My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2074: Declare war! !

Cover up panic?

The Zen Snow Girl is incomprehensible, I believe everyone present can tell that Su Jin is still a young ancestor——

"This person angered Dachang Mansion, and Tantai Dao Zun threatened to kill him. Now he is still joking with others?" Some people are also very puzzled.

"It is rumored that he is an ancestor of the Six Daoism, but the ancestor of the Six Daoism cannot become an emperor. He wants to find the supreme Taoism in the universe and dreams of becoming an emperor, but he still has not succeeded!"

"Tsk tsk, if you have such courage, I am afraid that there is no one, right now Dao Zun is about to kill him, who else does he want to bluff?"

"It's good to watch a play."


Many remarks were all laughing at Su Jin, ridiculous, if he really became the Six Dao Great Emperor, maybe the scene would not be so easy to tease.

It must be a shocking situation, but impossible is impossible! The difficulty is as simple as that of drinking water from the sea alone.

Trembling, picking up the **** order to get started, the young man kicked by Su Jin, with trembling lips, suddenly roared: "I want to kill you!"

"Kill me? You can't, the **** will return you, leave a memorial, and quickly roll back to your **** and heaven." Su Jin glanced at the youth coldly.

It turned out that when he entered three days ago, Su Jin lurked around and learned that this person was from the emperor realm of the gods and the vast land, so who did not take his divine order?

Now, Su Jin is so polite.

All around are dumbfounded--

Facing a few Taoist priests, are you still so rampant? There were two Taoist priests at the scene from God Tianhao, so I don’t know what to do!

"Hurt my son and smash the front hall of my Dachang Mansion. You will never die!"

Dao Zun Tantai walked in a robes of supreme power, full of air, staring.

Lan Yueya shook his head secretly. It was no longer possible for him to help when things had developed to this point. He shouldn't have invited Su Jin to come here, causing him to die.

"It's really interesting that you old man Tantai, you have said all about such a glorious thing in Dachang Mansion, what should other Daoists think?" Su Jinsi said indifferently without any counsel.


There was an exclamation all around.

Many people know that Su Jin can fight the world realm, although he can't kill it, such as the imperial realm powerhouse who was tragically seized just now, Su Shao can speak very loudly.

But the cultivators around, who would have thought that Su Jin even faced the Taoist Taoist priest in the same way--



"Fellow Daoist Midnight..." Lan Yueya's face was numb, and she muttered silently in her heart. With the strength of the ancestral realm, even facing Tantai Dao Zun even dare to be so fearless, I am afraid that death is worth it!

Huan Zhao Dao Zun took Xia Yuyan's three daughters to another place and continued to comfort him, but at the same time he thought that Su Jin was seeking his own death!

"Master, you can help him, and say something nice in front of those Taoist priests--" Xia Yuyan was pale and at a loss.

As the president of China World Xia Group, who did Xia Yuyan ask for? But for Su Jin, she...

"Now the Tantai family can't wait for him to die, it dispels the reputation of Dachang Mansion, and you man, it seems that you have a lot of hostility to the gods and the vast land." Huan Zhao Dao Zun can't help, she can't do it.

"But—" Xia Yuyan was a little worried and couldn't speak anymore.

Ahead, the parents of the Zen Snow Female Venerable also walked in front of Dao Zun Tantai.

"I heard that you are the little ancestor from the wasteland of China Great World..." Chan Xue's father looked at Su Jin with a high-ranking attitude.

"I am Xiaozu in your eyes!" Su Jin's voice is not weak, "but I am not a wasteland!"

"You enslaved my **** clan daughter, and my father **** does not kill you, how can the gods and vast earth gain a foothold in the great world of heaven!" Zen Xue's father coldly snorted.

"That's your supreme honor! The honor of your God, the vast earth and the Protoss!" Su Jin laughed haha.


This man is crazy!

No one at the scene thought otherwise, including several familiars such as Lan Yueya and Bi Hun. Who has seen such a rampant scene? Never heard of it!

"Looking for death--" Chan Xue's father wanted to make a move directly, but seeing that Su Jin seemed to have something to say.

"I declare now!"

Su Jin's eyes swept around, one by one at the Zen Snow Female Venerable, including her parents, and even the family of Dao Zun Tantai, and then he said: "My Huaxia Great World, to Shenzhou Haotu, Xiang Qing Nirvana declared war!"

Declare war! Declare war! The horn of counterattack!

"Dead!" Tantai Dao respected, and directly joined with Chanxue's father, sticking out his palm.

The terrifying suppression made the surrounding imperial realms unable to move, Su Jin also did not move, but his face was grinning again and again, and he didn't hide it for a while—


Su Jin was caught to pieces, and many people squinted their eyes. There were so many words before death, which was obviously just slurping.

But the scene of flying flesh and blood was not seen! Su Jin was caught and exploded, turned into a little brilliance, and disappeared!

Dao Zun Tantai's face suddenly changed, "Fake!"

A fake body that drags time! The surroundings suddenly fell silent, what kind of operation is this?

Who would dare to imagine that Su Jin teased a few Taoist priests for the second time and left again! He also severely humiliated Shentian Haotu and Dachang Mansion of the Qingni Realm for a while!

How is it possible?

It turned out that Su Jin knew he hadn't made a breakthrough and couldn't compete with the three-step powerhouse of Heaven. At the moment of teleportation, he hid in the hidden dragon robe and used the stone doll to create a fake body.

After these two days of sacrifice, the fake body became perfect. In order to prevent it from being seen, Su Jin tried his best to infuse the ancestral realm into it——

And Su Jin knew better that as long as he appeared, he would be the audience's attention. No one guessed at all, the real he had already left!

"This man's methods are terrible--" I don't know who it is, shivering, cold sweating.

"Using a fake body to hide from the sky to cross the sea, and his true body to leave, he actually wants to declare war on Shentian Haotu and Dachang Mansion on his own! Extraordinary spirit!"

"The key is really deceived, the fake body is too perfect, I can't imagine it is fake."


Hundreds of thousands of people are talking about Su Jin, but the Zen Snow Woman is kneeling in front of her father at this moment, and said: "Father, let's go back to the heaven and earth! He might really start to do it--"

"He dare!"

"He really dared to--" The face of the Zen Snow Woman flushed.

Su Jinshouyuan is exhausted, and he won't let God and Heaven get better before he dies!

Who is the most terrible?

People are about to die, knowing that they must die, what does the force leave in the air? Su Jin's move obviously gave up everything, as much disaster as possible!

As the saying goes: When a strong man goes, he won't look back!

Su Jinyin Longyi added himself and walked out of a very far position before he found a big city and appeared on the teleportation array.

Shentian Haotu is far away from the great world of Chennai, but a great world away, not far away!

"I want to see corpses all over the field, turning the vast land of God into a sea of ​​fire!"

Su Jin disappeared from the gate of the teleportation formation, and before disappearing, he resolutely said a word.

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