My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2039: The Mo Family's Crisis (1/6)

When I first saw the goddess of Yin and Yang, I was still in those wonderful mountains——

The goddess loves black clothes and wears black veil on her face. Su Jin and her caught her the first time they met. The girl had a lot of temper.

People walked by strength, Su Jin thought he had seen a lot of beauties. But the style of the yin and yang goddess only made him taste special.

The key is that the yin and yang goddess cannot have an accident! Ge Xueyan and her have been in love with their sisters and have been with them for a long time!

"Dare to come and run wild! Labor and capital will take your skin off this time!"

Su Jin attached great importance to Sword Eleven. As for the little lord Jinpeng, to be honest, he still didn't look at him.


The vast midfield.

The night breeze was warm, and the star sky looked up to the south. At an angle of eighty degrees, a round of laurels and jade was as clean as a disc, sowing radiance, and there was a faintly long river of sparkling waves not far away.

The four Su Jin appeared from the void.

"Master, how come there are so many enchanting evildoers in your barren continent--" The lady Biyu pointed out.

"What's the answer to this?" Su Jin asked.

"Can the guy who can refine the Emperor Kunpeng be simple?" The Bixun woman was very shocked.

When they got here, Bi Hun and Zen Xue Nv felt ‘poverty’, and compared with the big world they were in, they were not at the same level.

In the big world where the two of them are, there are many spiritual flowers, and someone at home can occasionally catch a good quality ‘fairy medicine’, let’s not say it’s a fairy medicine here--

It is hard to find even a hundred years of panacea.

"Little King Jinpeng is my mortal enemy. Someone is helping him secretly, otherwise he can find the bones of Emperor Kunpeng."

Su Jin knew very well that the enemy was responsible for the rescue of Little King Jinpeng last time.

Thinking of this, Su Jin also smelled a tinge of blood, and his face was a little ugly, but looking at a hundred miles in the distance, that area was so full of flames that it was the residence of the Yin Yang Family!

The rumor is true, the Yin Yang family was destroyed!

Venerable Zen Snow Girl looked at the sea of ​​fire, her face was covered with different colors, even a little complicated--

"Sister Xue is unfamiliar with this place, isn't it?" Female Senior Bi Hun noticed Zen Xue's face and asked in a strange tone.

"Unfamiliar." The Zen Snow Female Venerable concealed the complex and different colors, but her heart was deeply entangled.

Even Su Jin didn't understand why Zen Xue was like this.

Of course, now the Zen Snow Girl is not the point. Su Jin unfolded the "Mahe Town Prison Eye" and looked at it with the ability of "anti-emptiness"!

Bang Bang~~~

The sight that manifested in his eyes was that the ancestor of the Yin-Yang family had fought hard against the little King Jinpeng to death by two shots, and was shocked into fleshy flesh, and then the huge Kunpeng broke the entire Yin-Yang family to pieces——

Turn into ruins!

Goddess of Yin and Yang and Song Xueyan?

Su Jin's face was cold. At that time, the goddess of Yin and Yang and Ge Xueyan were at Yin and Yang's house!


But the situation was not what Su Jin thought. The two women did not die, but were rescued, and he could not imagine the rescued person!

What was reflected in Su Jin’s vision was a erratic, erratic, dark car. There was a lamp in front of the dark car, and there was a golden mouse swimming in the lantern~~~

There was someone driving behind the yin car, the man with gray hair, holding a copper bell, and the golden cat eyes are very eye-catching!

As soon as the bronze bell shook, the goddess of Yin and Yang and Ge Xueyan were rescued into the Yin Cha...

Shuo Yi!

Su Jin was plunged into deep doubts. At the beginning, he entered the black dragon corpse boat from the wandering ancient continent together with this person, and then fought a fight on the fairy soil.

A bit resentful.

But since there is a grievance, why do you want to help him? It can be described as puzzling——

"The direction Shuo Yi is heading is Xuanyuan's house."

Su Jin was in a dilemma.

Because the goal chosen by Little King Jinpeng was obviously to destroy the Yin Yang family first, and then the Mo family, the Xuanyuan family was ranked last.

Immediately, Su Jin didn't intend to delay any more time, and rushed to the Baijia...Mojia Institution City.

At this moment, Jinpeng's little prince returned with strong revenge, and it has spread throughout the five domains. The cruelty of the method is heinous, and it is more than three points better than the previous Su Tianzi.

Mohist Institution City.

The wind was much stronger, and there were Mohist disciples holding swords or controlling organ beasts on the tower. There were as many as thousands of people densely packed. For a time, the wind rumbling, and the tension of swords and arms spread.

Not far away in the void, the little king of Jinpeng soars above the sky with the posture of'Emperor Kunpeng'!

"Mo Zu! Hand over your Mo family baby, I may save you from the Mo family's destruction!" Little King Jinpeng shouted loudly.

At the main gate of the gate tower, Mo Zu, dressed in a gray and blue Taoist robe, looked at Little King Jinpeng solemnly.

Hearing the request made by the other party, Mo Zu said without hesitation: "A few days ago, Xiaoyue went out to experience, and he has not returned yet. King Jinpeng's request is forgiven."

"Oh? Then you can know the whereabouts of Su Tianzi!" Jinpeng Little Prince was condescending.

It can be said that Little King Jinpeng now enjoys this feeling very much. Except for Mo Zu, the disciples of the Mo family are full of fear on their faces.

Fearing the strong, Jinpeng Little Prince knew that he was indeed invincible now. And the world is afraid of him, this is what he should be.

"Tianzi Su has nothing to do with my Mo family, how can I know where he is--" Mo Zu was very helpless.

The relationship is really bad.

But the key is that King Jinpeng can believe it?

The situation that caused the Jinpeng Demon Clan to be almost completely destroyed, wasn't it all caused by Su Jin? At that time, both the Yin Yang family and the Mo family were not treated lightly by Su Jinkeng.

"Well, you old man, I will cut you to death first, destroy your organ city, and then go to Xuanyuan to kill the goddess of Yin and Yang and destroy the Xuanyuan Clan!"

Little King Jinpeng said cruelly: "As for the emperor Su, I am not afraid that he will not appear. At this moment, an army of exterminators is coming to get rid of you humble and dirty bugs!"

Mo Zu was furious, his face was blue, this little king Jinpeng was even more than Su Jin, calling him an old man, and belittle the creatures on this continent——

Not only Mozu, but also human monks came to the scene, all in indignation.

"Damn the Jinpeng Demon Race, it should be destroyed!" A monk clenched his fist, angrily unable to himself.

"If we Su Tianzi come, we can beat you into a stupid bird!"

"What **** Jinpeng Little Lord, it's just a villain's ambition, I hate it, if I have the ability, I will definitely take my Beishuang knife and cut him into eighteen pieces!"

"Ah? Look! Mo Zu lied, and Mo Yue, the little baby of the Mo family, walked into the void--"

Suddenly someone exclaimed and lost his voice.

Sure enough, in the organ city, Mo Yue Miao was a smart figure, wearing a beige-pink temperament skirt, covered in a pair of blue and white striped socks under the knee, wrapped in moccasin boots.

"Xiaoyue! Go home soon!" Old Mo Zu's eyes were red. He didn't expect that Mo Yue would come out at this time, and he should have locked her up.

Mo Yue lowered her head, her big jewel-like eyes blinked slightly, she slowly raised her head, looked at Little King Jinpeng and said, "The person you want is me, let the Mo family go, I will go with you..."

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