My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2034: 500 places

Mogu in prison.

The dark red environment makes people feel uncomfortable. You can see the flower of death "Crystal Orchid" everywhere, pale in clusters.

The clumps of paleness seemed to appeal to various unknowns.

Su Jin walked and talked.

Bi Hun Nussara kept relaying and conveying to him the words of the Supreme Brahma Emperor who had been contained.

"There are still three thousand two hundred miles away from where my mother was once detained?" Su Jin raised his eyebrows, somewhat inconceivable.

Su Jin had thought about being far away, but didn't expect it to be so far. This is the bottom of the Mogu Heaven Sea. What is the concept of three thousand five hundred miles? Is the Hell of God this big?


"Brother Su, the environment is getting darker and darker." Tang Yingjiao said.

"I didn't think about it. It turns out that there is also a dark night here." Su Jin couldn't see the sun, moon and stars, but Tang Yingjiao's words were obviously true.

"How about... let's take a good rest? So tired!" Tang Yingjiao was listless, looking pitifully tired.

Su Jin frowned, but when he saw the expectant gaze of Swan Immortal and Lu Yanyun, he couldn't bear to refuse in his heart, so he nodded.


Seeing this, Bi Hun also breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, it was quite depressing here, and the owner would really understand women.

"Yeah! It's a pity, there's no water here, and it's still very humid. It would be great if I could take a bath, I'm all sticky." Tang Yingjiao is very uncomfortable here.

"There is in the flying boat."

Su Jin opened the palm of his hand and blew a breath at the Jiuxiang Feizhou. The entire Feizhou began to rise in the wind, and it was several tens of meters in size in a blink of an eye.

"Haha, I can take a shower--" Tang Yingjiao took Swan Immortal and Lu Yanyun, and the three women quickly rushed onto the boat.

Su Jin looked at the happy women. After boarding the ship, they sat at the stone table on the deck, took out a jar of old wine, punctured the mud, and immediately started drinking.

Can you find your mother during this trip?

What does she look like?

If you find it, how can you say that you are her son? Will it be embarrassing when you see it?

Su Jin seemed to think of that scene, and there was warmth in his heart. The so-called hope that the child will become a dragon, if I see it, my mother should be relieved.

"When will the master set off to the Great World of Qingni?" The Bi Hun female gaze looked at Young Master Su with expectation.

"Qingne?" Su Jin remembered what Lan Yueya had said.

After half a month, there is a Daoist preaching in the great world of Chennai, and those who are fancy will have the place of "Qiankuntian". Su Jin is interested in "Qiankuntian".

After all, when Immortal Emperor Qingshuang obtained the Immortal Treasure, he cut off other cultivation bases and achieved himself. There is a mysterious place—

Now Bi Hun reminded that Su Jin could also see that this woman was also quite moved.

"There is plenty of time, it's too late." Su Jin wiped the wine stains from his mouth with his sleeve, showing a little calmness.

"Well, Qiankun Tian is very excited even for some Dao Venerables. Although we have a small chance, it is always good to give it a try." Bi Hun Female Venerable laughed.

"The Great World of Chennai is not far from our gods and the vast land." The Zen Snow Woman also said.


Su Jin was quite surprised. Although this woman was not reconciled to being a slave, she didn't even ask about the ‘God Heaven’s Land’ where she was, but now the other party’s confession really surprised him.

"I can't hide it from the master, so I can tell the truth." Chanxue knew that Su Jin was going to the Great World of Qingni. Naturally, he couldn't hide it at that time. It is better to talk now than then.

"What else did you not say?" Su Jin gave her a deep look.

"The opening of the universe is imminent, the Qingni, the gods and the vast land, etc., will jointly hold a grand event, because there are 500 places for the universe of the universe -" The Zen Xue female nodded.

Su Jin was shocked.

Hundreds of places!

It seems to be a lot, but at that time I don't know how many strong players in the world will be fighting. In this way, the chance of getting a spot can be described by the probability of winning hundreds of millions of prizes.

"At that time, the strong will be like a cloud, and the master must be careful--" Bi Xun said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm afraid I won't be able to count those who are better than the master, so be sure to proceed cautiously." said the Zen Snow Female Venerable.

Su Jin nodded slowly. In fact, he really wanted to ask what kind of existence was on the top of the "Shentian Haotu", but he would know what he should know. Asking Chanxue, she may not be willing to tell.

"You want to perish my heart for the great world. If I become the Six Dao Great Emperor, I will have some capital by then." Su Jin said without shy.

Zen Xue was silent, and she said for a long time: "The master's power alone cannot stop it. Some things are already doomed in fate."

"Then let go!"

Su Jin drank five drinks with sharp eyes.

Bi Hun female veteran looked left and right on the faces of the two of them, Su Jin's unyielding arrogance made the atmosphere a lot more embarrassing——

Time passed slowly.

During the period, Su Jin got up from the stone table, walked to the bow, looking for the direction of his mother. He was looking forward to it. If he didn't care about the safety of the women, he might have been on the road looking for it.

"Fairy Swan, you are really good-looking, and the clothes you wear are really good-" Tang Ying giggled as the women who had taken a shower came in front of the cabin door.

"Really? Why don't I feel it?" Fairy Swan looked at herself. She felt that Fairy Yanyun and Tang Yingjiao were good, and they looked as beautiful as they were when they dressed up.

"Don't believe me, let Brother Su take a look~~~" Tang Ying said.

Su Jin was already watching. When the swan fairy looked at her, her eyes met. The swan of the Star Emperor's family blushed, unable to resist the fiery gaze.

The swan fairy wears a plain white one-piece dress.

The tight belt between the skirts is like a finishing touch, showing that beautiful figure. She lived with her even and detailed long legs, her skirt was thin, and under all the wonderful combinations, her temperament was like a fairy, it was difficult to move her eyes.

"What do you look at? Don't look at it!"

The swan fairy had received a lot of attention, but she had never been so embarrassed, she glared at Su Jin when she said it.

Su Jin shrugged, a few delicate flowers, which branch should he break?

"The Swan Fairy is worthy of being Tai Fan's most famous beauty, and she moves the world beautifully when she hears of it when she is young--" Lu Yanyun sighed.

Others may not know very well, but Lu Yanyun was born in Taijingtian, adjacent to Taifan, the two big worlds are quite vast, but she still has heard of the beauty of Swan Fairy.

"Excuse me, the good name of Fairy Yanyun Lu's family has been passed on very far!" Fairy Swan said embarrassedly.

Su Jin's eyes lingered on the women, and went straight to the Swan Fairy, scaring her nervously, but then Young Master Su moved a step left and climbed onto Tang Yingjiao's fragrant shoulder.

"All rest early, and leave early tomorrow morning. Ying Jiao will go to rest with me first~~~" Su Jin said lightly.

Tang Yingjiao's face was red and red, and she immediately thought: Why me?

The willow waist touched like water, Su Jinneng held the side with one hand, Tang Yingjiao was embarrassed, blushing, and not compliant:

"Hey hey, Brother Su is good or bad, beat your chest~~~"

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