My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2033: Case with Foqi

The terrifying violent ape, holding his hands firmly——

If ‘Ancient Wangshan’ and ‘Jinlai Mountain’ are captured, Su Jin’s magical path will be able to reach the point where it is in harmony with the Buddha!

The ancient tyrannical ape that has long been extinct, the behemoth that has disappeared in countless civilizations, may reappear with the help of the ancient mountain and the present mountain!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

The heartbeats of the women began to beat rapidly following the violent ape who exuded domineering eyes, and it was in sync with the beating of the violent ape's heart, making people excited!

"The master really deserves to be a man with great wisdom!" Bi Hun has an infinitely beautiful figure, and her beautiful eyes are full of amorous feelings.

"Could it be that Big Brother Su--" Lu Yanyun really didn't dare to think about that.

"Stealing the sky and changing the day, use a monster giant ape to replace the current and ancient stone demon that has disappeared." The pretty face of the Zen Xuenus was all solemn.

They can all see it.

If ‘Ancient Mountain’ and ‘Jinlai Mountain’ were lifted by the violent ape and instilled with the subsequent essence of devil energy, Su Jin’s realm of demon ancestors would be rapidly transformed.

"What more do you guys say."

Tang Yingjiao looked at the faces of the women, and she didn't quite understand it. In her opinion, she didn't need to worry about many of the difficult things Su Jin did.

"It's going to get up!" The fairy Swan blinked without blinking, suddenly short of breath, and became nervous.

Sure enough, from the naked eye, the violent ape screamed fiercely above the majestic physique. The void around this roar trembled, and the earth shook the mountains!

The violent ape transformed by the ape-strike technique, on the thick arm of the mountain, the muscles are like giant snakes, and they begin to swim rustlingly. The two hands grasped the "Gu Wangshan" and "Jinlai Mountain", which were exerted by it. Lift up fiercely!


The two mountains are ups and downs, swaying in the void, the violent ape is strong, and roaring again, picking up the two magic mountains!

A strong black and red devilish energy surging out from the "Ancient Mountain" and "Jinlai Mountain", the violent ape was shocked, and the countless hairs on the surface of the body began to pass through a layer of red light!

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

Every hair is like a steel needle, and the violent monkey lifts the mountains to explode the void where it is!

Bixun and other women suddenly covered their hearts, as if in the broken void, they heard a faint sound, like a mysterious movement flying and jumping.

The voice is sobbing, as if sad and unwilling to become a demon!

"Three cities, the third city!" Su Jin's calm voice resounded around.

In the void, a demon realm envelops corpses and demons, shaking away from the rich **** aura!

Su Jin controlled this demon realm vision and landed it on the right shoulder of the violent ape, and used the "Ancient Mountain" and "Jinlai Mountain" to sacrifice forever.

Su Jin's eyes were red as blood, and he was affected by the demonic energy instilled in Ancient Xiangshan and Jinlaishan, and his violent aura fluttered away, making him unable to help but scream from the sky!

Infuse the sky!

That Taotao devilish energy turned into a sea of ​​bloody energy, covering the sky, Su Jin raised his arm, and the entire violent ape carried two sacred mountains, waved it, and swept everything around!

After the King of Life and Death, Su Jin, the Six Dao ancestors, in the same day, the second way, the magic way reached the point where the King of Life and Death had the same case, there were four ways left!

At that time, Su Jin will directly become the emperor of the six ways, and it is impossible to achieve!

One quarter of an hour.

Half a stick of incense.

A stick of incense passed.

Su Jin's eyes returned to normal, and he opened the ‘Wheel of Heaven’s Secret’, the rebellious track belonging to the magic way, exuding black and red light.

"Go!" Su Jin controlled the violent ape and watched it carry ‘Ancient Wangshan’ and ‘Jinlai Mountain’, walked into the Wheel of Heaven’s Secret, and sat cross-legged in the devil's way.

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, he was also betting. Sometimes the opportunity was in front of him, so he had to learn to grasp it. He took this opportunity well!

Now subject to the ‘Six Dao Ancestor’, Su Jin’s magic path is the same as the Buddha of Life and Death. It has clearly broken through, but in fact it can no longer be called the ‘Devil Ancestor’, but it is not an emperor.

This feeling is very strange.

As a result of the breakthrough, Su Jin's feeling for several women has slightly changed in temperament and more evil charm, but this is not derogatory, it is obviously a bonus.

Su Jin was very confident, and walked quietly with his hands in his hands——

"Congratulations, Master, congratulate Master, make one more breakthrough!" Bi Hun was very good at doing things, and she knelt down first, her tone was pious.

Zun Xuenuo silently knelt down, put her hands on the ground, and lowered her arrogant head.

"Brother Su, are you really breaking through?" Tang Yingjiao stepped forward and asked two steps with joy.

"In fact, I don't know whether this is considered a breakthrough. It should be said that the second step has been taken on the road to becoming the emperor of the Six Paths." Su Jin can only make this explanation.

"The speed of your practice is simply scary." Swan Immortal came to his senses.

Just now, she was the only one who thought about it a little bit more, perhaps because she was influenced by Su Jin in a somewhat evil temperament, and her tone was not without praise.

Lu Yanyun, like Swan Fairy, are actually the most cultivated geniuses in the family, but when Su Jin first appeared in their lives, their talents were not worth mentioning!

"It's just luck, you two get up." Su Jin shook his head and said to Zen Xue and Bi Hun.

"If the master can really become an emperor in the future, please don't mention driving me away, then Bihusheng will be the master's person, and death will be the master's ghost!" said Bihu female.


This requirement is a bit hard.

In fact, it's nothing. If Su Jin can't break through, as a world powerhouse, he should be free, but it would be different to become the Great Emperor of the Six Paths!

Zen Xue Nuzun bit her silver teeth and stared at Bi Hun Nuzun——

In terms of appearance, the Zen Snow Girl is not inferior to Bi Hun, in terms of cultivation, and even concealed on one side, in terms of speaking, it is really not in the same level, this is too good to flatter the owner!

"By then, Zen Xue will devote her wholehearted piety to serving her master," said the female Zen Xue.

"Haha." Su Jinduo glanced at the Zen Snow Woman and heard that the other party came from the heart.

Su Jin knows very well that if he becomes the Six Dao Great Emperor, the enemy of the world, he can be crushed with his hands. At that time, the two women have little effect on her, but he can consider it—

As the two women got up, Su Jin moved forward refreshingly.

Just after Su Jin broke through, the Six Paths have already taken two big strides, which has already made many big demons in the surroundings feel terrified. Wherever a few people go, the demons retreat!

And just in front of Su Jin, three hundred miles away——

An egg-shaped boulder appeared, and dense green emerald vines covered the entire boulder. Each vine was pleated and glowing with green light.

Under the boulder, among the vines, there is an old man in a gray robe sitting cross-legged, holding a sauce-colored stone pot in his pubic area with both hands, meditating.

"Did you break through?"

The gray-robed old man slowly opened his eyes, then closed them again, "Interesting—"

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