My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2077: Fight one hundred thousand heroes! (3/6)


The one hundred thousand immortal soldiers roared together, and all the voices condensed together to bounce the heartstrings of the people, but all the hearts beating when they heard it!

The atmosphere on the battlefield became stronger and stronger, and when many people watched, their faces were pale and shocked.

Su Jin! one person! To fight one hundred thousand heroes!

As the victory sounded, tens of thousands of fairy swords were unsheathed from behind, and densely packed like needles' swords poured down, all directly slashing towards Su Jin——

The magnificent scene is dizzying!

"These are the elite of my royal family, most of them are powerful ancestors! How can this person stop?" Someone was frightened and said frightened.

"Unstoppable! The royal family is elite and invincible! Although this young man has the ability to destroy a city, he still can't!"

"Being you and me, facing this situation, I'm already scared!"


Su Jin smiled coldly, dragged his hands, the whole person did not dodge at all, he even rushed directly towards the Saint General of One Hundred Thousand Immortals!

The Taoist Xing Ming also had a cold face, Su Jin's weakness was seen in his eyes, this person actually did not retreat in the face of a hundred thousand heroes! Let alone others, even he has never seen it!

The magnificent sword rain fell, and Su Jin was surrounded by a fire lotus——


A handle of the Immortal Sacred Sword stabbed, but when it was close to Su Jin's ten feet, it was melted into strands of yellow and bright molten iron when it was visible to the naked eye!


Su Jin could handle such a huge pressure with ease, and those sword rains could not cause him any harm at all!

On the contrary, Su Jin rushed over, and he held a huge sage soldier in his hand, dragging the sword, like a wolf into a flock, and began to fight!

"Qiang Qiang——"

When Su Jin blocked the spear twice, he backhanded a man with a giant sage soldier and stabbed a person to the heart. The blood was carried out by the blade, floating in the void——

The corpse cicada rushed out, Zhizhi's excitement turned into a thin line of shadow, madly sucking and yang blood!


Su Jin's body condensed into a violent ape, blood-red violent ape! It closed its eyes, full of demonic energy, and stood up!

The violent ape is as high as Qiyun, and every hair is like a steel needle, exuding strands of red lotus clean fire. In its left and right hands, it holds two magic mountains from the past and the present!

Opened the red eyes like a lake, and suddenly used the golden eyes!


Two pillars of magnificent flames spewed out, and the void was burned!

Immediately there was a scream, a scream! The 100,000 immortal soldiers present at the scene lost five or six thousand people at this moment! Five or six thousand people turned to ashes!

Immediately, the violent ape roared, and his right arm flew ‘Ancient Mountain’, and the mountain directly rumbling down, blinking to the top of the sage general’s head!


Blood flew across, broken limbs scattered, blood-red flesh mixed with broken bones, began to fall down——

"Come on the mountain today! Kill!"

Su Jin made a dashing movement, the entire violent ape leaned forward, and his left arm was held by the mountain today, and he smashed the mountain town and killed it! This shot was another scream!

The Taoist Stars trembled, Su Jin was too strong! Strong makes him feel terrible!

You must know that Su Jin is still the result of his life-saving, or the result of no breakthrough, he can already have such power, fortunately, the Six Dao Emperors cannot become the emperor, otherwise this person... will go to heaven!

"My people~~~Help your king lay down this royal fertile soil!" Su Jin's dark eyes flashed with a cold light.


In Lingyao City, nearly two million monks who were bent over by evil spirits had already sworn allegiance to Su Jin. At this moment, they rushed in groups without any concern about their names!

"No!" The Xing Ming Daoist shook his whole body, and the surrounding Mirror Mansion began to appear.

Among them, every figure of the Star Life Taoist, holding a purple-brown ‘Book of Tao’, began to seal the surroundings, not allowing the monks in the city that were manipulated to enter!


The scene that the monks worried about still appeared! Who can believe that Su Jin really has this ability, one person has already caused a heavy loss to 100,000 soldiers!

just now!

Now even with the help of those heroes, nearly two million people in Lingyao City were beheaded. In this battle, even if Su Jin died, he would be a winner!

The Star Life Taoist trembled coldly in his heart--

Among the nearly two million people controlled by Su Jin's ghost king body, there are more than 300,000 people from the tribe, and a blood-red symbol appears on the center of each eyebrow. It is a kind of evil curse!


Nearly two million cultivators were actually not weak. They directly joined forces to smash that piece of Mirror Mansion and smashed the pieces of Mirror Mansion to pieces. The Star Life Daoist squirted blood from the sky and flew out!

kill! kill!

The situation has completely reversed, and the remaining tens of thousands of heroes began to panic, no matter what else, continue to fight!

"no no!"

Xing Ming Taoist looked at the immortal soldiers and saints he had brought with him, one spear and one clansman, he also saw several Lingyao city monks, who killed a warrior to death by obscure life and death.

Hell on earth, nothing more than this is described——

The terrible scene is far more sensible than imagined. There is no winner in this battle! Su Jin didn't win either, his hair was white and weak!

Su Jin dismissed the ape strike technique, sat down cross-legged, his eyes turned normal, but his eyes were very dim.


These two terrifying words seem to be within reach now.

Not reconciled! Su Jin was not reconciled. He hadn't destroyed the Dachang Mansion yet, and the Protoss that Zen Xue came from, he was also unable to destroy it!

Even here in eighty cities, he only destroyed one city, very unwilling! In the great world of China, the catastrophe is not over, he died and no one will guard it! Yuanshi and Tianlong will laugh!

Su Jin was covered in blood, Ruxue's white hair was a little messy, and the thick blood at the corner of his mouth formed a line of drops, falling on his cross-legged legs——

"I can't die for the time being!" Su Jin gritted his teeth, opened the ancestral world, and began to pull away the turbulent power everywhere.

In fact, the scene is already densely packed with illusions in the ancestral realm, but when Su Jin used his power, he almost grabbed all his power and blessed him!

Taoist Stars leaped high into the sky, and his anger made him lose his mind. He was holding a mirror in his right hand. The pattern of the mirror was "three", about the size of a basin!

In the high altitude, the Taoist Xing Ming held the mirror, and directly shouted, a pillar of blue lightning was wrapped in the light, and it was shining towards Su Jin!


As Su Jin spoke, he coughed up his mouth and raised his hand into a fist-like shape with a huge Buddha, with only ten fingers outstretched, suddenly facing the mirror surface——


The Daoist's natal mirror was broken by Su Jin's guidance, and it was seriously injured and flew out like a broken kite!

Seriously injured and dying, there is such a strength! The expressions of the monks all around were unbelievable!

Boom boom, boom boom, strong heartbeats all around began to appear, and among the clouds in the distance, a huge figure was walking step by step.

Su Jin clenched his fists. If he was strong, he would definitely not be afraid of this person, but this time he is very likely to die in the hands of the opponent——

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