My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2037: Emperor lamp!

At this moment, Su Jin had no idea that Jian Eleven had found the Great Sovereign Head.

Yan Yan green and white clusters.

In it, people who don't feel can't describe the feeling of suffering.

Wandering too imaginary!

Su Jin is looking for the source of the sky and hellfire!

As far as fire is concerned, it can be divided into ‘flame heart’, ‘inner flame’, and ‘outer flame. The thousand-mile fire curtain where Su Jin is located is not even an outer flame——

The flame heart is the hottest, the inner flame is second, and the outer flame is the second. These clusters of fire are nothing but the heat manifested by the transpiration of the outer flame. The real ‘hellfire in the sky’ is absolutely terrifying!

"If the Alchemy Dao is able to collect the'Hellfire of the Sky', the alchemy technique can definitely be used to the fullest, this kind of flame tempering gods and furnace refining elixir is perfect."

In Su Jin's Divine Tour Taixu, he couldn't help but think of this situation, but unfortunately he only knows the "Hammer Pill" and is not very proficient.

Where is the hellfire in the sky?

In fact, it’s very easy to find. Su Jin has "Red Lotus Pure Fire" and is very sensitive to flames——

Vulcan Dao, Su Jin vowed to break through today. He hasn't had much time, and his sense of crisis will increase a bit sooner than "Six Dao Chengdi".


Su Jin closed his heart, and the tiger's eyes saw the ground at forty-nine miles away. There was a red mountain that melted for the most part. Leaning on the cliff, there was a cluster of cyan spiky **** floating in flames.

"I only have half an hour!"

Su Jin endured the pain and wandered around Tai Xu's ‘spiritual power’, turning into a fiery red figure, with red lotus purifying fire all over his body!

The last time he received the "Red Lotus Purifying Fire", Su Jin felt it was pure luck, but now when he encounters the "Sky Hellfire", he feels like he can't start.

Sent out the words of communication, this clear sky of pure fire did not even appear to fluctuate, if there was a fire spirit, it would not be like this——

But if there is no Fire Spirit, it can't be justified! In the end Su Jin came to the conclusion that this sacred fire didn't despise him at all, and didn't throw him away!

"Follow me, it's more fun than being here forever!"

"Follow me, I will take you to dominate the heavens and the world~~~"

"Follow me, the sky and hellfire will always be the first!"

"Fuck, your uncle--"

Su Jin tried his best to hook up, but to no avail, in the end he even scolded angrily!

"I can't take care of you, so you just stay here as rubbish! By then, my "Vulcan Dao" will be successful, and Honglian Jinghuo will crush you a few!"

After a word, Su Jin turned around and left.

Su Jin has no time to waste, he can't stay here for long, the sky and hellfire communication fails, and he can't get it!

Immediately, the state of being too imaginary, Su Jin's body opened his eyes, his face could not hide his disappointment.

Do you want to stop here?

Su Jin lifted his spirits, he drained all the distracting thoughts, turned his body into a stream of light, and moved forward at great speed.

"Failed, the sky hellfire failed to recognize him as the master." The gray-robed old man's face was calm, as if he had expected it.

"It's okay, the master is a person with great wisdom. He has broken two ways today, and he can't even think about it when he is another person." The Biyu female venerable secretly regretted it, but she didn't show it on the surface.

"Why go on after failure?" Tang Yingjiao didn't understand.

"He wants to rush through the first level. If he can do it, he won't have a chance to rush through the second level." The gray-robed old man shook his head.

Two hundred miles.

Four hundred miles.

Eight hundred miles.

Su Jin's face was pale, he was already unsustainable. Although there was hope ahead, it seemed to be an unrealized dream!


Su Jin exerted his full power to elevate Xiaoyao Streaming Light to the extreme. He had never been so urgent before, never!

Soon, Su Jin staggered, looking at the end of the thousand-mile fire curtain, and finally rushed over!


Su Jin was full of blue smoke and fell to the ground. Although there was a red lotus purifying fire to protect him, the level of hellfire in the sky was much higher. The two kinds of flames had their own magical functions. His Vulcan Way was not great and could not be resisted!

Trembling, Su Jin curled up on the ground, his divine body trembling slightly, but he still held his heart, the burning of the soul was particularly obvious in his heart.

Raise your head and look at the second level——

Su Jin's face was dumbfounded.

"What did my brother see?" Tang Yingjiao asked, she couldn't understand the sight of the gray-robed old man.

"The second pass, Dihe." The gray robe old man said.

"Huh?" Bi Hun was surprised and asked quickly: "Is it in the legend..."

"That's right, the big demon **** who entered the Mogu God Prison never escaped from the beginning to the end. These are the two outer barriers."

The gray-robed old man explained the confusion for the women, and continued: "Dihe is also known as the Rendihe. The requirement to cross is at least the'Emperor Realm'."

"Moreover, I need to light the human emperor's lamp." The Zen Snow Female Venerable seemed to understand more and interjected.

The gray-robed old man was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that the Zen Snow Woman would know such details.

What Su Jin saw was a blood-stained river with three yellowish boats along the river, and a paper lantern was hung on the bow of each boat.

"God thief! I'm not convinced!" Su Jin trembled all over.

There are a large number of suppressing emperor patterns in the emperor Hanoi, but the emperor cannot cross, the realm is limited-

Su Jin has never been so difficult. In the past, his realm was not enough, he could fight, but now he has no chance to fight!

The ancestral realm stepped on the three boats, without the emperor’s blood lighting the'human emperor lamp', the three boats would not drive!

Su Jinhong kept her eyes, shaking her body, and knelt on the ground, clutching her heart.

This scene really hurts——

"Mother! Son Cheng Liu Dao Great is just around the corner! Now incompetent, it is difficult to rescue you!"

Su Jin's face was mad and unwilling to say, "When the six realms become emperor, I will burn the sky with the emperor's blood and invite you back!"

Tears, perseverance!

Tang Yingjiao also clutched her heart and looked at Su Jin's situation, as if feeling the same, Su Jin shed tears of resentment.

Swan Fairy, Lu Yanyun, and Tang Yingjiao couldn't have tears in their eyes!

"Boom boom!"

Su Jin does not kneel to heaven or to the ground, it is his parents who are kneeling! A strong and practical forehead hit the ground, three rattles represent determination and cruelty!

The gray-robed old man was deeply moved, shook his head without saying a word, and watched Su Jin, who kowed his head in the direction of his mother, sat up, condensed his strength, and was obviously ready to return.

At half a time, Su Jin returned to his peak state.

It took Su Jin about half an hour when he left, but when he returned to a few people, he could not use a stick of incense--

"Is that the way back?" Tang Yingjiao asked disappointedly.

"Go back first, and then prepare to go to Qiankuntian." Su Jin made up his mind.

"Yes--" The Bi Hun lady is very much looking forward to embarking on the road of'universe.'

"Fairy Swan, you go to Taijingtian first with Fairy Yanyun, and wait for me to return." Su Jin's eyes were determined.

"From Qiankuntian back to Taifan?" The swan fairy's eyes lit up, she seemed to feel something, and asked, "Do you want to..."

Su Jin was cold, and dropped two words:

"proclaim oneself emperor."

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