My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2068: Unexpected arrival (2/6)

Domineering and sharp!

Su Jin carried the head of the witch of the pool, and still faced the palace group, because he knew that the Zen Snow Girl was definitely watching at this moment, and she was demonstrating to the other party!

"Following the injury of Palace Master Dachang, he decapitated the head of the Ji Wujie again!" There was a strong emperor trembling.

"Strong, this person, who of you knows the way, the ancestral realm can emit such incredible power, it is unimaginable."

"I heard that he is the ancestor of the Six Daoists, and he has broken through to no avail-"

"Ah? Six Dao Ancestors? It's a pity, this kind of genius can only be restricted to the ancestral summit, and God won't let him break through."

"Definitely, but with this combat power, it is no longer incomparable to me."

As soon as there was a cry of exclamation, a group of red lotus clean fire gushed out of Su Jin's hand, directly burning the head of the wizard of the pool to ashes. This kind of person is indeed powerful.

However, there is still some distance from Palace Master Dachang!

If Su Jin hadn't been taken from the Shouyuan, this wizard would have been cut to death without injury, far less pressure than Palace Master Dachang.

Killing the witches in the pool, after the demonstration, Su Jin snorted coldly, took the giant sage soldier on his back, and continued to go north. He had just been struggling for a while, and was affected by the coming pool wizard.

He can only find another mountain to practice, and the most recent time is critical to him.


Xia Yuyan's anxiety was a little calm. At this moment, she was speechless and was happy for Su Jin. At the same time, she was a little worried.

Su Jin Shouyuan was taken, and the situation was very serious, but Xia Yuyan didn't know how serious it was, besides, her hair had turned into greyish hair.

It really made Yuyan's wife feel distressed.

"If he uses his power again, I'm afraid it will be in danger. I think he should know it himself." The Bichen sighed.

In fact, Bi Hun is also quite unwilling.

Su Jin's situation is getting less and less optimistic, which makes her very entangled. Bi Hun was actually a bit gambled, she bet she didn't look away!

After all, the Zen Snow Female Venerable has already opposed Su Jin. If the master does not break through, her life will not be better after death.

"Standing on this kind of Taoist companion, haven't you thought about leaving him?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun looked at Xia Yuyan and asked with a serious expression.

In Huan Zhao Dao Zun's cognition, Su Jin, the Six Dao Ancestor, is incurable and terminally ill. Xia Yuyan has a secret worry on her face. Even if she worships herself as a teacher, she has to let her man decide.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun was incredible and did not understand.

"Leave?" Xia Yuyan was startled.

"Yes, you have a few brothers who are outstanding, the best among the monks, if you are interested--" Huan Zhao Dao Zun hasn't finished.

"It doesn't exist." Xia Yuyan shook his head.

"You can think about it. They are all dragons among people, cultivated as evildoers, and you will die soon." Huan Zhao Dao Zun said.

"I don't want to worship you as a teacher—"

"Well, I won't mention it, don't mention it." Huan Zhao Dao Zun was ashamed, and his inexplicable thoughts were always lingering in his heart. This is a difference in understanding of concepts.


The sky was dim, and in addition to the misty colors reflected in the clouds, the wind was a bit biting.

The day is still quite warm, but the season here is already cool autumn.

Su Jin went fifty miles north, found a desolate mountain again, and sat down on the top of the mountain.

Whether it is Dachang Mansion or Zen Snow Woman, as long as you send someone to come, he will cut one! What he was going to go on was to kill him, he was not afraid of challenges!

In the bone ring, on the picture of the goddess holding the lotus, the figure shook, and Miss Liu Changjia said at this moment: "I suggest you find a place to hide."

"Hiding? That's not me—"

"Don't go into a fight now, don't just run out of life and die before you break through." Liu Changjia's voice floated in his ears.

"Hehe, do you feel that I live in hiding? There are many three-step powerhouses here."

"Well, but I'm very curious, why didn't they come to kill you?" Liu Changjia asked.

"It's very simple, there is no reason to kill me, just take that Dachang Mansion Tantai Dao Zun for example."

Su Jin paused, and said, "First of all, I am only the Six Dao Ancestor, Palace Master Dachang, the son of Dao Venerable Tantai. I am defeated first, so I am not glamorous."

"I understand!"

Liu Changjia felt that Su Jin was really smart, and said: "The son of the world realm is defeated by you, the three-step Taoist priest, if he wants to kill you again, I am afraid he will lose his face in the world!"

"No—" Su Jin shook his head.


"It would be obvious that his descendants from Tantai are incompetent, and he didn't come to kill me, naturally there is a big reason."

Su Jin continued: "My longevity is exhausted, and in his opinion, the Six Dao Ancestors can't break through. There is no other possibility except waiting for death. Now the entire Wuxian City cultivator, no matter how high or low, is watching my jokes——"

"How sure are you to make a breakthrough?" Liu Changjia is most concerned about this issue.

"Before I came to Qingni, I was not at all sure, but now..." Su Jin said as he spoke, a few cold lights flashed in his eyes.

"What percentage?"

"50%!" Su Jin said.

"Well, you quickly seize the opportunity—"

The Six Dao Ancestor wanted to make a breakthrough, and he was even confident that he was 50% sure, and I have to say that this probability is high and scary, and it is still in the case of Su Jin's life.

When Liu Changjia thought about it, it must be the latest situation, not far away.

Su Jin closed his eyes and began to comprehend.

The wind is a little bit cold, but Su Jin's heart is fiery, because he has goals and eyes, but he doesn't have much time.

A quarter of an hour passed.

The wild grass on the top of the mountain began to bend in patches, and the wind became even stronger. Su Jin seemed to be aware of it and put his hands on his knees in a cross-sitting position.

Open your eyes.

In the distance, a beauty in a plain white skirt was walking gracefully. She seemed to have just taken a bath, and her hair fluttered behind her ears, showing her peerless elegance——

There are no shoes on the ankles, and the long legs stretched out. The skin color is the same color as the cloud and mist. It is different from before. Her noble temperament is compared with that of Huan Zhao Dao Zun, and it is not too much!

Su Jin didn't expect she would come, really unexpected. The Zen Snow Girl actually chose to send a pool witch to kill herself, and came here in person.

"You are not an opponent--" Su Jin said calmly, shook his head.

Su Jin didn't hate the Zen Snow Female Venerable too much. No matter what she was, Su Shao didn't care about her. She was aggrieved, angry, and annoyed because the woman laughed at him.

Now it has developed to the point where he has become a thorn in the opponent's eyes and sent someone to kill him?

The Zen Snow Female Venerable did not do much dressing up, nor did she need to dress up, she had thin lips without makeup, and said lightly, "I know it's not your opponent."

"Then what do you mean by coming here?" Su Jin really wanted to know.

"I'll say a few words, and then leave after speaking--" The Zen Xuenuo stared at Young Master Su with beautiful eyes.

Su Jin's indifferent face had a slightly more playful smile, and said lightly:

"You can speak, but when you show up with me, I can no longer let you go..."

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