My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2073: Over-named

The night is charming.

The waterfall fell like a nine-day Milky Way, and the splashing water drops were hazy like stars. The Zen Snow Girl hurriedly told Su Jin not to come over, like a girl eighteen bathing in front of a man.

Su Jin walked to the water's edge, raised his hand, the brilliance in his hand, condensed the map, and said lightly: "Return this map to you, remember not to chase me again——"

The voice was bitter, the Zen Snow Girl was in the water, and she could only see her shoulders. Where did Su Jin look interested, it was true that she came to return the map.

Every second in Qiankuntian is precious. Bringing this woman will cause only trouble for Su Jin. He is about to break through and does not want to make a mistake.

"Return me--" The Zen Snow Woman was startled.

Can the things that fall into Su Jin's pocket be returned? If Zen Xuenu did not believe her, her first thought was: fake?

"Go find your'Goddess Dragon and Fairy Skill', maybe you can compete with me in a few days."

Su Jin put the map on the half-person-high rock next to him, turned around and left.

The Zen Snow Woman was puzzled, could it really be that she was too annoying and made Su Shao feel bad, so he made up his mind to return the map?

Soon, the Zen Snow Girl walked out of the pool step by step wearing a wet dress, stepped on the pebbles, came to the big stone, picked up the map, and observed carefully.

That's right!

The Zen Snow Girl's face was joyful, and the excitement was unobstructed.

"Good figure." Su Jin's voice came out of nothingness.

"Bah--" The Zen Snow Girl instinctively knelt down, hiding behind the big stone, her face flushed.

Su Jin can do anything, such as now!

Su Jin followed the path, appeared in the deserted temple, and began to practice.

Today, he has climbed over 35 mountains and found at least more than one hundred ruins. He can't stop for the next three days and will try his best to hit the last step!

Bamboo forest, deserted temple, early morning.

The entire universe is huge, and more than 500 people who came to find the opportunity are scattered. In fact, it is difficult to meet. Su Jin held Chequan, washed his face, and left the deserted temple.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Su Jin appeared in front of a ruin, huge buildings collapsed, and broken walls were everywhere. The stone road on the ground was a violent brown red color, which was already three points into the stone and would never fade.

Standing up and closing his eyes, Su Jin carefully felt the despair in this piece of Godland back then!


The sound of rushing to the sky filled Su Jin's mind. Those people who were eager to survive would stop killing by killing, and the stubborn vitality that really broke out at the moment of death.

The palace's fault turned into a sea of ​​flames, constantly collapsing, the peaks fell, the earth was split, and the lava was surging. Su Jin's body rang again, and the whole body was steaming!

a long time.

Su Jin opened his eyes, with a stern look in his eyes, "Not enough!"

Looking at the ruins, Su Jin was about to leave, but he saw a peculiar sight in the corner of his eye. There was a bright spot in the ruins. He immediately stepped forward and took it out with his hands.

A carrot-sized stone man. The stone man has gone through the vicissitudes of life and is very poorly made, but Su Jin does not know the secrets and condenses a trace of spiritual power into it——

Su Jin's heart trembled.

What kind of treasure is this? A faint excitement appeared on Su Jin's face--

Immediately he sat down cross-legged and began to practice.

Su Jin's spiritual power can live in this stone doll! And after a period of urging Guanghua passed, he opened his eyes and his face was full of surprise.

About two meters apart, the other self, so face to face, clearly appeared in his own eyes.

lifelike! Even Su Jin himself couldn't tell, but the "self" on the opposite side had his eyes dull!

However, even if Su Jindang thought of the problem, he separated a ray of mental power, and the ‘self’ on the other side immediately became energized.

Su Jin grabbed the stone man and contained the fake body. Although the fake body had no offensive power, the breath and essence were invisible, and it would be of great use in the future!

Good luck!

Su Jin left here immediately, and once again embarked on the road of painstaking breakthrough——

However, Su Jin had a hidden worry in his heart. Using this method of understanding, the effect was getting lower and lower, and the results were not great in the past morning.

We must know that this time the universe is only three days, how should he live after three days!

Su Jin saw many of Qiankuntian’s Taoism, but none of them were suitable for him. He was not short of divine methods, but he was a breakthrough in realm——

If the first day is a hundred full of hope.

So the next day, Su Jin lost his confidence.

On the third day, it was desperate!

Su Jin has not broken through yet, and is getting weaker and weaker!

This universe is exaggerated!

More than five hundred talented and outstanding people returned with great satisfaction, and even the Zen Snow Girl had successfully obtained the "Goddess Dragon and Fairy Art"!

If it is said that Su Jin has gained, it is that in the past three days, he has traveled through the mountains and rivers, walked nearly 2,000 ruins, and gained a lot of sentiment!

Su Jin had so many Xia Wei on her body that she could provoke the situation, but she couldn't make the last step.

Or, the Six Dao Ancestors really couldn't become an emperor. This was a deadlock. He could only stop here in his entire life. Su Jin was really disappointed.

Looking at the divine order in his hand, there was a wave of fluctuations on it, and it was about to be sent back to the great world of Qingni—

Now Su Jin regrets one thing. If he knows that Xia Wei cannot break through when Xia Wei can provoke the situation on the third afternoon, he should go to the Zen Snow Woman!

It's right to cut her off first, but now it's about to be passed back to Wuxian City, and there is no chance to find her again!


The divine order shook, diffused a group of brilliance, opened a passage in the sky, and immediately sucked in the unwilling Su Jin!

Wuxian City!

For three full days, millions of monks gathered around, and many people came to see who had obtained what kind of magical technique. The most important thing was that Su Jin, who had caused the shame of Dachang Palace, did not break through!

Su Jin was the only ancestral realm who entered the universe, but he had concealed the sky before, and broke into the universe under the eyes of Dao Zun, and the three Dao Zun who provoked him were murderous!


The monks began to show up on the roads and mountains, and within a short while, there were enthusiastic cheers all around, and everyone was there!

Including Su Jin!

Zun Xue Nv squinted her eyes slightly, and when she looked at Su Jin, there was a slight smile on her mouth.

She was not watching it alone, when Su Jin appeared, it became the focus of the audience!

Both those who entered the universe, or those who did not enter Lan Yueya and others, were all staring at Master Su!

"No breakthrough!" Lan Yueya secretly called a bad thing, and his expression became worried.

"Husband--" Xia Yuyan muttered and looked straight at Su Shao. She looked at the edge of the palace, where the five Taoist priests were all standing, three of them sneered.

Su Jin didn’t look at one of the great people at the scene. He looked directly at the hateful young man in the crowd. He raised his hand and said, “Friends of Taoism, it’s easy to borrow and repay it. It’s not difficult to borrow again! This rebate you ——"

The Zen Snow Girl frowned slightly, Su Jin was about to die immediately, but now he is still so relaxed?

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