My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2069: Evaporation in the world (3/6)

Don't let go

Although Su Jin's tone was calm, his words revealed unparalleled domineering and powerful.

When she heard that she was not allowed to leave, the beautiful body of the Zen Snow Female Venerable who was wrapped in the plain white skirt trembled slightly.

Immediately, the Zen Snow Girl was not scared.

"I'll make a deal with you, you dare to be interested." Zen Xuenu said.

"What deal?" Su Jin said as usual.

"I'm going to look for the celestial priest and ask him to return your birthday. You don't want to take care of the Huaxia Wasteland anymore, are you willing?" asked the Zen Snow Woman.

"Get off--" Su Jin pointed to the direction where she came.

Originally, Su Jin had been a little bit careful, but the Zen Snow Girl could always anger him!

The Zen Snow Girl clenched her silver teeth and said with a chill: "You scold me again! It's not the first time!"

"What's wrong with scolding you? Are you reasonable to me? Then let's talk and talk. If you face the catastrophe like this, you will let it go?"

Su Jin said lightly: "You must have a bottom line in life, and you can't be so shameless!"

In fact, you can talk about anything, but in this matter, there is no need to talk about it! No!

"Do you really think that you can save it alone? Do you still expect to go to the universe?"

Zen Snow Girl sneered: "Don't dream, five hundred places, you can't get one, you can't make a breakthrough, you will die--"

"Black box operation?" Su Jin was slightly stunned.

I was worried about spreading out in my heart, and entering the Universe Heaven would need to get a quota, but the identity behind the Zen Snow Female Venerable may cause great obstacles.

"As long as there is Taoist Tantai, it is impossible for you to enter the'Qiankuntian', you can consider what I said." After the Zen Xuenuo said, she turned her beautiful posture and disappeared back.

"I must come in! Just go and see—"

Regardless of whether the Zen Snow Female Venerable heard it or not, Su Jin said to the other party like this.

In the distant palace, the body of the Zen Snow Woman appeared, and she turned her head to the side with a cold snort. She was so angry that she was scolded by Su Jin again.

Although she is very angry, the Zen Snow Female Venerable does not dare to stay there much, she dare not!


time flies.

Su Jin sat on the top of the mountain for several days, but the breakthrough effect was minimal. He felt the importance of the universe more and more, and he had plans in his heart.

In the past few days, countless powerhouses have come from all directions, and the emperor realm and world realm who have signed up and selected for several super big cities will be in Wuxian City, listening to preaching and enlightening——

Finally, we have to explain!

Interpretation is based on the understanding of the Dao, the understanding of oneself, etc. There are several passes, and only those who are satisfied with the Dao will get the place.

Qiankuntian has evolved into an unprecedented event!

The vast sea of ​​clouds is densely packed with countless strong men sitting cross-legged. Today is the first day to listen to the sermon! The second Tantai Daoist has finished speaking!

"Dao Zun Tantai just said, I don't understand it a bit." A female cultivator, with doubts on her face, said as she looked at her companion next to her.

"What don't you understand?"

"The Tao is born of God, who is the birth of God?"

"Quickly shut up, don't let Dao Venerable hear such presumptuous remarks! The Dao Venerable Tantai's preaching is on the Shuntian Avenue. I need to carefully figure out the true meaning -"

In the Yuehua Temple.

In the past few days, Xia Yuyan had followed Huan Zhao Dao and practiced Dao Fa for a few days, and the cultivation base was progressing rapidly, but until today, she really panicked.

The Bi-Hsing Female Venerable has already gone to listen to the preaching, and her master, Huan Zhao Dao Venerable is also in the preaching hall, and now Tang Yingjiao is left in the room.

"Did you not see Su Jin? My husband doesn't know what's going on--" Xia Yuyan looked at Tang Yingjiao, anxious, and calmed herself.

Today is the day of the lecture. I thought Su Jin would appear, but Xia Yuyan didn't see it.

"Don't worry, Sister-in-law, Brother Su is very powerful, he will definitely appear!" Tang Yingjiao ate the fairy fruit and didn't care.

"But his longevity is exhausted. If I can't see him at this critical time, will it be already--" Xia Yuyan looked out the window without guarding her house.

"Crazy thinking! Big Brother Su is so strong, this is difficult, it can't help him!" Tang Yingjiao lay on the bench, rubbing her belly, and part of her long legs came out.

Tang Yingjiao's purple tunic and long dress added to her body, which made her look tender again. Originally she was twenty-one, but now she looks like seventeen or eighteen.

"Hope." Xia Yuyan was a little uneasy.

End of the first day.

End of the second day.

End of the third day.

In the end, five hundred strong men came to the fore. Because the Bi-Hun Female Venerable was favored by Huan Zhao Dao Venerable, she was strongly opposed by a yellow-robed elder, and ultimately failed to get a place.

Su Jin still did not appear.

Xia Yuyan and others were anxious, and even bad thoughts were born. Could it be that their lifespan was exhausted and they were sitting down somewhere?

The Zen Snow Woman thinks the same way. At this moment, she is sitting in the palace, with a transparent screen in front of which there are three or four golden birds on the screen.

A few people kneeled down twenty meters away from the screen--

"No? I didn't find him where I said it?" Zen Xue Nu asked.

"We have searched for five thousand miles around that mountain, and we have not found Su Jin's whereabouts." The three emperor servants below looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Did you give up? I'm going to find you because of me—" The Zen Xue Female sneered.

Now the Zen Snow Female Venerable thinks that Su Jin is a little self-aware, knowing this Wuxian City, Palace Master Dachang will not let him come, and the quota is hopeless.

"Tomorrow is the day when the universe opens. The'Tao Master' wants you to prepare. Don't miss this opportunity." The servant especially said below.

"This is an introductory order opened by Qiankuntian, the Taoist also said..."

"Know it! Go away--"

With a slight magnetic voice, Zun Xuenu rushed up impatiently. After she was quiet, she put her fist on her cheeks, she was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

An atmosphere of anxiety, tension, excitement and anticipation spread throughout the entire Wuxian City.

Where is Su Jin?

Even Lan Yueya was extremely worried, Su Jin now seemed to have evaporated, and even the Zen Snow Girl entrusted someone to ask about it, but the matter was over, and worry was useless.

The night passed quickly.

In the clear sky, the sky began to turn out the white fish belly, and the sun was red like a fire, and the five hundred strong people gathered together, except for these people.

Each Taoist priest can also avoid the test of Taoism and Reconciliation Tao, and bestows the "God Order" to the three members of the tribe.

Amidst the vast clouds and mist, a mysterious green peak rose from the ground, and the breath of the vicissitudes of life spread out. Upon closer inspection, there was power rolling on it, waves of waves, and glory everywhere!

On that green peak is actually a magnificent ancient formation, leading to the ancient formation of'universe and heaven'!

Boom boom boom -

In front of the mysterious green peak, more than 500 stone pillar mountains emerged, with Taoist groups on them, for sitting cross-legged.

"Start! You hold a god's order and look for a Taoist mountain each! Enter the universe immediately!" It was Lan Yueya who presided over the opening of the universe.

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