invincible in the future rarely shows such an expression.

There are many people who cut their love for a better way, and the road is smooth from then on, but Su Jin is very different.

"Master, the Emperor Tai Brahma spoke out the formula for opening the'Mogu God Prison'——" The Biyu female prince interrupted Su Jin's thoughts and said.

Su Jin cleared up his sorrow, glanced at Bi Xun, nodded, "Turn it on."

Bixun took a deep breath, her expression was solemn and solemn, and she opened her mouth lightly, her breath was full and she yelled: "Dark Yin and Yang, mixed with three lights!"

"Jia Geng Dinggui, it is good to take the time!"

"Autumn comes to the place, winter place is in the township!"

"Longhan opens the picture, should be transformed from 㼜, Chiming set off, Brahman travels nine flights...the first king of the dynasty! Open—"

The four sentences are correct, and the voice of the lady Biyu is lingering and melodious, and her words just fell, and there was originally a slight ripple on the Mogutian beach...

There has been a big change!

The waves on the seaside separate and separate a waterway, the end of which is about three hundred meters in front, and there is a black-red portal, clearly greeted by the eyes.

Su Jin took the lead and walked, letting him be too brave enough to make a mistake. This place must be one of the places to enter the "Mogu God Prison".

With a little bit of force, when I walked through the black and red portal, there were waves of ripples on the surface of the portal, and a few people entered, and the separated waterway quickly rewinded and merged again, as if it had never happened before——

Tick, tick.

When she came in, Su Jin felt very damp, and Tang Yingjiao's clothes were quickly moisturized, and the stickiness made her want to take a bath.

Su Jin looked straight ahead, shocked.

The environment of the Mogu God Prison is black and red, and there are occasional low-lying water on the ground. You can't see it from a distance, I don't know how big it is!

And fifty meters away, there stood a nine-foot-high blue-black ‘Monster Suppressing Monument’, with traces on it, like insects and ants, and there was a scary plant around the monument—

In the dark red, there are a few bright and pale succulent plants.

"Brother Su, I have seen from the book, is that white plant crystal orchid?" Tang Ying asked Su Jin nervously.

The flower of the devil, the crystal orchid! It has the same name as the "Bigan Flower", and some people call it the Flower of Death!

"That's right." Su Jin nodded.

"Oh, my camera is out of power, otherwise I will definitely have to take a shot--" Tang Yingjiao said in a pity.

"You have to be careful when you get here." Su Jin has already felt the pressure, and there is a not weak aura around him.

After all, this is the place where the big devil, the big corpse, and the big evil spirit are imprisoned. Countless years have passed. There may be a breakthrough in the many horrors inside, and Su Jin can't help but beware.

"There is an existence that is not weak for us nearby--" Bi Hun's scalp was numb and her voice trembled.

The scope of the Mogu God Prison is so large that it can take at least a few days. Just after entering, there are strong people who are not weak in the world, and the Bichen is very shocked.

"It's dangerous here, but it's not an opportunity for me." Su Jin said lightly.

"Opportunity?" Bixun looked at Su Jin suspiciously.

The same goes for several other women, including the Zen Snow Woman. I don’t know what Su Jin’s opportunity is—

"My life and death king and Buddha have already broken through. This is the best place for my second way, the magic way to break through." Su Jin said indifferently.

Zen Xue, Bi Hun, Lu Yanyun, and Swan Xiandu looked shocked!

Su Jin's life and death king and Buddha have already broken through. No wonder that when he was in the Emperor City, the Buddha ladder under the Daxiongbao was as high as 100,000 li, and the Buddha tree in front of the Sumi Bodhi Hall was blooming!

"Didn't it mean that God forbids the Six Dao Ancestors to become the emperor?" Bi Hun's female veteran was cold and sweaty on her forehead, she said in disbelief.

"One day, I will step on God! It is ruthless to the world, and all the rules it set will be abolished by me. I will be God's heaven!" Su Jin said sharply.

The women are all staying!


Bi Hun female veteran looked at Su Jin and said, "It's very strange, in the master, why didn't I feel the breath of Emperor Cheng? Didn't the King of Life and Death break through?"

"It's only a layer of window paper. When I reach the point of breaking the window paper in six ways, I am the unprecedented Six Dao Emperor!"

Su Jin is not a liar, he doesn't need to practice anymore now, he can make breakthroughs in one fell swoop when other Daoes arrive at the same time.

"Master, you're so amazing." The lady Biyu snuggled up, ignoring the presence of other girls, as if she wanted to dedicate her body and mind.

Venerable Zen Snow Woman's heart throbbed.

Although Su Jin gave a slap in the face of the Zen Snow Female Venerable, she knew that she was wrong, and she didn't sincerely submit to it, and even hoped that Su Jin would die.

However, if Su Jin's words are true, she will truly reach the Six Dao Great Emperor in the future. As a female figure of the world, she can obey him and become a slave.

Lu Yanyun took a deep look at En Gong. She admired her heart very much. As the genius daughter of the Taijing Lu family, she even knew that she was not worthy of this enchanting man.

Swan Immortal is always called Su Jin Little Thief Little Thief, but that's called a habit, and has no other meaning, even... even she no longer hates Su Jin.

"Brother Su, where are we going when we come in?" Tang Yingjiao didn't feel much about the'Six Daozu' becoming an emperor, so she didn't understand it at all.


Su Jin continued to take the lead, of course, he was also very careful to guard against danger.

Banzhuxiang passed.

The black and red dim scene made people fearful. Su Jin stopped and looked to the west ten miles away. There was a fearful existence there——

"Don't look back." Su Jin reminded Tang Yingjiao, his face was grave when he saw Tang Yingjiao looking around.

"What's the matter? Ah~~~ My mother, there is a big guy there~~~" Tang Yingjiao was surprised and pointed to the west, ten miles away, which was exactly where Su Jin saw.

Bi Hun and Zen Xue Nu Zun, both of their pretty faces turned pale. Naturally, she and Tang Yingjiao would find out before Tang Yingjiao, except that there was a master and they didn't have the right to speak.

"You didn't feel it, did anyone follow?"

Su Jin said indifferently, and he glanced at the two daughters Bihu and Zen Xue, which is why he didn't let Tang Yingjiao look back.

"Someone is following?" The face of Bixin female veteran changed drastically.

Chanxue's expression is not much better than hers. They are women of the world realm. Why didn't the two of them notice what Su Jin discovered?

Really, the two females didn't notice it at all, and Su Jin still couldn't feel it when he told them.

The weird situation keeps lingering among the hearts of several people~~~

Who, who is following!

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