My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2040: Are you so weak? (2/6)

"Mohist, my intention to extinction is gone--"

Little King Jinpeng put Kunpeng away, his eyes kept lingering on Mo Yue, and then continued in an evil tone: "Kneel down, Su Tianzi's woman kneels down and begs me, I will let the Mo Family go."

Very cruel treatment.

Tianzi Su is famous, if Mo Yue bowed down to the little prince Jinpeng, begging for mercy, it would definitely be a stain on Tianzi Su!

No matter what others think, Jinpeng Little Prince thinks that way, because he is now the superior!

"Children of the Mo family, don't be humiliated!" Mo Zu was about to be blown up with anger, and the green roared.

The entire Mohist institution city began to erupt like a landslide and tsunami:

"The descendants of the Mo family! Death will not be humiliated!"

"The descendants of the Mo family! Death will not be humiliated!"


The roar is condensed into a stream, and a huge conviction is condensing, Mohist! Unyielding!

More and more monks came around, and they all began to be affected by the strong morale.

A monk asserted: "Little King Jinpeng cannot let go of the Mo family. If it is not my race, his heart will be different! It is a monster clan, and how has the monster clan counted!"

"Yes, the Jinpeng clan has never been able to see our human monks. Don't expect them to keep their promises!"

"What is the ability to bully a girl?"

The scene was full of hustle and bustle, and it was all about crusade against the little king Jinpeng, but they could only be called out, and they didn't even bother.

Mo Yue's delicate body trembled lightly, and her hair accessory was surrounded by a circle of colored spar jewelry headbands, those spars shining from time to time against the moonlight—

"You will be my concubine with me from now on, and I and your Mo family are a family."

Little King Jinpeng smiled weirdly, "I have refined Emperor Kunpeng, let alone Su Tianzi, even the emperor, I can fight to death and become my cheap concubine, and your Mo family will enjoy the supreme glory!"

"I..." Mo Yue's eyes were filled with tears.

The root cause of the Mo Family’s disaster is actually part of her responsibility. In fact, she really wants to explain because she only worships Su Jin and regards him as an idol.

The two had nothing at all, and Emperor Su had never said that he liked her.

"Illusive concubine! I still don't answer! Believe it or not, I slapped the Mo Family's organ city into ashes with one palm!" Jin Peng Xiao Wangye shouted impatiently.

In the eyes of millions of cultivators, Mo Yue's knees were slowly bent under the gaze of the eyes, and she suddenly moved her gaze back to the face of Little Prince Jinpeng, and said, " not agree!"

"Looking for death!" Little King Jinpeng was furious.

But the next scene surpassed everyone's expectations, including Little King Jinpeng!

A giant Buddha's palm in the yellow color of the Buddha appeared directly without warning, and instantly grabbed Mo Yue in his hand and captured it!

Countless shocking eyes, looking up at the sky, the dull expression, has become a common situation for millions of monks on the scene!

On the palm of the giant Buddha, Tong Yan Moyue Miao Qiao's body rolled twice before her face turned upward, her face full of excitement——

Just now, due to the strength of Jinpeng Little Prince, Mo Yue had no choice. She wanted to do whatever she wanted, but the sound transmission that appeared in her ear made her excited and hard to herself!


The Moyue idol, who made the whole Mo family puzzled at the beginning, was shocked!

Behind Su Jin are three beauties of the national level!

"I just heard you say to accept her as a concubine." Su Jin calmly raised his head and looked at Little King Jinpeng and asked.

"Tianzi Su! You finally showed up! The humiliation of Ximen, the homicide of the family! Today is to smash your body for thousands of pieces, it is difficult to calm the resentment in my heart!"

King Jinpeng's eyes were red, and the whole person was in a crazy state. What he was looking for was Su Shao——

"Are you worthy of her?" Su Jin ignored it, wiping his fingers on Mo Yue's smooth face.

Mo Yue was very aggrieved, staring at Su Jin blankly, unable to help himself, sobbing.

How did King Jinpeng insult her just now?

Cheap concubine!

Hundreds of dignified scholars, the No. 1 ‘Mo’s baby’, the little princess, has ever been humiliated in this way? But now, Emperor Su of China uses'matching' to fight back against Little King Jinpeng.

Mo Yue, how can you not be moved?

"It's just a woman, I can't get what I want now!" Little King Jinpeng was excited, his eyes with contempt.

Su Jin pulled Mo Yue up, looked at the little King Jinpeng indifferently and asked, "I just heard you say that you have the ability to kill the emperor with a blow?"

"Yes, are you afraid? You will have nowhere to escape. I will let you suffer endless pain first, and then kill you--" Little King Jinpeng's tone was cruel.

"Very disappointed, are you so weak?" Su Jin said calmly.

Mo Yue:...

Mo Zu:...

The eye-catching millions of monks:...

Su Jin's madness made Mo Yue incomprehensible. When Mo Yue was in the Organ City, Mo Yue got news that Little King Jinpeng instantly destroyed the Yin Yang family.

According to Mo Yue's estimation, Su Jin hasn't been so strong yet, after all, the resident of Yin Yang Family is no less than a big city.

"Little King Jinpeng is now able to claw a **** city, causing Yin and Yang's family corpses to spread across the country and become a ruin. Why is Su Tianzi still so powerful?"

Finally, in the silent crowd, someone couldn't help but talk.


Someone irritated: "Besides, Little King Jinpeng obviously didn't use his true strength. He refined the skeleton of an emperor Kunpeng, and Kunpeng technique has surpassed Su Tianzi too much."

"In this confrontation, it is estimated that Tianzi Su will be suppressed and escape with difficulty—"

"Let's take a look again, we Zhongyu can't let the monster race go wild here!"

Many people present are complicated and inexplicable, and they have all kinds of emotions and thoughts, but there is one thing that is undeniable that the current little king of Jinpeng is so powerful!


Little King Jinpeng's stern gaze, like a steel pin, made people afraid to look directly.

"Huh! You Su Tianzi will take advantage of your tongue. In fact, you are using this method to hide your fear of me—"

When he said this, Jinpeng Little Prince thought he could see through.


Suddenly, Bi Hun female veteran covered her mouth and laughed out loud. There are so many fools on this barren continent, there are so many idiots! Will the owner be afraid?

Zen Xue was very worried, she lowered her head and didn't know what she was thinking, she didn't seem to pay attention to the battlefield.

"You retreat." Su Jin showed a little face and said to the lady of Bichen.

"Sister Xue, retire--" Bi Xu Nv. Reminded Snow Nv. Zen and reminded her.

Su Jin frowned slightly, and Zen Xue's behavior was a little weird, but he couldn't ask carefully now, and his sharp eyes collided with that of Jin Peng Xiao Wangye!

"Today, King Jinpeng killed Su Jin, and the Great China World will no longer have the Son of Su!"

Little King Jinpeng is ready.

An arc stretched out from the corner of Su Jin's mouth, "If you are so obsessed with clan extermination, then I will give you a ride and reunite with your ancestors and ancestors——"

Suddenly, the two people who were still standing still disappeared in place and rushed towards each other!

This battle is not your death! It's the shocking struggle of my death!

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