My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2072: You want it so much (6/6)

Stop it!

After Zen Xue finished speaking, her face began to pale——

On the Qing Buddha case, a finger of fire from the Buddha lamp appeared, the wick ignited, and wisps of blue aura surrounded it, and then the blue aura burst into the sky like a pillar!

High in the sky, the blue air enveloped the sky, and there seemed to be a mysterious "drum drum" in the sky, and a coffin ship was manifested into a scene, and the Buddha coffin was placed on it!

On the coffin ship, there was this Buddha coffin empty, but there were forty white-faced ghouls on both sides of the ship, raising white flags, and finally dumping the Buddha coffin here.

Su Jin was surprised--

Even the eminent monks in the mortal world should be treated according to the Buddha's burial after passing away, and should not raise white flags.

"The sky is a scam, and Changsheng is a scam..." The Buddha was roaring, but his voice gradually faded and became weaker. Only the Buddha lamp was bright and the sky was green.

No sound anymore.

When Su Jin reacted, when he looked at the golden body again, the question was never answered.

What does this senior want to tell the world? Cangtian is a scam, what do you mean?

Zen Snow Female Venerable's face is pale, and it is not without danger in this universe. On the contrary, if you don't observe it, you may encounter unimaginable disaster if you touch it.

"Why are you chasing me?" Su Jin withdrew the golden body and asked when she looked at the Zen Snow Woman.

As soon as the voice fell, the Zen Snow Female Venerable stretched out her hand and opened her palm, "Give me back--"

"Why do you want to return the map you got with your skills?" Su Jin asked with a light smile.


By skill?

Zen Xuenu hates her teeth itching, she hides her dragon clothes, and then she takes advantage of it to take advantage of the picture!

"You better hope that I can break through, really—" Su Jin nodded.

"Ha ha."

The Zen Snow Girl looked at each other coldly, hoping that you would see a ghost if you break through, and besides, it is impossible to break through. She entered the universe and wanted to find the dragon fairy technique and cut Su Jin on the top of the six ancestors!

"You have to remember that even if I die, I will pull you up. Since I dare to be the presence of those Dao Venerables and venture in, I didn't plan to go out at the moment... I will live!"

Su Jin snorted coldly, then said lightly: "Before I change my mind, you'd better disappear quickly."

After speaking, ignore this woman again. Su Jin bowed to the Buddha's coffin and destroyed the lamp. The vision that had manifested in the sky dissipated, and the whole environment began to turn into daylight.

Zun Xue Nu was resentful in her heart.

If Su Jin is not better than her, she might have taken a knife and cut him into pieces, no! This is not a solution to hate! Too annoying!

Without a map, the things that parents confessed cannot be done. Besides, being taken away by such humiliation, even if he goes out, he cannot explain to his parents.

At that time, she was grandiose--

The Zen Snow Girl looked at Su Jin taking advantage, and looked at the map grandiosely, wanting to drive away!

Su Jin has gone far.

The enraged Zen Snow Girl immediately chose to follow again! Seeing that Su Jin couldn't drive away, she had to leave her alone.

"The exercises are no longer useful to me. If I want to break through, I must use my strength or feel it on my own." Su Jin looked up and said to himself.

The way he walked, no one had walked before.

So if one step is wrong, there may be no chance!

How big is the universe?

Su Jin walked through 35 mountains, the sky dimmed, and it was far away.

During this period, he did not choose those manifestations. Instead, he walked through the ruins and felt the traces of fighting left by the predecessors during the fierce fighting.

As night fell, Su Jin stopped at a deserted temple on a mountain.

Except for no one, the surrounding environment of this deserted temple is quite good. For example, there is a kind of yellow and red bamboo around it, which is quite good.

"This deserted temple was once burned--" Su Jin came in and saw several statues with big eyes, but the building materials did not know what it was, only traces of scorching were seen.

Su Jin closes his eyes and perceives it carefully, as if he is in a sea of ​​fire, that kind of desire, unwillingness, and various emotions burst out.


There is a sound in Su Jin, he spreads his feet, closes his eyes and hugs his hands round, bunches of Xia Wei, gathered in his arms——

He is full of Xia Wei! Abnormal noises appear in the body from time to time!

The feeling of breakthrough became clearer and clearer, Su Jin opened his eyes, and a sharp light flashed across his pupils.

"Damn it, he is getting more and more terrifying." Looking at the front gate of the deserted temple from a distance, the Zen Snow Woman just happened to be able to see the terrifying power displayed by Su Jin.

Thirty-five mountains, the Zen Snow Girl followed closely here, not tired.

What Su Jin was looking for was not Dao Fa, which made the Zen Xue Nuo strange.

On the contrary, Su Jin passed the cliff during the period, and the sword marks cut down by the predecessors with the sword and the mountain road blasted by the predecessors with the fist made him stop and close his eyes for a long time.

What's more, several cemeteries have become the objects of Su Jin's patronage——

Su Jin seemed to be aware, turned around and sat down, looking at the Zen Snow Girl and said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"Fear! But I'm even more afraid that I won't have a map!" The Zen Snow Woman snorted.

"For the'Goddess Dragon Fairy Technique'? Actually this map is useless to me." Su Jin squeezed out the map in his hand.

"Then you pay me back--" The Zen Snow Woman became nervous.

"Do you want so much?"


A flame appeared in Su Jin's hand, and he directly saw the map disappear.

"You, you!" Zen Snow Female Venerable's face was ugly, her silver teeth squeaked, and she jumped and blushed in anger. She left without saying a word.

That map is very special, only one! I couldn't copy it yet. When my parents handed it over to her, Qian told her not to lose it. Who would want to chase Su Jin for a long time...

Still ruined by him! Grieved, as a female respect, I want to cry too aggrieved!

"Oh, is that important?"

Su Jin just took the map into the bone ring in an instant, and the fire scared her like that. How about the female respect, can't you see?

The Zen Snow Woman rushed away, clutching her nose and crying.

The map is not as precious as her, and she was fined at most when she went back, and she was locked up for a few days, but she cried because she was bullied by Su Jin these days and was too depressing.

The Zen Snow Girl was chasing her for most of the day, feeling a little embarrassed. She ran to a waterfall that made a sloshing sound and fell into the deep pool.

With her face buried in the water, she needs to calm down! Take a shower by the way!

It took a long time for the Zen Snow Girl to show her face to the surface of the water, her expression still unable to conceal her anger: "Don't dare let me find the'Goddess Dragon and Immortal Technique', for fear that I will succeed in a few days and kill you, careful fellow!"

"Ha ha--"

Su Jin's sneer voice appeared not far away.

The Zen Snow Girl was stunned, and immediately watched Su Jin walking step by step, she didn't remember where she was, she was in the water!

The thin dress is soaked and pressed to the skin.

Although I can't really see it in the water, the skin color of the shoulders can still be seen clearly, and her wet hair is embarrassed and messy, giving it a special taste.

After reacting, the Zen Snow Woman immediately panicked and shouted:

"Don't come here!"

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