My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2060: See you (4/5)

In Tantai Yudie’s boudoir, there was a layer of broken things on the ground. After the bad guy left, she kept falling--

Three words: you can't.

It made Lan Yueya as embarrassed as it was. He couldn't help clearing his throat and said, "Let's talk about the situation first. Who destroyed the front hall of Dachang Mansion?"

"An ancestral realm badass." Tantai Yudie said angrily.

"Ancestral Realm--" Lan Yueya took a step back with his scalp numb.

If he hadn't been notified, if Brother Midnight was not in this'Junwang City', Lan Yueya couldn't think of any Ancestral Realm who would dare to do so.

"Yeah, he still called me sick, and my whole family is sick." Tantai Yudie became angry, with a savage expression on her face, very cute.

"And then--" Lan Yueya smiled bitterly.

"He had a fight with Zhang Rong's old butler, and I helped him at the loss." Tantai Yudie became more and more angry.

"Did you die?" Lan Yueya's face was full of exaggerations and reminders.

Tantai Yudie's eyes widened, how does she feel that Brother Yueya is weird?

"Death is not dead, but my face is lost." Tantai Yudie muttered.

"Fortunately!" Lan Yueya suddenly slapped his thigh, said decisively and with great momentum.

"Brother Yueya, what do you mean? Let others be prestigious and destroy our aura, you quickly call grandfather back, this young lady will kill him." Tantai Yudie crossed her waist.

Lan Yueya sweated wildly, and explained: "Brother Midnight is an extraordinary move, sister Yudie, don't panic, I will take you to find him later, will you accompany him? The front hall is ruined, and my brother will pay to help you build — —"

"Do you know him?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Apology, apology? Those that don't exist, must be killed..." Tantai Yudie choked first, and she was afraid that Su Jin would run away.

Lan Yueya sighed, and continued to comfort sister Yudie, while faintly worried in her heart. Beforehand, he saw the Zun Xue Nu Zun in Wuxian City. She and Brother Ziye seemed to be incompatible.

What should I do now?

In the end, Lan Yueya comforted Tantai Yudie and asked about the final process, but it turned out to be because of the registration, which really left him speechless.

"Come to Junwanglou." Su Jin finally found Lan Yueya and transmitted the sound to him.

"Go, apologize." Lan Yueya said.

"I'm not going, he scolds me."

"Change me, I will scold you too, hurry up—"


In the end, Tantai Yudie was taken away by Lanyueya from'Dachang Mansion'. This misunderstanding must be explained clearly, otherwise, let alone Tantai Dao Zun who can't get through.

This Palace Master Dachang, Tantai Yudie's father, is very difficult to reconcile clearly.

Lan Yueya knows Su Jin's potential well. If he becomes the ‘Six Dao Great Emperor’ in the future, it’s simply--

In no time, Jun Wanglou.

"Hey, let's see who's here." Su Jin got up from the pavilion on the top of the restaurant, and the folding fan of the mountain **** Dachuan map flicked slightly.

"I have seen brother Midnight." Lan Yueya clasped his fists and saluted, with a polite and polite personality that made people look at him.

"Little villain, I won't apologize to you, you have to die."

Tantai Yudie bulged her cheeks, after looking at Su Jin, she said straightforwardly, turning her face to the side after speaking.

Su Jin:...


I didn't ask her to apologize. It must be Lan Yueya who called. This man has a good temper. No wonder he can eat anywhere, even this young lady from the Tantai family is familiar with it.

"The registration matters are all misunderstandings, and I can arrange it. The last time I left, Brother Midnight's cultivation base became stronger and stronger. As expected, Yueya was very happy to come to the appointment." Lan Yueya laughed.

"Brother Yueya is polite." Su Jin nodded.

"In Wuxian City, a place to live has already been prepared, but--" Lan Yueya hesitated.

"What's the problem?" Su Jin saw the problem.

Immediately, Lan Yueya said that it was inconvenient and clear that he told Su Shao listen to the fact that the Zen Snow Female Venerable had asked him whether he had come or not, and reminded Su Jin that the Zen Snow Female Venerable had a great origin, very, very big.

Su Jin's pupils shrank.


Seeing the mysterious appearance of the Blue Moon Cliff God, Su Jin became curious, there are hundreds of immortals supporting skirts? Even the Taoist priest of the Three Steps of Heaven, waiting for him?

When facing the mighty army brought by the emperor Pang Chong in the Mohist Institution City, the Zen Snow Female Venerable once asked herself to hold her back, saying that Pang Chong could be retreated...

At that time, Su Jin felt that the Zen Snow Girl had an identity, but why did a person of such a big identity place a clean world ant? Do you have nothing to do?

Seeing Lan Yueya's embarrassment, I was naturally afraid that the two of them would have a conflict, and he called him, so...

Immediately, Su Jin showed the pictures of the mountains and rivers and said, "Go to Wuxian City."

"As long as Brother Midnight feels okay, then there is no problem." Lan Yueya nodded.

"I want to go too." Tantai Yudie quickly said, she couldn't let this opportunity go.

Lan Yueya nodded helplessly.

Su Jin decided to set off immediately. He didn't feel the slightest regret about the money he spent staying in the shop. When he reached his level, the spirit crystal was already useless.

But Su Jin yearned for that Wuxian City, he knew that if he wanted to get the qualification to go to the universe, he must go!

Qiankuntian was blown away very divinely, and Su Jin bet on it. If he couldn't break through, he might never break through again.

Not long after, Su Jin pulled Xia Yuyan, together with Lan Yueya and the others, walked into the teleportation formation that came, and quickly disappeared—


Wuxian City.

For those who have come for the first time, it is undoubtedly quite impactful. The transcendent city seems to be built on the clouds, and the thick fog is like a river, rolling forward——

Below the fairy hall, the jade stairs stretched far, but on the edge of the huge platform in front of the fairy hall, several figures appeared. It was Su Jin and others who had been sent from Junwang City.

Xia Yuyan and Tang Yingjiao had a panoramic view of the beautiful scenery, music mm Tang Yingjiao sighed again and again, and her excited little faces blushed...

This immortal palace has been built for countless years, but I can't see its top when I look up. It is so brand-new as if it had just been repainted yesterday.

There are many zigzag jade bridges in the clouds and mists leading to it. At the invitation of Lanyueya, a few people stepped onto the jade bridge in the clouds and walked to the huge building not far away.

"It's called Wen Dao Lou, it's named for the breakthrough of the deadly strong man." Lan Yueya introduced.

"From what realm, what realm to break through?" Su Jin suddenly asked.

"Three steps of the heavenly path, breaking through to the divine path." When Lan Yueya spoke, he looked respectful.

"I say that the Three Steps of the Heavenly Path is the ultimate, and some people suffered a mysterious situation when they broke through the Three Steps of the Heavenly Path, which led to their fall." Su Jin said.

Lan Yueya had a weird expression and shook his head, "In fact, God does not allow the heaven-defying monks to break through the three steps of the heavenly path. If the three-step heavenly path is strong, he will be cursed and he will undoubtedly die—"

Su Jin thought about it carefully.

It seems to be such a thing, but the divine realm, for him, is beyond reach!



Su Jin noticed someone's gaze, and couldn't help but look at the "Viewing Terrace" not far away.

Four eyes meet——

It was actually the Zen Snow Woman.

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