My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2070: Yuanjia Road is narrow (4/6)

Oh oh

Many people cheered, and more than five hundred strong men chosen by Dao Zun will be leaders who surpass them in the future!

No one is not excited. When the silhouette is flying, there are strong ones who take the position of the master first, occupying all the mountains.

"I heard that the Qingfeng behind us can transform the super immeasurable magic of the universe shift, and transfer us to the universe day——" The Emperor Realm couldn't help looking forward to it, and said to a person on a mountain next to it.

"Well, I heard that the Dao Venerables who preached for us are all masters who entered the universe in the past. We must take good care of this trip!"

"Silk... look! Who is that!"

"Tantai Yudie, there is a Dao Zun grandfather, who directly got the opportunity--"

"Keep your voice down, don't call Miss Tantai's name directly--"

"You see, that young man comes from the Star Palace, a mysterious hall, we must not provoke him."

The Zen Snow Female Venerable was also noticed. When she appeared, no one at the scene recognized the famous taboo, but she looked attractive and had a feeling of being banished from the dust.


"I dont go."

At the front of the palace, Xia Yu shook his head constantly, making Huan Zhao Dao Zun's face a little unsightly.

Because Huan Zhao Dao Zun knew the beauty of it after being in Qiankun Tian, ​​but when she brought the Entrance Order, Xia Yuyan didn't go!

I don’t know how many people are envious, who doesn’t want to go to the universe? Huan Zhao Dao Zun asked in his heart whether he had accepted a fake female disciple?

"Thank you Huan Zhao Dao Zun, I will persuade my sister-in-law again."

Bi Hun female veteran pulled Xia Yuyan and began to persuade him: "Su Jin said he will go, he will definitely go. Let's go first and make plans. Moreover, he is in a difficult situation. Don't you want to improve your strength and help him?"

"I--" Xia Yuyan was speechless.

Just now, Huan Zhao Dao Venerable handed the three entry orders to the Bi Wei Nu Venerable, so that Tang Yingjiao, Xia Yuyan, and herself could enter. In this way, Dao Vener Tantai must be offended.

You must know that Bi Hun's female veteran did not pass the quota assessment. At that time, Bi Hun was so angry that he only cursed the old man.

"Yes, sister-in-law, in case Brother Su has other ways to get in, let's wait here, didn't we miss him?" Tang Yingjiao also said.


Xia Yuyan nodded hesitatingly, which made Huan Zhao Dao Zun feel relieved.

The three daughters found three free Daoshan mountains. Because they were together, and the three of them were beautiful, especially Xia Yuyan, they trembled and called them so beautiful.

Lan Yueya watched as the people were all up, nodded at the Dao Zun Tantai and others on the high platform in the distance, and then waved his hands--

The spirit art that affects Qingfeng appears, and Qingfeng vibrates among the ripples~~~

Above the crowd, the dark blue and red colors began to converge on the roulette, which seemed to be profound and unpredictable. Under the shroud of bursts of brilliance, the transmission had already begun!


One, ten, and a hundred figures disappeared on the stone pillar road mountain!

But the accident happened at that moment. A young man sat cross-legged on Daoshan with expectation on his face. The corners of his mouth were wide open, and his two sharp fangs showed that he was very proud.

But then...

"Old Tie! Good people get good rewards. I borrowed something from you and I will return it in the future—"

As he spoke, the young man’s wounded entry order disappeared, and a forty-two size leather shoe appeared, and the young man with fangs in his mouth!

The sudden horse fleas flashed Lao Tzu's waist!

The ancient formation on the mysterious green peak has been completely opened. Under this extreme operation, even the three-step Taoist priest can't stop it!

It was really sudden!

"Su Jin!" When the Zen Snow Female Venerable disappeared with hatred on her face, she felt that something was wrong.

Because Su Jin can't not go! This **** is so annoying!

But with so many three-step powerhouses, how did Su Jin cross the sea without being noticed?

Su Jin finally met with Zen Xue Nu Zun's eyes, the meaning of those eyes is very obvious: you wait for the Lord!

Blue Moon Cliff was stunned--

Looking at the cheering voices of the three women over there, Lan Yueya's face was a little numb.

How did you do it?

"Looking for death!" On a high platform not far away, Dao Zun Tantai was furious, smashed the jade railing, moved the real fire, and even murdered——

"Ah? Yinlongyi!" Huan Zhao Dao Zun reacted, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

Lan Yueya wiped the sweat on his forehead, and saw Su Jin, who had disappeared on Daoshan in nothing but nothingness, and was extremely disturbed.

However, after Lan Yueya heard Huan Zhao Dao Zun's words, he suddenly became emotional, knowing that this matter would not be suspected to have anything to do with him.


Originally, Su Jin's Six Dao Ancestors were comparable to the world realm, and coupled with this hidden dragon garment, they were born under the eyes of Dao Zun and went to heaven and earth——


Admire the five bodies!

Lan Yueya immediately stepped into the void, came to the high platform above the palace on the left, and said: "Seniors, look at--"

"Yueya, the hidden dragon clothes, shouldn't you give him the clothes?" Tantai Taoist asked with an old face.

"How can a junior have such a treasure, even if you have it, how can you give it generously?" Lan Yueya laughed, Junyi's face was embarrassed.

Originally, Lan Yueya didn't think he would doubt him, because he didn't even know it!

In addition to the Dao Zun Chuhuanzhao and Dao Zun Tantai, there are three others on the high platform, two men and one woman.

Especially the men and women sitting together, let people look straight, as if their souls are broken, that female Taoist priest, full of wealth, looks beautiful and immortal.

"That person is what Xue'er said just now, Su Jin, the Sixth Dao Ancestor?" The lady asked in surprise.

"Yes—" Lan Yueya nodded.

"Boy Yueya, when he comes out, I will kill him, what do you think?" Tantai Taoist squinted his small eyes and stretched his neck to look at Lan Yueya and asked.

"Hey, it's up to you, it's up to you." Lan Yueya went over vaguely. Dao Zun would kill whoever he wanted. Tantai Dao Zun told him that he still suspected that he helped Su Jin.

"It's just a clever bug." The father of the Zen Snow Girl, beside the lady, commented on Su Jin's move.

If he goes, he will naturally come back. How will Su Jin live when he comes back?

Lan Yueya sighed in his heart, he could only ask for blessings——


After a short period of invisible objects, Su Jin stabilized his figure and looked at the surroundings.


Brilliance continues to come, although it's a little far away, but Su Jin knows that those are one of more than 500 people!

The surrounding strong power swept over like waves, dazzling, the place where Su Jin appeared was on a cliff path, and there was a large expanse of blue clouds in the distance, towering into the sky.

Su Jin squinted, the hidden dragon clothes worked, and he quickly swept toward the northwest.

As the saying goes, it's not that the enemy doesn't gather their heads, the Zen Snow Girl appeared twenty miles away!

Su Jin acted murderously this time.

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