My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2066: Fierce battle (5/5)


The purple and white thunder shining in all directions, dyeing the sky brightly, Ji Wujie gently kneaded his hands in front of him, and his whole body rippled continuously as he merged into the void.


Apprentice Chi Wu roared, his whole body was born with dragon scales, which were black and blue!

After the roar, he turned into a real dragon, swimming in the sky--


The big raindrops began to drift down, scattered large clouds and fog, and the heavy rain poured down so that people could not open their eyes. It could almost be described as a violent storm.

"Nine Changes of Heaven--"

Su Jin's heart was calm, but because of this, there was a wave of waves, and he muttered to himself: "Is the first change a real dragon?"

In fact, Su Jin also has a trick, Zulong Tianshu! The mystery is also infinite, but the red stone dragon that manifests itself is not real, but this witch is very much like a real dragon.


Purple and white lightning fell on the mountain, and destroyed the entire mountain.

When the mountain is gone, it is naturally empty. Su Jin didn't even move. The wind and rain from the sorcerers could not touch him!

"Are you looking down on me?" He He Longming, wandering in the void, rumbling voice fell to question.

"You're so glass-hearted, I'm watching Shabi playing with these pediatrics, but you think I despise you—"

Su Jin felt that he was a good person, it was difficult to face anyone.

"Then you will take action, I want to behead you upright, and take your head to meet your cousin!" Facing Su Jin's indifference, the Ji Wujie roared angrily.

In the past, who would not kneel down and begging for forgiveness for the person that the wizard of Chi wanted to kill, but this person was calm and composed, and he was really expected to be unable to kill? He will kill!

"Since then, Zen Snow Girl has lost a sissy cousin in the world." Su Jin smiled coldly.

"Sissy? You're looking for death!" The sorcerer Chi has started to go crazy, roaring again and again.

Long shadows spread out on his black and blue dragon body, showing the extent of the rage!

Su Jin suddenly attacked.

Sitting in the void, raised his head and raised a red lotus, green and white lotus core!

"Drink!" Su Jin felt that his power was overwhelming, and he couldn't even control it. He instinctively wanted to vent it.

With Su Jin's burst of shout, almost at the same time, Su Jin's eyes were red, and his golden eyes directly turned into two pillars of fire, spraying over!


The emptiness turned into red and black lava patterns, and the black and blue dragon scales all over the body of Ji Wu Disciple gave out waves of Dao marks. The two pillars of fire surprised him!

Because when fighting Palace Master Dachang, Su Jin didn’t use this ability either.

"Red lotus purifies the fire!" The wizard Chi's tone changed sharply, "No! What kind of strange fire is this, and it looks like a sky hellfire!"

Chi Wu disci's heart was like a steel needle poking, and it was stinging extremely. Fortunately, his realm was high. After he got rid of this feeling, although the influence was still there, it was not so tyrannical.

The scene is grand!

Originally, the wizard of the pool turned into a dragon, and the dragon's posture was already extremely horrifying. The two pillars of fire seemed to burn through the sky, which can be seen from far away!


Many people noticed the palace in the distance, including the Zen Snow Girl!

The plain white skirt is like an immortal, the Zen Snow Girl is hunting, standing on the top of the palace, looking at the grand scene in the distance, naturally knowing that the two have handed over.

"Who, who is fighting?" After feeling the shocking weather, there was a strong emperor, and his face pale in surprise.

"At least it is the confrontation between the world realms, and we cannot participate!" There are strong emperor realms communicating.

"What kind of flames are those two pillars of fire? I feel that if they are so far away, they will instantly turn to ashes--" the emperor asked with a trembling heart.

"I have a technique called'Mirroring Method', and I will not only use it, will I be condemned by the seniors."

"It's that midnight..."

The scene in front of the palace group was stunned.

Su Jin moved a few positions, Xiaoyao Xianbu made people confusing, but his eyes were so fierce that he really hurt!

The Venerable Zen Snow Girl didn't care much on the surface, but she was staring at her tightly, and she felt a little nervous. Palace Master Su Jin could be injured. Can the Wizard of Chi kill him?


Without a bottom.

The uneasy feeling in Zhan Xue Nu's heart became more and more intense. She wasn't worried about her cousin Chi Sorceress, she was anxious that this person would die, but Su Jin was a major concern.

"Nine changes and the second change!" Although Ji Wujie knew that it would be troublesome, he didn't expect to fall into a passive position when he started fighting.

Immediately, his head was not eliminated, but his body spread out waves of terror.

The blood-colored mirror-like Kui beast condensed in the fluctuations of the dragon's body. The dragon-headed sunflower beast, with its seven orifices growing with blue smoke, the body is blood-colored and transparent, and white clouds are manifesting and floating on the body——

Immediately, Su Jin backhanded the Juque Saint Soldier out, and uttered softly: "Sword Song!"

Red Lotus Sword Song!

In the ancient Xuanming, there seems to be a faintly sad song.

Who buried the sword, buried the sword in the deep pool, the holy way was hopeless back then, the sword turned into a longing~~~

Bang bang bang bang--

With a sword song, a thousand miles above the void, suddenly began to descend a sword mountain, each sword mountain is transparent and white, and the sword body above it is swimming!

Every sword mountain, either slanted or upright, is the size of Linxiao!

The sacred and domineering glow radiated from every sword mountain, illuminating Wuxian City!

That scene is no different from the feeling of the ruins of a **** war!

"So strong!" There was Emperor Realm at the palace gate, looking up at the manifestation scene, and couldn't help being horrified.

"This technique is too strong. If we ten emperors join hands, can we survive in that sword formation?" There were ten emperors in a group, dumbfounded.

"In private conversations before, you said that Palace Master Dachang was injured because of carelessness. Do you still think so?"

"too frightening!"


In front of the Yuehua Hall, Biyu Nuvun, Xia Yuyan, Tang Yingjiao, and Huanzhao Taoist were all watching this scene!

Xia Yuyan was very excited, her own man was obviously stronger than her opponent, this sword song, played a super demeanor!

Even Huan Zhao Dao Zun couldn't help but nodded slightly.

Su Jin is rampant, and even more unreasonable. The shaman in the pool wants to take his head off and dedicate it to the Venerable Zen Snow, but has the shaman in the pool ever thought about whether he can go back!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Su Jin screamed again, and the giant **** he grasped trembling slightly, every sword mountain that fell, instantly traversed nothingness, turning into a shadow mark and merged with the giant queer's body!

Now it's hard for Su Jin to rush over. The Giant Que Saint Soldier is blessed by the Red Lotus Sword Song, and the person who directly dragged him is cut off!

The Chi Wu Disciple was frightened by the momentum, and the Juque Saint Soldier did not dare to take the edge, but this sword was so fast that he could not imagine it!


The wizard screamed, and the entire dragon head and beast body began to turn into a black cloud, and the purple and white light inside began to shine quickly.

"Nine changes and third changes!"

"Nine changes, fourth change!"


In the end, the Witcher Chi, who was seriously injured, directly superimposed the Nine Transformation Heavenly Skill to the Ninth Transformation! He roared again and again, not like a human voice, he wouldn't stop if Su Jin was killed!

However, Su Jin spit out blood violently and fell from the void, kneeling to the ground in a supporting posture——

Seeing the manifesting scene, Xia Yuyan felt a pain in her heart, panicked, and had a premonition.

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