My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2045: Dead lips and cold teeth (1/6)

The chakra of time seems to stop at that moment--

The entire middle domain seems to be quiet and terrible.

It's that: The chill is sad, late to Changting. At the beginning of the shower, holding his hand and looking at his tears, he choked silently.

The dream is broken, but people don't want to wake up for a long time. This is a situation that no one wants to see. Su Jin is heartbroken. The cemetery tomb on the Ancient Star Road, the 80th coffin is the Dream Girl.

Now the girl in his arms is also the dream girl, Su Jin's two words "I was wrong" are words of awakening from the heart!

Does it matter who is true and who is false? Sister Meng will never harm him, knowing this is enough, but now it is too late to wake up, it is too late to apologize!

There are tears on his face--

Endless flow, all sadness!

"Ah~~~" Su Jin face the sky, open his mouth and roar, sadly rushing into the sky!

be quiet!

Except for Su Jin's melodious roar, there is no other voice!

Soon Su Jin had no sadness or joy on his face, and some were all hate!

Quietly, a half-handed black boat appeared in Su Jin's palm, and he blew it lightly, and he placed the dream **** it, remembering all the past, as if flying away with that black boat.

The dream flies-

"Huang Tianhou" Pang Chong failed with a single blow, and just instinctively withdrew his hand, his face was very disdainful.

Su Jin sent the Nine Elephant Flying Boat to the Ksitigarbha King. He didn't move because he still had to fight!

"I, Su Jin, have done everything and spared everything. I will leave you all alone today! You, all must die—"

Su Jin was seriously injured, but was not dazzled by the anger, instead, he was very clear in his heart.

With his current strength alone, Su Jin must die, but time does not wait for him, the only possibility is to break through. If he fails, he will become benevolent!

breakthrough! He wants to break through!

The Buddha Dao of the King of Life and Death, the Dao of Ancient Demons, and the Dao of Vulcan have all reached the top of their ancestral realm, reaching the point where the three ancestors are all involved. If there is no limitation of the six ancestors, these three daos may already be great emperors.

Su Jin still has the three ways of immortality, ghost, and holy. If he does not break through today, everyone here will probably die, and the catastrophe may crush the great world of China like rolling wheels——


All the great royal families of China who came here will die here?

"Master--" Bihun's eyes widened. Although she was returned by Su Jin, she hadn't accepted the oath that came.

"The ancestral realm still wants to kill the royal family of the vast land of China, and I don't know how to die." The Zen Xue female is now full of grievances and complaining, staring at Su Jin.

Then there was doubts on the face of the Zen Snow Female Venerable, and she looked at the dream **** the black boat, "Who is this woman? Huang Tian Hou Pang rushed quickly. According to the distance, I can hardly block the blow for Su Jin... …"


In the crowd far below, the goddess of Yin and Yang and Ge Xueyan were standing in front of a strange and mysterious dark car.

Standing next to the yin car was Shuo Yi with gray hair and cat eyes.

"You ask me why I have to save you two since I have a grievance with Tianzi Su. I didn't answer at the time--" Shuo Yi calmed down and took the initiative to raise the matter.

If it hadn't been for Shuo Yi, the goddess of Yin and Yang and Ge Xueyan had already been caught by the little prince Jinpeng, and the fate could be imagined.

Now the attention of the goddess of Yin and Yang is on Su Jin, and she has not yet come out of the destruction of Yin and Yang's house just now.

"Why?" Ge Xueyan asked.

Shuo Yi said indifferently: "Under the cover of the nest, there is no end to the eggs. My grievance with him is not irreconcilable, but it is still a small grudge. Compared with the hatred of the country, resisting foreign enemies, it is not worth mentioning."

Ge Xueyan suddenly came across.

It is nothing more than a word: the lips are dead and the teeth are cold!

Under the big right and wrong, small grievances and disputes are just child's play.

"Fight, how does he fight." The goddess of Yin and Yang couldn't think of any possibility that Su Jin would survive, and she became worried.

On the side of the Great Sovereign King Sword Eleven and Yuanshi Female Realm Master, there was a sneer on their faces. People from the royal family of Shenzhou did not have to work hard. It was enough to witness the fall of Emperor Su.

Next, Su Jin's actions were unexpected.

Even "Huang Tianhou" Pang Chong feels that this kid is a little big!

Su Jin was sitting cross-legged in the void with a badly wounded body. The face of the hill-like body was a little angry. Does this kid know who he is facing?

The millions of monks who were concerned about the fate of China at the scene did not know at this moment whether Su Jin would die in Pang Chong's next attack!

"Little Ancestral Realm, it is really rare to be able to cultivate to your level."

Pang Chong said, shaking out the serpentine stone arms and mastering them into a fist! With this blow, he was going to kill Su Jin!


Suddenly in the middle area, exclaimed--

Just now Pang Chong caught a beauty with a single claw, can Su Jin survive this attack?

Weird, weird! The stone arm had been reached, Su Jin did not know if it was the cause of the serious injury, but he had not yet made a gesture of resistance. This was confessing his fate and giving up hope of survival?

Su Jin closed his eyes, and when the rock arm swung towards it, his hands clasped together without rushing--


A group of Buddha Huang wrapped Su Jin and turned into a golden body!

Huang Tianhou Pang Chong somewhat despised Su Jin with this punch, thinking that it was enough to kill Su Jin, but when this blow hit Su Jin's body, it was like a big bell!

"Golden body!" Huangtian Hou Pang Chong's expression was wonderful, and his heart was unbelievable.

Su Jin unfolded his golden body and took this blow. The situation excited the five-domain cultivators in the audience——

"Golden body is invincible, at least the defensive power has reached a terrifying point. We, Su Tianzi, are really powerful." Some monks were excited.

"The true strength of Su Tianzi may not be fully utilized. He is very powerful in Buddhism and Taoism. Not long ago in the Western Heavenly Buddha Kingdom~~~" Someone began to talk about everything they had heard.

"Is it possible to use the King Buddha of Life and Death to fight the Emperor Pang Chong?"

"Yes! Su Tianzi is invincible, especially Su Tianzi in an angry state, invincible!"


The Zen Snow Female Venerable heard Su Jin's prestige from a distance, and suddenly babbled again and again, telling the truth: "It's just a desperate struggle. Even the golden body has been used, which is obviously delaying time."

Nervous, Zen Xue looked a little anxious, she even ignored why she had such emotions, she took the oath blood back, should have left, she had nothing to do with Su Jin anymore!

In this situation, the Zen Xue Nu Zun didn’t even notice it, why would she be like this~~~

Su Jin, in his golden body, was still aggravated by the shock caused by the shock, and his lips were bleeding——

The pupils did not open, but at the center of the eyebrows, the wisdom Buddha pupils were mysteriously revealed, and they opened suddenly!




Great Leiyin Temple!

Daxiong Hall!

The Sumeru Bodhi Temple was manifested, especially the Great Hall of Heroes that shocked people's hearts. In the middle of the three halls, a hundred thousand-li Buddha ladder was descended——

Pang Chong's terrifying body was suddenly beaten by the Buddha shadows on both sides of the Buddha ladder!

"Damn it! I'm going to cut off everything from you, cut off your nine families and eighteen generations!"

Although Huangtian Hou Pang Chong didn't feel much about this kind of attack, his identity was here, where should he put his face?

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