My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2071: Mirroring the future (5/6)

Why is it murderous?

Why change your mind?

A few days ago, the Zen Snow Female Venerable came to the door. Su Jin didn't even have this idea, but he was wearing a hidden dragon garment before and saw her parents take her out.

Zen Xuenu respects her parents, both are Taoism!

Dao Zun of God and Heaven! It's the enemy, the enemy!

Su Jin knew that if he could not become the Six Dao Great Emperor in Qiankun Tian, ​​after teleporting out with other people, on that high platform, at least three of the five Dao Venerables would kill him.

Take precautions and behead an enemy first. Make sure not to lose!

The world was bright and blue, and the Zen Snow Girl stood at the bottom of a low mountain. The beautiful blue long veil skirt just covered the ankles, and the slender willow waist was stiff. She stood there for a while.

Su Jin saw mottled characters on the wall of the low mountain. He knew many of the fonts on it, but he tried to read a line, but he couldn't remember--

Once Su Jin never forgets! Nowadays, I even have the ‘wisdom Buddha pupil’, which is even so.

Su Jin was very surprised.

"When I find a suitable divine technique, I will definitely cut you to death with my own hands -" Zen Snow Girl's face was cold, she turned around and left after talking to herself, obviously the techniques on the low mountain cliffs were not suitable for her.

Seeing this, Su Jin hesitated.

She was originally stronger than the Zen Snow Woman. Although she is currently at a disadvantage of exhausting her lifespan, it would have been easy to kill her, but it was difficult for her to sneak attack on her.

"If I become the emperor, I will let you live for the time being. At the last moment of the universe, if you don't break through, I will destroy your delicate flower!" Su Jin sighed in his heart.

What kind of chivalrous?

Even Su Jin felt like this in his heart, but he knew that the three daughters of Xia Yuyan had come in, and there was a daughter of Biyu, who was generally in the emperor realm here, and there was not much danger.

It's this universe--

Su Jin was very interested.

Immediately, Su Jin secretly followed the Zen Snow Girl and headed west.

Along the way, it can be said to be treasured everywhere. Immortal law, holy law, and even Su Jin also saw a rare Shura Taoist method, but these Taoist words can not be written down, unless they are fit and resonate, they can understand it.

Zen Xue seldom stopped, and seemed to leave with purpose.

After thinking about it, Su Jin understood that her parents had been here before and naturally knew that there were good things there. It seemed that she was right to follow her.

"Huh? Goddess Dragon Fairy Technique, it's right in this direction—" The Zen Snow Girl paused slightly, and took out a map with a smile on her face.

Su Jinyin Longyi concealed everything from him, and then leaned to her side to look.

The map is densely shining, and there is no mystery, but if the spiritual power is poured into it, you can definitely know where some secrets are.

"Beauty, you are very rich!" Su Jin muttered to himself, his eyes hot, and he wanted to grab it.

But here is the Universe, where the ‘Mystery of Universe’ is hidden. Su Jin followed her all the way here. There have been nearly two incense sticks. When the Zen Snow Girl turned the map--

The rumbling sound rang and came from five hundred miles away!

Su Jin's face suddenly changed, and his whole body was uncontrollable, especially his hands. It was not instinctive at all that they closed together--

Zen Snow Girl looked up fiercely and saw Su Jin manifesting on her left. The two were only one centimeter away recently!

"Su!" A layer of fragrant sweat grew behind the Zen Snow Woman.


Su Jin lowered her head fiercely, took a sip of her cheek near the corner of her mouth, and then decisively said: "Let you live for a few more days."

After the lingering fragrance! boom--

Su Jin's whole body flew into the sky, and at this moment he couldn't control it anymore, his hands were tightly closed, and the dazzling Buddha light flooded out. He didn't know what the situation was!

The Sanskrit sound of the Great Avenue of Buddha was really heard by him——

"At birth and death, respect is born in the heart."

"To take all the roots of goodness and respect."

"Yu Xi seeks all good roots and respects."

"Yu regrets all karma and respect."

"The so-called: thinking of sentient beings, thinking of Dharma, thinking of moments, thinking of Fang, thinking of Buddha, thinking of the world, thinking of karmic...


At this moment, the Zen Snow Girl is really stunned.

Uh, what about the map?

Venerable Zen Snow Girl looked at her empty palm, her face flushed! Immediately stomped on the spot, is there such a means of bullying? What a long experience!

It turned out that when Su Jin was kissing her, he unknowingly took away the map in her hand, and the Zen Snow Girl was frightened by the words that made her live for a few more days.

He followed--

It turned out to be murderous against her!

Venerable Zen Snow Girl bit her lip, the map is extremely important to her, otherwise, the sky and the road are long, how can we get to the position of the "Goddess Dragon and Fairy Art"?

At present, Su Jin heard the sutras appealing to good and evil, and his heart was moved. The Buddhist sound was stronger than him!

And the next scene he saw made Su Jin's face even more dazed.

You know, there are few things that can shock Su Jin!

But when Su Jin was condescending, he followed the sound of the Buddha and looked five hundred miles to the north. There was a Buddha coffin dumped there. The Buddha coffin... This is the first time Su Jin has seen you!

And the key Buddha coffin has no cover, there is a golden body in it that emits brilliant Buddha glory!

"Golden body!"

The Zen Snow Girl had originally planned to take the map back after death, but saw the shocking scene in the distance as well. Golden body? how can that be!


Su Jin seemed to be immersed in the simple and sincere Buddhist sound. He was deeply infected. Xiaoyao Xianwu took a photo on the spot. His Buddha prospered and walked toward the Buddha's coffin five hundred miles away.

The Zen Snow Girl has no way, stomping her feet without thinking, and hurriedly chasing.

Su Jin was very excited now. He walked to the hill-like Buddha coffin and looked around, but he did not find the coffin lid.

"You, here." The scripture stopped, but the Buddha's words sounded like an old monk.

"Senior's coffin surprised the younger generation."

As Su Jin looked around, he saw the dumped Buddha coffin not far away. There was a blue table case and a three-inch Buddha lamp with a black wick.

"The flesh is a prison, the heaven and the earth are a prison, and reincarnation is a prison, why bother to embarrass yourself?" The voice was calm, as if a wake-up call told.

Su Jin dumbfounded.

In fact, he was secretly alarming this predecessor's power, this is a unique Buddhist understanding.

Thinking of this, in the corner of Su Jin's eyes, she saw the Zen Snow Woman approaching aggressively.

"Why did the senior call me here?" Su Jin asked, ignoring the Zen Snow Woman.

"I have passed away for many years, and now I am right with you by the spirit of Dharma, reflecting the future, you light up the Buddha lamp that enshrines me--" Mimi said in a dialogue.

Venerable Zen Snow Girl looked around and saw Su Jin turning around. A cluster of flames appeared on his fingers, which turned out to be the lamp on the Buddha's case!

What will happen if you ignite?

Su Jin was very curious, but at this moment the Zen Snow Woman suddenly shouted, "Don't stop!"

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