My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2038: Yin and yang collapse

proclaim oneself emperor--

The two icy words made the swan fairy and other women's blood boil!

The gray-robed old man smiled bitterly, he finally knew why this little guy had killed the Emperor Brahma. When the Emperor died, the Emperor had no master!

"Su Jin, if you proclaim the emperor in Taifan, there will be a strong person who will not accept it." The gray-robed old man sighed.

"Who is not convinced?"

Su Jin glanced at the gray-robed old man, "If you refuse to accept, let him come to me—"

"Yeah, Brother Su's mother is you too Brahman. If you don't want your brother to be considered a half too Brahman monk, he has become an emperor in six ways. Who dares not accept it?" Tang Ying wrinkled her nose and said.

"The Six Dao Ancestors cannot become emperors--" The gray robe old man was ashamed.

"Fart!" Su Jin yelled.

When the two female veterans Bi Hun and Zen Xue heard Su Jin's words like this, their hearts trembled, and a layer of cold sweat broke out behind them, but Su Jin would dare to speak to the gray-robed old man like this.

But the gray-robed old man didn't seem to be angry.

"Once, in my longevity, I saw a Nine Dao Ancestor who was even more enchanting than you, and more confident than you--" The gray-robed old man looked at Su Jin with a calm tone.

"Then what about Grandpa?" Tang Yingjiao asked curiously.

"Dead—" The gray-robed old man said bluntly.


The women exclaimed. Although they had thought about it, the word ‘death’ was too terrifying. Obviously, the Nine Dao Ancestor failed and fell into the vast sky.

Su Jin ignored it at all. He has now taken two steps in the Six Paths. At the critical moment, even if there is no way, he will have a way out!

Absolutely, inevitable! Otherwise, death will not look down!

"I know you are very dissatisfied."

The gray-robed old man shook his head and said: "In this way, if you can really become the Six Dao Great Emperor, when you come to Taifan, I will support you to become the emperor!"

"Good!" Su Jin agreed without thinking.

The wish is good. Even the Zen Snow Woman who was taken as a slave girl wants Su Jin to succeed. After all, the Six Dao Ancestor's promotion to the Six Dao Great Emperor is unprecedented.

"I'll wait for your news--" The gray-robed old man took out a pot of wine and drank slowly.

The Six Dao Great Emperor was just a joke to this old man. In his long life, he has seen any kind of genius.

Now I can hear that there are not many alive!


When Su Jin was about to leave the Mogu God Prison with a few women, there was a trembling voice behind him.

"Get out!" The old man in the gray robe changed his face, and ran with a wave of his long sleeves, forming a green wind wall to withstand the fierce heat wave.

Bi Hun's daughters immediately retreated a long distance, before they had a lingering fear watching the sudden change.


Finally, even the gray-robed old man withdrew, wiped off the cold sweat on his forehead, and looked at where Su Jin stood--

Clusters of blue and white flames began to condensely entangled, and finally formed a chain of chains, surrounding Su Jin! Then every chain has a thick baby arm!

Su Jin cursed secretly. Before he threatened and lured him, he let the Hellfire of the Sky follow him in a good voice, worship him as the master, and help him become the **** of fire!

No success!

Now I am leaving, but chasing after me, it can be seen that I can't give the other person a better face!

"I have one called Vulcan!"

Su Jin looked at the hellfire in the sky the size of a jujube nucleus, and knew that it was the heart of the hellfire, and then he shouted, "Meet my way and help me break through!"

The blue-white flame heart jumped left and right beside Su Jin's mouth.

Su Jin suddenly understood, without any hesitation, he just opened his mouth and swallowed in——


Su Jin's standing body leaned back, and his whole body was covered with clusters of flames, and the ‘wheel of heaven’ behind him stretched 10,000 li!

One hour's refining time, in the Vulcan Dao, there are more blue and white colors between the red and red!

Su Jin's "Vulcan Dao" began to expand rapidly, and the rotation speed on the "Wheel of Secrets of Heaven" was also a little faster than before!

Put your hands together for one point-

Around a red lotus with tangled branches, a trace of green and white flames lingered!

Six ways, three steps have been taken after all! Su Jin expressed his pride!

The old man in gray robe was dumbfounded.

What about this kind of operation?

Can the sky hellfire follow so shamelessly?

"Perhaps, he can really become the'Six Dao Great Emperor'?" The gray-robed old man felt very ridiculous when he thought of this idea.

Bi Hun and Zen Xue, two female veterans, could feel the power contained in the lotus fire in Su Jin's palm at a distance.

It can be described as horrible--

Su Jin squinted his eyes, closed his palms, his terrifying temperament rose by three points, that was a mighty temperament!

In a moment, Su Jin walked to a few people.

"Senior, is there a long-distance teleportation gate here?" Su Jin glanced at the old gray-robed old man with a wonderful face.

"Yes." The gray-robed old man knew that Su Jin was leaving and began to lead the way.

After a while, under a red stone mountain, the wave pattern became intense.

"Senior, don't pass this." Su Jin accidentally discovered the star road imprint of China Great World and immediately bid farewell with his fists.

Lu Yanyun and Swan Fairy teleported to Taijingtian.

Although separated by the Mogu Sky Sea, the formation here seems to be more mysterious and can cross the past. After all, the big demon gods caught in Taijing days will be sent here through this formation.

Seeing Lu Yanyun and Swan Fairy disappear, Su Jin took the two female slaves and the music mm Tang Yingjiao left——


Time is long, when Su Jin and the four can look at things, the first feeling is that the wind is biting.

"This is the Northern Territory? But the Northern Territory seems to be colder than here..."

Su Jin looked around, a cyan mountain range stretched to the sky, the stars above his head shone, and the night outside the domain was still slowly.

"There is a small city ahead, let's go and see where it is." Bi Hun said.

"Brother Su, where is Beiyu?" Tang Yingjiao was confused again, not understanding.

"Go--" Su Jin opened a void passage, planning to explain to Tang Yingjiao again when he was there.

The city is not a city, but a more prosperous small town called "Lime".

The lights of Qianjia in Lime Town are just brilliant, and the town is hot and full of the smell of ‘hot pepper’.

Fire pepper is a kind of hot pepper, and the people here need two meals with this spicy ingredient.

"It's miserable, it's miserable."

There were cultivators on the street constantly, rushing to the gate of the teleportation formation, sighing while walking.

"Little King Jinpeng is eager for revenge. After refining an emperor Kunpeng, he returned directly and found trouble with the Yin and Yang family--" The monks whispered.

"First destroy the Yin Yang family, then the Mo family, and there is news that Xuanyuan will suffer because of this--"

"Little King Jinpeng is trying to force Su Tianzi to appear, and he is still talking, he must go ahead and kill Su Tianzi with his own hands!"

"The latest news, Yin Yang House has been wiped out!"


There was a monk who was afraid of Jinpeng, the little lord, and the trembling sound conveyed the news.

Su Jin froze in place, his brain was blank, and the Yin Yang family was destroyed? ? ?

"Not good! Go!" Su Jin's expression changed wildly, and he opened the void passage again, rushing to Yin Yang's house frantically.

Yin and Yang goddess, she can be well! !

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