My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2067: Nine changes to the 梼杌 (1/6)

How can Xia Yuyan not panic--

Su Jin and her came here, and they were not familiar with each other. Even if he was just a small ancestor and was degraded by others, in the Great China World, how did he counsel anyone?

In her eyes, Xia Yuyan clearly saw that Su Jin was very indifferent, and she didn't know what happened.

"It is already very difficult for the Six Dao Ancestors to be able to fight to such a degree." Huan Zhao Dao Zun praised.

"A few days ago, he was taken away by Shouyuan by the celestial daoist of the vast land of God, and his weakness should have been caused by the exhaustion of Shouyuan." The Bichen female respected the truth.

"Huh?" Xia Yuyan was stunned.

Su Jinwei told her about this. When he fought Palace Master Dachang at night, the other party also said that his life was exhausted, and Xia Yuyan felt strange at the time——

Huan Zhao Nu Zun nodded slowly, she couldn't even see the problem that even Palace Master Dachang could see at the time.

But at this moment, the Zen Snow Lady's eyes lit up, and Su Jin was no longer as strong as before. This is good news for her. I really hope that the Ji Wujie can take this opportunity to kill him.

Over the battlefield!

The momentum was rumbling, the purple and white brilliance in the black cloud became stronger and stronger, and the faintly terrifying beast roar passed down——

Shock all directions!

Su Jin panted, his face was unyielding, and his eyes flashed a cold light!

The black cloud began to shrink in a state visible to the naked eye. Within five thousand miles, it seemed that there was a ‘very fierce’ aura that directly caused the birds and insects to disperse!


A behemoth, shattering the void extremely sharply, roared at Su Jin——

Su Jin was stunned. What the **** was this ninth change of Wizard Chi?


"This kid's Nine Transformation Skills can really reach the realm of transformation." Huan Zhao Dao Zun was secretly surprised and already recognized the identity of the other party.

When she saw the behemoth, Biyu female venerable exclaimed: "Mythical beast Yinglu! This person who used the method is Chi Wujie, and his ninth change is Yinglu!"

"What?" Tang Yingjiao only saw that Big Brother Su was a bit dangerous, but she didn't know what she meant by 梼杌.

Female Bi Hun took a deep breath and said:

"It is recorded in the Western Wilderness Classics that in the Western Wilderness, there are beasts, which are like tigers with dog hair, and are thousands of feet long. The human face, tiger feet, and the mouth of a pig are eleven feet long and the tail is eleven feet long.梼杌."

"I don't understand--" Tang Yingjiao shook her head.

"It also has two names.'Audience' and'Difficulty' are one of the four fierce beasts." Bichen said, worrying about Su Jin.

"The more power he uses, the shorter his life span." Huan Zhao Dao Zun said something that suffocated the women.

Su Jin is fine now.

Of course, this is just what he thinks, because when this happens during the practice, it is better to rest for a while, although he also feels that he does not have much time.

The Ji Wu disciple's ‘Nine Transformations’, in addition to the alternative beast body, the long purple and white hair on top of his head fluttered backwards, and when he succeeded, he carried the sky shaking and roared and charged down——

Su Jin wanted to dodge, but the opponent's speed was too fast!

As a last resort, Su Jin slammed his sword and ran into that terrifying fangs!


Su Jin was directly shocked!

The situation is worrying. If Su Jin is not taken away from the Shouyuan, this witch cannot be his opponent at all, and this person is just a magical technique.

Not necessarily stronger than Palace Lord Dachang——

Su Jin steadied his figure and fell to the ground. He immediately drank without hesitation, holding the sword and piercing the Giant Que Sword to the ground!

Bang bang bang bang!

Under the tumbling clouds, the seven-colored soil layer was like an earthquake, and it was lifted away fiercely. A blood-colored violent demon ape, carrying the "Ancient Mountain" and "Jinlai Mountain", manifested!

Su Jin wants to make magic with magic!

When the ape-strike technique violent ape manifested, Su Jin's hair had faded a little while being visible to the naked eye, and a little gray, and using his strength, it would indeed make him live longer.

Of course, Su Jin could no longer be scrupulous.

The Nine Changes is indestructible, the huge body does not affect the speed, and it can be said that it has almost no shortcomings. Now that Su Jin is obviously weaker than himself, he attacked again!

Su Jin did not retreat but moved forward, taking a step forward, the Scarlet Violent Ape grasped "Ancient Mountain" and directly slapped the imposing Chi wizard!


The Ji Wujie could have avoided it, but when he noticed something was wrong and wanted to avoid it, that Gu Xiangshan brought all sorts of suppressive mysteries, and directly hit its head!

Seven colors rose up--

In those palaces, everyone has been dumbfounded.

"The two mountains, what are they going to do, they can hit the middle of the bridge!" The emperor was anxiously communicating.

"It's not clear, but the demons above are surging, and it doesn't seem simple--"

"I have traveled to Taijingtian, and I have heard that there is a modern and ancient demon in the Mogu God Prison, who holds two mountains, ancient and present. This is similar to what I heard."

"I wonder which of the two is better-"

The exchanges continued, but the battle between Su Jin and the Chi Witch had already reached a fever pitch.

Although the Nine Changes 梼杌 was brought into the soil by the town of ‘Gu Xiangshan’, the fierce beast rushed out again, without any injuries!

There was a ruthless light in Su Jin's eyes, and he threw out "Jin Lai Shan". After his recent contemplation of these two mountains, he found that each had its own magical effect.

The ancient mountain has the ability to grind the flesh, and this "Jinlai Mountain" is a must-have. After being hit, the soul will be shaken up. If it is a weaker enemy, it will definitely be destroyed by being hit!

Bang bang bang!

The ancient mountain and the present mountain alternate constantly. In a dozen breaths, it has been hit more than 20 times, and more than half of them have been hit!

"Impossible! How could I be beaten like this by you!" The wizard Chi was frustrated to his death.

Nine changes to the 梼杌 has no weaknesses, but "Nine changes to the heavenly power" does have a duration. Every second, his body will become weaker. The number of hits only increased in the end!

When he came, Ji Wujie never thought of this--

"It's like this? Your fate is far more than this." Su Jinmeng raised his arms.

Although the Ji Wujie’s Nine Transformations were huge, the two magic mountains, ancient and present, were directly controlled by Su Jin’s violent apes, and they were thrown away together!


The terrifying 梼杌 was suppressed by the two mountains, and no sound was heard.

In this scene, the Zen Snow Woman who was watching frowned.

In the surrounding palaces, there were sounds of wonder everywhere, and only two magic mountains manifested in the scene, and I didn't know what the situation of the witches of the pool was.

"Huh? Not dead?"

Su Jin was quite surprised, this wizard really resisted beating! When he moved the two magic mountains, the Ji Wujie was no longer in the state of nine changes, his situation was really miserable——

Qiqiao's nose and mouth kept bleeding, and the whole body staggered up.

Su Jin's face was ruthless. When he reached his level, he still didn't know if he could live, and what would he dare not do?

Immediately he disappeared, and he swung his sword.

The head of the witch of Chi was thrown into the sky again and again, Su Jin jumped into the void, grabbed his hair fiercely, and under his head, blood poured down!

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