My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2043: Play alone! (5/6)

Stinky lady——

Smelly mouth?

Although many people have become accustomed to Su Jin's domineering style, they are still stupid.

Su Jin was not only slapped by people, but it was tantamount to giving Yuanshi Great World a resounding slap! As for the Yuanshi female realm master, does Xiaozui smell like~~

Of course there is!

The Yuanshi female world lord Tankou had a scent, which no one tasted. Before this world lord was elected, she was already a famous beauty.

"Su Jin, grandma has done it with you!" Yuanshi's female realm master started to splash, she had no scruples, and she went crazy and wanted to tear up Su Tianzi.

What is the Yuanshi female world leader afraid of?

The previous generation had urged her to abdicate long ago. She was so useless to break the position of the world master, and she didn't need to suffer this humiliation if it was inappropriate!

Su Jin saw the Yuanshi female realm host rushing, and the coldness in his eyes suddenly appeared——

Such a fierce situation, the murderous intent is already revealed, Su Jin dared to guarantee that if the original female realm master had three steps close to him, he would directly cut it off!

Not to mention three steps!

The female realm master directly stopped the momentum, and did not dare to step forward. Seeing Su Jin's cold eyes flashing, she only felt that her soul seemed to be frozen, murderous.

"Just the despicable means used at you, I can't kill you a hundred times, but I didn't do that."

Su Jin then said coldly: "Keeping you, it's not about pitying and pitying jade, but for keeping your eyes open, looking at you, how can I destroy the big world!"


Madness without halving!

"well said!"

Around the organ city, the support of the monks sounded.

"Tianzi Su still has to deal with it, this Yuanshi Realm Master is good at everything, but his heart is too vicious."

The speaker was a young man who was about twenty years old. He was clinging to the "green snake picture fan" at the moment, his white eyes disappeared, he seemed to have spiritual pupils, and he was staring at the Yuanshi female realm master.

The femme fatale, luxurious clothes, covered her pretty waist, and wore thick black boots. The fruit game Jinlian is very charming.

It's a pity that I can only look at it. I want to go there once, and it is impossible to realize it.

Although the Yuanshi female realm master didn't dare to do it, but now she is dependent, her face is not good, and she has some impulsive words: "Still dreaming of your spring and autumn dreams!"

The war hasn't really started, the incident has intensified, and the air is full of gunpowder.

The humanoid stone statue mighty, seemingly unwilling to waste time, said: "I am Pang Chong, the "Huang Tianhou" of the Chinese royal family. I will not deceive your younger ancestors and younger generations. You are a wasteland monk, and a few people will fight!

"I am enough!"

Su Jin's eyes swept away, deterring the three thousand stone ancestors, but this was the Emperor Tianhou from the Chinese royal family, he was alone in dealing with it, not sure, not to mention there is hidden power.

There is also Sword Eleven.

"Wait! And I—" Mo Zu walked into the void.


The daughter-in-law of Xuanyue of the Xuanyuan family, with her graceful grace and a few elders, came with her Xuanyuan family, as well as the two elders of the Yaochi Holy Land!

King Kong Xianzu and Beidou Xianzu!

In the void, Immortal Ancestor King Kong is carrying the one-meter-long white fairy gourd, standing with Immortal Ancestor Beidou!

Su Jin looked at Xuanyue's grandfather, her heart was greatly shaken, her white robe was holy, her complexion was like a bright moon, her face was firm, and her eyes were filled with heroic pride--

The reason for the shock was not because of the beauty of Xuanyue's grandfather, but because she was carrying a very unique sword.

All eyes witnessed, Xuanyue daughter ancestor took down the sword.

"Emperor Huangquan borrowed the treasure of our clan and cut off the heads of many foreign emperors! Suppress countless evil spirits, and the catastrophe has arrived, and no one can be alone. Today, I hold the treasure of the clan and want to kill him. Chenghe!"

Xuanyue daughter ancestor... Killing intent!

Su Jin couldn't help but look at her a few more times. When she broke open her'universe in the sleeve', her childhood passed away. Xuanyue at that time already worshiped the emperor very much.

"Xuanyuan Clan's Treasure?"

Some people cried constantly, "Could it be Xuanyuanjian?"

"Xuanyuan's sword shocked the evil spirits. With this sword, Xuanyuan has been in prosperity for many years, and is still the top of the hundred schools of thought on the bright side!"

"Many people have rumored that there is no sword in the Xuanyuan family, and the legend is false! But the birth of the real Xuanyuan sword means that the Five Realms have no more peaceful days—"

"My ancestor realm comes again, ah? Is he that strong ancestor?"

Many people were attracted by the loud voice.

Su Jin looked at the great power of the Ancestral Realm for the first time, and when he knew the person coming, it was inevitable that a trace of sourness appeared in his heart.

The man looks handsome, holding a scroll of Buddhist scriptures in his hand, with a cold face, he is from the realm!

Once he said: I don't go to hell, who goes to hell!

He once said: When all beings are exhausted, Bodhi will be realized! The **** is not empty, and you will never become a Buddha!

Here comes the Ksitigarbha king who wants to survive all the suffering!

Only the Ksitigarbha King appeared in the territory, coming alone, and the scene made Su Jin's heart sad. When Dawei left Pluto, he was later confirmed to die. The pressure of Ksitigarbha can be imagined.

"This ancestor is the Ksitigarbha king who is admired by many people and has immense merit!" A monk was silent.

The Ksitigarbha king stepped into the void and stood side by side with Su Jin, without saying a word, but his posture was already clear.

Su Jin did not say hello tacitly, but his eyes brightened and looked far away. It turns out that more than one ancestor in our domain has come here!

"Little friend, don't go in a hurry last time. I never thought of seeing you again today, it will be like this."

The visitor turned out to be the Holy King of Lama in West Desert! No, it should be called the Holy Ancestor of Lama now, this ascetic who has attained Buddhahood not long ago, became an ancestor!

Su Jin put his hands together, talked a few words, waited a moment, no one came again!

At the scene, my domain ancestors were in depression, and the enemy not to mention world realm and emperor realm killers, even the stone ancestors had 3000! how to spell?

"The catastrophe, the real catastrophe of the world." The male Xiu bowed his head in shame, and now he felt that he was no longer a human, but a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Flee, while you still have some belongings, hurry to hide in trouble—"

"The disparity in strength is too great, even if we have Emperor Su, it's hard to support a single tree!"

"We are looked down upon by the outside world, don't blame others, it's that we are useless, it's that we don't live up to it, a few ancestral realms are not enough--"

At the scene, a female cultivator cried as she talked, crying very sadly. Many male cultivators also had red eyes and squeaking fists.

The tears of the weak are worthless in front of the strong! On the contrary, people will look down even more!

The oncoming wind became stronger, and the scene was silent for a while.

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he made a decision and said calmly: "None of you should do it, I will play alone—"



Bi Hun was covering her small mouth, knowing she heard it right!

Chanxue lowered her head and buried her pale pretty face in front of her. She bit her lower lip with her teeth, and then made a plan that she didn't even know her fate. She walked to Su Jin's side and said:

"You can catch me, threaten them with me, and they will give in—"

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