My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2041: Normal operation (3/6)

The two are rapidly approaching--

One is the Jinpeng Demon Clan, who refined the Jinpeng Little Prince who obtained the'Emperor Kunpeng', and the other is Su Tianzi, who is in the limelight for a while. Which one is stronger?

Regardless of the differences between races, both are the pinnacle powerhouses of this continent. Before the real move, who can suppress the other, or two.

The little king Jinpeng charged into the sky with a fighting spirit, raising his arms when he flew, and the whole person was wrapped in a blue shadow Kunpeng, showing his powerful and domineering power.

And Su Jin also raised his fist, as staunch as him, and directly rushed over——


The opposing winds formed by the two forces appeared in two-color arcs directly between the fists, and the void where the two were located was shaken into a black void zone!

Little King Jinpeng was ecstatic in his heart. He was not sure about the battle against Su Jin. Before him, Emperor Su had used his ancestor to fight the emperor, and he had more than one head of the emperor!

But now, the morale of King Jinpeng has greatly increased. He believes that his power is not inferior to Su Jin at all, and even has a slight advantage!

"That's it? You are really not good--" Su Jin has no pressure.

Actually quite curious.

At the west gate of Huaxia City, after being rescued, the little King Jinpeng has been trying his best to show up until now, and Su Jin also wanted to see the power of Emperor Kunpeng.

But the power displayed by the little King Jinpeng now really disappointed him.

Little King Jinpeng saw that Su Jin was still stubborn, and he was about to fight back. As a result, between the colliding winds, an unimaginable force suddenly gushed out, and directly shook him away!


Regardless of whether it was an early arrival or a monk who had just arrived, there was a sound of exclamation in the eye-catching scene!

The little King Jinpeng was shaken off, but Su Jin didn't move. Who is strong and who is weak can be seen at a glance——

"How could it be!" Jinpeng's little lord was about to split his canthus, his eyes were bloodshot, he didn't believe it! I don't want to believe it.

Also shocked were the two important Mohists, Mo Zu and Mo Yue.

"Emperor Su is no less than ten times more tyrannical than at that time!" The old face of Mo Zu was surprised.

ten times! Ten times!

How is it possible!

If it weren't for Mo Zu's exclamation, who would be convinced? Even Mo Yue's big eyes, like gems, were dumbfounded and incredible.

"Brother Su, he, he--" Mo Yue, who used to have a lively character and articulate, stammered.

"Little sister, stay calm, do it normally." Bi Hun looked at the Mo family's little baby with soothing eyes.

Normal operation?

What happened to Brother Su these days? Mo Yue couldn't figure it out.

Little King Jinpeng hadn't recovered yet, he looked at the blood on his right fist with bloodshot eyes.

Just after seeing each other, King Jinpeng found himself injured! Refining Emperor Kunpeng, his indestructible Kunpeng was actually injured!

There is nothing more overwhelming and piercing than those three words: bad?

"You...say it again!" Little King Jinpeng fell into a violent state, staring at Su Jin, his voice hoarse suppressed.

"Are you shameless--" Su Jin asked bluntly.

As I said long ago, what Su Jin valued most was the Great Sovereign King Sword Eleven, and if the guy on the other side was replaced by that guy, he might be more serious.

Little King Jinpeng looks like a fly in Su Jin's eyes now, a foul-smelling fly. If he doesn't send him back to the West, he may learn from himself in the future, and destroy this and that.


"My Kunpeng emperor's body, one technique can gain the sky, you should be so despised of me! Good! Good! I will let you die under my real Kunpeng technique!"

Little King Jinpeng's hair is loose, like a madman, Su Jin is too hateful, he is the most hated and hated enemy in his life, and there is not one of them!

"I just used 20% strength just now, and I haven't even reached the warm-up. It's a pity that you are not a great king, but it doesn't matter, if he appears in front of my ancient devil emperor, he will also be hammered."

Su Jin's frenzy is unabated, regardless of the damage caused to the audience of Brother Yunyun.


Su Jin had just used 20% of his power after shocking Jinpeng's little lord?


"Boom bang bang—"

Under the clear silver moon, the sky and the earth seemed to be transformed into an ancient swallowing beast, as if alive, with a heart beating strongly.


A layer of red ripples rippled in the void, and Su Jin was tens of meters around his body, shrouded by a violent ape's body, and that violent ape's red hair was like a steel needle.

Not only that, the Scarlet Ape roared and cracked the sky, two arms like mountains, holding two mountains!

That's right!

It is the "Ancient Mountain" and "Jinlai Mountain", these two magic mountains have become the most popular weapons of the violent ape, and they continue to output pure magic energy!

Little King Jinpeng's face became stiff and extremely gloomy. A layer of green mist loomed over his body, and a muffled hum was heard from the mist.

Countless lightning bolts were mixed in the faint light, and a cyan Kunpeng was floating in it, looming!

The appearance is Peng, the hidden is Kun!

The Mohist Institution City was full of wind and thunder, like a catastrophe, as if the disaster might come down at any time.

"Tianzi Su, you will die with this blow from me!" The voice of the little king Jinpeng spread through the ears of the monks.

"Not bad--" Su Jin said those three words again.

Su Jin knows the'kunpeng technique' very well, knowing that the art of fighting the sky is the state of'kun'.

And the little King Jinpeng has indeed reached the current state of the strongest Kunpengshu.

But Su Jin thinks he is stronger!

In the blue mist, thunder and lightning flickered, and Peng Ying no longer manifested completely, and replaced by a fish-like ‘kun’!

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

That kunfish, unexpectedly without warning, went beyond everyone's expectations, turned around and ran away——

"What? Run!" There were many spectators whose eyes were about to fall off.

"Hahaha! I laughed to death, this little prince Jinpeng put on a posture, and ran away desperately when he tentatively discovered that he was impossible to defeat Emperor Su!"

"Be scared, Su Tianzi really scared us a lot~~~"

"Tianzi Su is really amazing, I want him to marry me—"


There are many people who read jokes, and there are many beautiful women who commit nympho, but who knows him? Now he is very aggrieved. He thought that the refining emperor Kunpeng bones would be able to kill Su Jin——

Don't know!

I don't know that this opportunity that Tianzi Su did not know where to get, not only did not become weak in a short period of time, but it was many times stronger than before!

bitter! The little prince feels bitter!

Who wants to be jokes by everyone pointing at the spine? Fleeing in embarrassment?

Mo Yue and the other women looked dumbfounded, but Su Jin didn't have it at all. Although I didn't count it, there was a chance that the other party would flee before.

"Did you run away? Die!"

Su Jin yelled, raised his arm and waved, the violent ape transformed by the ape-strike technique, immediately shook his arm and threw the "Ancient Mountain" towards the little King Jinpeng——

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