My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2061: I will cut him for you (5/5)

View the rooftops.

It is being built on the Blue Moon Cliff not far from the residence prepared for Su Jin.

Guantiantai is actually a platform for admiring the sea of ​​fog. A road extends from the main hall to the end of the passage that is more than 100 meters away.

This is a clash between eyes!

Su Jin held his pocket, showing no signs of weakness! He really felt the difference between the Zen Snow Woman.

The rich and honorable bright red dress, the complexion like snow, wearing a golden phoenix crown, smeared vermilion lips, the temperament is more than ten times higher than when she was a slave of Su Jin.

Although he didn't speak, the contest between the needle tip and the Maimang made everyone on the scene feel a chill——

"Unexpectedly, you would dare to come here." A cold voice came from the Zen Snow Woman.

"Disappointed you?" Su Jin said lightly.

"Come here, you will fall here, and no one can save you." The Zen Snow Female Venerable responded.

"Then wait and see, when I become an emperor, it will be a disaster for your gods and vast earth, and when I am not an emperor, your gods and heaven will be a disaster for me."

Su Jin had planned like this a long time ago. If he didn't become an emperor, his life would be exhausted. It would be better to do something meaningful, such as cutting into an enemy camp. If it is Chengdi, hehe, then it will be interesting——


Seeing that Su Jin is still dreaming, the Zen Snow Girl sneered: "The Six Dao Ancestors are already at your limit, and the exhaustion of your lifespan is your end."

Su Jin clenched his fist and slowly closed his eyes.

No one is in the fall of the Yizu realm, and I hate that I didn't become the Six Dao Great, otherwise this woman would have long been in his knees.

How could there be this ridicule.

Mouth can't represent everything, only a real fist can make others respect you! The world is knocked down by fists, not by a mouth!

Therefore, Su Jin is naturally at a disadvantage when facing the Zen Snow Female Venerable at this moment, because he is indeed the top of the Six Dao Ancestors, and there is no sign of breakthrough!

Seeing Su Jin's appearance, Xia Yuyan felt a little pain in her heart. Her husband has been so powerful that he has never been said this before, but it is only temporarily into a predicament.

"Go--" Su Jin opened his eyes and recovered indifferently without looking back.

Lan Yueya sighed in her heart, and when she walked a little far away, she said, "I have consulted several Taoist priests about your situation."

"Oh?" Su Jin glanced at Lan Yueya.

"They all only said two words." Lan Yueya said.

"The word?"


What Lan Yueya was telling was the truth. Although there were many ancestral realms and holy kings in the Qingni world, there were not as many emperor realms as Su Jin thought. It shows how difficult it is to break through an emperor.

Not to mention the limitation of the Six Dao Ancestors, it is even more difficult to break through, and it is unimaginable.

Su Jin laughed. Although he knew that there was little hope, only he knew his situation best. It was not without a chance.

Besides, who is optimistic about Su Jin's rise?

Lan Yueya took a few people and continued to walk to the prepared residence. During the period, the northern clouds rolled, Xia Wei descended on Wuxian City, and I don’t know which might have come—

The atmosphere became very dignified, Lan Yueya was very busy, and left after making arrangements, leaving Su Jin and others here.

When they left, Lan Yueya also took away the Tantai Yudie, after all, the Taoist priest of Tantai was also in this city.

"Who is Zen Xue?"

Bixun has always wanted to ask, but because she saw that Su Jin was not too happy, she didn't say anything, so she asked boldly now.

"Lan Yueya didn't talk about it." Su Jin shook his head.

"That big sister is really annoying, I believe that Big Brother Su will definitely be able to break through." Tang Yingjiao has been with Zen Xue Nu Zun, and now she feels aggrieved.

"Don't worry about me, the scenery here is good, go for a walk." Su Jin said.

"How about you?" Xia Yuyan asked worriedly.

"Practicing--" Su Jin nodded heavily.

Others don't like him, think there is no hope, not afraid!

The most terrible thing is that I have lost hope!

The Biyu female veteran knows that Su Jin's time is precious, and the few of them are disturbing here and adding to the chaos, it is better to let Su Jin calm and calm, thinking about how to take this step.

Outside the room, a maid whispered——

"I don't know what Master Yueya thinks, he actually called an ancestral realm a brother, and arranged to come in for us to serve." A maid curled her lips.

"Who can understand, we are also grandparents. Although we have determined that it is impossible to become an emperor, it does not look like a big person."

"I heard that Master Yueya was looking for the Hallmaster, and after all pleadings, the Hallmaster agreed to let an ancestral realm live in."

"Yuehua Hall, Ancestral Realm is only worthy to come here as a slave, he is the first~~"

Acrimonious, mean, ridicule, ridicule, all appeared in the mouths of several maids.

Su Jin listened completely. This hall is uncomfortable!


Su Jin slammed his fist on the table, and immediately his eyes were full of coldness, and his body was full of unyielding temperament, and then he sat cross-legged.

Since I think I can't break through, I am a young ancestor! Come on then! All difficulties come!


Time is lingering. On the viewing platform, the sun gradually dimmed in the west, and the skirt of the Zen Snow Girl spread out on the ground of the passage. She had been sitting here for a long time.

As if feeling movement behind him, he turned his head slightly to the side, and then resumed his original movement, looking at the evening dusk.

"Master Chanxue's arrival made me ecstatic. I have prepared an immortal banquet in my temple. You..." The visitor is a middle-aged man in his thirties with a respectful face.

If anyone saw it, he would definitely be shocked. This person turned out to be the Lord of the Yuehua Hall. He has been at the pinnacle of the world for 900 years and is a famous person in Qingni.

"Go--" Chan Xue Tan opened his mouth lightly, and said only one word, unparalleled coldness.


Hallmaster Yuehua flushed, arched his hands toward Zen Xue's back, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and moved backwards. After a long walk, he dared to turn and leave.

Who can understand the state of mind of a beauty?

Chanxue was very upset now. When she came before, she wanted to see Su Jin afraid of things and didn't dare to come, and she also hoped that Emperor Su came here to make a fool of--

Anyway, it's very complicated. Earlier, Su Jin confronted her and talked about it. Now she is in a very bad mood. Even if there are endless scenery in front of her, she has no intention of looking at it.

"It's okay to come—"

Chanxue narrowed her eyes and muttered to herself: "Serve you as the Lord for a few days, it seems to be my future demon karma, if you don't die, I can't get rid of it..."

"Cousin Chanxue, I have been looking at you for a long time, why have you been depressed?"

Not far away, there was a young man full of evil spirits, wearing a luxurious robe, with a cap on his head covering all the parts above his nose, he seemed to come from the nether.

The pace is not fast or slow.

The Zen Snow Girl frowned slightly, "You just came here—"

"Let me first guess why you are in distress in your heart." The evil voice of the youth.

"Before I'm mad, you quickly get out of it." The Zen Xuenuo didn't seem to like this person.

"I'll cut him for you, now." The young man raised his head.

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