My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2044: Dreams pass (6/6)



Who is Zen Xue?

However, Chanxue's unexpected behavior did not win Su Jin's applause. On the contrary, Su Tianzi's behavior was even more unexpected!

"Get out!" Su Jin waved his arm, and the furious mood was written on his face along with the thunderous shout.

Zen Xue originally thought that Su Jin would be ecstatic, and would go crazy if he was happy, but Zen Xue, who was so black and cursed by Su Jin, who was as strong as a female respect, was instinctively scared a few steps away!

"And you! Take it and get out! Give me a non-stop roll!" Su Jin shook his hand and waved two drops of oath blood, and also shouted to the Bichen.

Bixun's feminine body trembled, a look of fear appeared on her face, and she swallowed, shrinking her neck slightly.

Zenxue's brain was blank. After she was awake for a while, she took her oath of blood, squeezed her mouth tightly, and finally covered her with her hand, and flew away into the void.

Su Jin was unprecedentedly angry.

What the royal family of Shenzhou, the person who came is the birthplace of her Zen Snow Woman, the vast land of Shenzhou!

outsider! Always an outsider! He Su Jin, the dignified five-domain Su Emperor, is it that under the gaze of millions of people, she threatens others to let them go?

As for the noble status of the Zen Xuenuo, he is no longer interested, vowing to return the blood and give her freedom! No longer has nothing to do with him!

Su Jin's anger remained undiminished. In the eyes of Bi Hun and the other women, he seemed to have changed a person. At this moment, he raised his right arm, extended his index finger, pointed at the enemies in the country, and roared:

"You dogs! Let me go!"


It is said that the Zen Snow Girl ran through the void, and she sobbed until no one was there.

"You think I'm really willing to be a slave! I'm dignified, I'm dignified..." The Zen Xue female choked, "I'm not rare!"


To be able to cry a female dignity, even the Zen Snow Woman feels very absurd, but she just cried, I don’t know why, and I can’t tell why!

"Even if you take three steps out of the six realms, what can you do? Your six realms will always be limited to the ‘Ancestral Realm to the Peak’. You can’t become the Great Six Realms, so why should I use myself as a bet to help you!"

The Zen Snow Girl is really wronged!

Then why is Su Tianzi so annoying, he is so angry! Mad! Zen Xue was stomping her feet.

"Is the oath of blood false? Passed the hands and feet?" Zen Xuenuo wiped away her tears, looked at the blood drop in her hand, and finally confirmed that it was true.

In the distance, there is already a sword, light and sword shadow, killing sound trembling!

Venerable Zen Snow Girl pouted, turned around and looked over, thinking in her heart, to see how you die--

In the battlefield, Pang Chong sent three thousand stone ancestors to see how this little beast responded!

The monks who watched the battle on the spot, all became angry and cursed, too shameless, who can beat the three thousand ancestors! This is simply a hooligan style of play!

But Su Jin has already rushed into the "Stone Man Ancestor" with 3,000 troops lined up!

Juque held it in his hand and smashed a stone man ancestor, and his backhand smashed the other!


The'Giant Que' created by Hei Xuan Long Iron, is simply indestructible, and Su Jin's blessing power directly stabbed another stone man ancestor to the heart!

Whoosh whoosh~~~

The corpse cicada flapped its wings and turned into a shadow light, repeatedly traveling through the fallen stone ancestors, devouring and returning Yang blood!

This kind of stone ancestor is very special. It does not support the ancestral world, but it is obviously stronger than the ordinary ancestors who support the ancestral world.

Crushed stones are mixed with bones, and they are constantly being chopped off. The blood of ancestors is like rain, spilling into the sky!

Ten or a hundred ancestor corpses, mostly smashed to the ground!

When Huangtian Hou Pang rushed to see this, he had a black face. Although the vast land of God and Heaven was vast and rich, with celestial essence everywhere, and powerful, each stone ancestor grew up, it was very laborious and difficult to grow.

In a blink of an eye, two hundred and thirty-nine stone ancestors were damaged!

Pang Chong was still able to sit still at first, but seeing Su Jin getting more and more vigorous, he was depressed. What was going on?

After a quarter of an hour, five hundred ancestor corpses lay on the ground! Huangtian Hou Pang Chong can no longer calm down, absolutely can't let him kill again——

Su Jin's clothes are stained with blood spots. These stone ancestors are not easy to kill, and their defense power is amazing. It is estimated that they can survive the emperor realm without damage. His vision and Vulcan Dao can't have very good effects.

Only brute force!

Very tired

"Quickly retreat~~~" Huangtian Hou Pang Chong, tugging at the corners of his mouth, making it difficult to breathe with heartache, stood up from a sitting state.

The body is as large as a hill, and when the serpentine stone arms are unfolded, it is three miles long!

Su Jin raised his head. This Emperor Tianhou was at least the world realm, and the world realm he encountered the most was the Batiandu, but this man was many times more powerful than the Batian!

The gap is like the feeling of looking up at the stars on the ground when I was a child!

"Come on, two tricks." Pang Chong waved his hand at Su Jin.


Su Jin's eyes became fiercely red, and the fiery eyes turned into two pillars of fire to penetrate the void, and illuminate the past!

Huangtianhou Pang rushed to the front of the snakeskin stone arm, his big hand opened, and the two pillars of fire swept across it——

Su Jin was stunned.

Didn't even penetrate? Depending on the situation, is it still easily blocked?


Pang Chong's huge head nodded, "Yes, not bad."

Seeing that a blow could not be achieved, Su Jin ran into the void for a few steps, leaped over Pang Chong, raised his sword in both hands, carrying the momentum of cutting away the mountain, and struck down!


The Juque Saint Soldier didn't even cut off a white seal, and at this moment Pang Chong's stone arm, shaking without warning, swept over Su Jin's body!


Su Jin was smashed into the air, and a **** arrow squirted out. His face was full of disbelief. This person is right in the world, but he is too strong!

"Not dead?" Pang Chong was very dissatisfied with his attack, and even looked at the stone arm with suspicion. Finally, it was suddenly that this young man's body was powerful.

Pang Chong immediately raised his stone arms, Su Jin, in a seriously injured state, was even more difficult to resist...

At this moment, on a colored boat in the clouds, a white figure disappeared at an extremely fast speed! He hugged Su Jin's waist while he was on his back.

Pang Chong scratched his fingernails--

Su Jin's face was splashed with blood! Stupid.

Who... dissipated the smoke and loosened the ties? Listening to the string broken, broken those three thousand obsessions?

"Sister Meng!" Su Jin yelled hoarsely, his eyes didn't blink, how could he believe that Sister Meng would appear and take the blow?

I regret it!

Su Jin regrets it. Not long ago, he doubted Sister Meng and asked Sister Meng if she would kill him——

Miss Meng's lips trembled slightly, her voice resembling a gossamer: "Early summer, I used to say that I... stay lonely."

"I was wrong! I was wrong!" Su Jin panicked, completely panicked.

"I say--"

Miss Meng was weak and exhausted, and said in a faint mosquito voice: "I said, I am not lonely, and my suffering is not suffering. I, in my heart, have you alone, already... Enough, enough, lively, busy..."


After speaking, Miss Meng suddenly dropped her hand.

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