My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2032: Komaishi

After standing for a long time, Su Jin turned his head and glanced, and finally shook his head. The breath disappeared, and there was no notice.

"They are weak, and you two are responsible for their safety." Su Jin looked at the Bi Xun woman.

"What is the master doing?" Bi Hun nodded and replied.

"Brother Su is going to kill that big guy——" Tang Yingjiao accidentally sold a cute, the music department mm's style is eye-catching.

Who knows Su Jin best at the scene?

Naturally, it was Tang Yingjiao. Just now Su Jin stopped. The first thing she looked at was Shili West, and she guessed that Brother Su had a big move.


Bi Xun's wife became nervous and said, "Master, if I guessed correctly, the big guy should be the'modern ancient stone demon'. Don't provoke it."

"What's the solution?" Su Jinmeiyu picked up her eyebrows, asked, and looked at the ‘big guy’ by the way.

It was dark red there, and a thousand-meter-high Demon God lay leaning against two stone mountains, motionless for a while, but snoring like thunder from time to time, should be asleep——

"It has been recorded that this demon head is the purest manifestation of demon energy, it is difficult to destroy, and even if it is temporarily destroyed, the two stone mountains will still contain new stone demon." Said Bi Hun Nuvun.

"What are the two stone mountains?" Su Jin asked strangely.

"One now and one ancient, two magic mountains contain fossil demons. The two magic mountains are called the ancient mountain and the modern mountain." said Bichen.

"That's it—"

Su Jin made up his mind and said: "I have a breakthrough in the magic path, the king of life and death, what is needed is the essence of magic. You two remember what I said, and protect them."

"Hey~~~" Bi Xun raised her arm, and finally had no choice but to put down the lotus arm, knowing she couldn't stop Su Shao.

Chanxue, a powerful female, did not dare to have any evil thoughts in her heart. She had already learned Su Jin's iron fist, and she hoped for success not next time.

At that time, she will be devoted to serving Su Jin as a slave and she will be willing.

Su Jin came with his hand, and it was quite shocking to see it nearby——

The stone demon's face had no nose and ears, only eyes and mouth. It was very ugly. His body was a grayish-red stone complexion, and it was as tall as a mountain. When it was asleep, its two hands were still on the two rocky mountains.

And those two stone mountains can't even be called mountains.

In the long years of polishing, under the grasp of the ancient stone demon, it is like a road stone lock, with a horizontal handle above it, so that it can be picked up smoothly.

Su Jin looked at it calmly, then he raised his right hand, and forced a drop of blood on his fingertips with his fingers—

The blood dripped into drops, slowly dripping to the ground.

It was like a chemical reaction. At the moment the blood fell, the surrounding ground instantly turned into coke!

The blood was like a snake, constantly making a sneer, and began to swim!


On the ground, a huge ‘Magic’ character appeared from the ‘Dao Xin Seed Demon’, and ashes rose from the ground, the bright red magic word kept pulling away the surrounding power!

"Oh-" The ancient stone demon was awakened, and the two mountain stone locks were picked up by it. Its bright red pupils were staring at the ‘little thing’ in front of him.

"Today, my magic path breaks through the shackles and reaches the point of being in line with the Buddha's case. In the future, you will never exist. In the future, Su Jin will become the present and ancient demon emperor!"

Like looking at a treasure, Su Jin looked at the ancient stone demon with a scrutiny gaze. This big man was extraordinary, full of magical power, and he could not let it go.

"Little Demon Ancestor, it's just a snack for Shi Ye!" Jin Gu Shi Demon was furious, his right arm shook, and the mountain stone lock issued a burst of secret patterns, and it was thrown over.

Su Jin didn't even look at it, and started to run. Most of the rock locks were suppressing Dao Marks. He was an expert at suppressing Dao Marks.

This is how the ancient stone demon did this. One word could not be more appropriate.

Get out of the way!


The huge mountain chain shattered the earth, but Su Jin disappeared at that moment! He showed his figure, and the giant sacred soldier had been supported on the ground by him, and the sword made a deep gully!

Bang! Su Jin fiercely held the hilt in both hands and swiped fiercely. The huge giant sage soldier slashed past, but was blocked by another rock lock.

The land is cracked, and the deafening sounds continue!

The swan fairies are fighting in Shili!

Everyone's heart mentioned the throat, this scene is too horrible, Su Jinsheng is flexible and intelligent, but it is still very difficult to get the most refined devilish energy!

"Cut you off, the ancient mountain and the modern mountain will be controlled by me—"

Su Jin suddenly avoided a heavy blow from the opponent, directly picked up the Giant Que Saint Soldier, and went to the sky!


The void was suppressed with horrible ripples, Su Jin's movements were so smooth that he became an art, and he was carrying the huge fault of '18 thousand catties'!

Step on the Jingu Stone Demon directly!

Seven steps to collapse the sky! first step!


The ancient stone demon lifted the mountain and stone lock to stop it, but Su Jin's speed exceeded its imagination, stepping on his head, kicking off a layer of stone chips!

"Roar—" Jin Gu Stone Demon was so painful that he didn't want to live, and went crazy in an instant.

But then Su Jin followed the first step of the counter-shock force, and instantly stepped out the second step!

third step!

the fourth step!

the fifth step!

by! Su Jin cursed secretly, this ancient stone demon's head was really iron, and then he carried heavy pressure on his back and stepped out the sixth step——

The top of the ancient stone demon's head was suddenly shaken with a finger-thick crack!

"Bengtian seven steps! Seventh step!"

Su Jin's face was grim, and he roared violently. He seemed to be carrying the weight of a piece of mainland. After the first few steps were superimposed, the giant sage soldier was blessed by the seven steps of Bengtian, no less than a million catties!


Like fireworks, the ancient stone demons were disintegrated by the seventh step. The red stones splashed everywhere, some as big as rolling stones, and some as broken as sand!

Swan Fairy:...

The two female veterans of Zen Xue and Bi Hun:...

Lu Yanyun and Tang Yingjiao's eyes widened, and they were also speechless. Su Jin's overbearing means stunned them again!

Su Jin was a little panting, looking at the steaming gravel, and finally his eyes were locked on the two rocks, "Ancient Mountain" and "Jinlai Mountain".

The ancient stone demon was formed from these two stone mountains, and the true purest demon energy lies in these two stone mountains!

"What should the master do next?" Ms. Biyu murmured.

"Just now the master said that if he wants to become a modern and ancient devil emperor, he must already have an idea, but I don't know if it can be realized--"

"It must be successful!" Tang Yingjiao watched Su Jin kill the big guy with an expression of expectation on her face.

"Success, you will definitely succeed!" Swan Xian and Lu Yanyun had the same idea in their hearts.

Su Jin stepped gently, and when he walked, the sound of the ground shaking and the mountain shaking, swept around!

The naked eye can see that a red violent ape condenses from his body, and the violent ape's arm is like a mountain. Following Su Jin's movement, it came to the two mountain rock locks——

Two ape palms peeked down!

Then he shook his hands on the "Ancient Mountain" and "Jinlai Mountain"!

His second way, can he reach the point of being in harmony with the Buddha?

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