My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2078: The End of the Crossbow (4/6)

"Dare to destroy the two royal cities like this, I have to say that you... are so daring!"

The rough voice trembled, Tianyu City was destroyed, and now Lingyao City was wandering around with evil spirits, turning it into a ghost city. The destructive power of Su Jin alone was unimaginable!

Come, Huangtian Hou Pang Chong! It turns out that not long ago, he was in danger and was released. If he was defeated and fled again in Su Jin's hands this time, he would be unforgivable!

"If I'm still strong, I can't wait to destroy all of your 80 king cities!"

Su Jin's tone was fierce and he raised his head slightly, watching that Pang Chong approach aggressively.

Even Xing Ming Taoist can see that he is weak, how can Pang Chong not see?

"Dreaming! My royal family Taoist has traveled outside and has not yet returned, otherwise the moment you appear, you will be dead!" Pang Chong's voice was very annoyed.

The army entered the outer domain of China Great World, and the army was defeated. He was already aggrieved, and now he is counterattacked by the opponent alone, which can be described as a heavy loss!

And the original 100,000 immortal soldiers, only a few thousand are still struggling to support, looking at it, it really makes people want to chop Su Jin into meat sauce!

"Stop talking nonsense to Laozi, if you want to fight, then fight!" Su Jin supported his body and stood up!

"You are already at the end of the crossbow, I can kill you easily!" Huangtian Hou Pang Chong said confidently.

The end of the crossbow?

There was excitement in the eyes of the surrounding monks, and they had long felt that Su Jin was not normal.

Someone finally figured it out and said excitedly: "The Star Life Daoist can't pay for his life beforehand. I think this person was taken away from his life, but why hasn't he died yet?"

"I'm also surprised, the ancestor wants to take his life, unless it is the emperor's life that cannot be taken, this person is an ancestor, why is he still alive?"

"No matter what, he will definitely die today! Emperor Pang Chong appears, his stone fist is not vegetarian--"


Among the Chinese royal family, Huangtian Hou Pang Chong is notoriously grumpy, and few people in the world can beat him. This powerful appearance directly gave other people a reassurance.

Su Jin must die!

"Before you die, I will kill you." Su Jin gave a cold look, his voice was not so full.

"You can't do it! Die to me!" Pang Chong's body like a hill, drew close in a blink of an eye, the stone fist was clenched, and a finger was noticeably missing from it.

Su Jin folded his hands together, and when he was hit, his wisps of snow were plated with gold, and his entire body instantly became a golden body——


Su Jin leaned back and was blown away, and a ray of blood shook out from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were hazy, and his brain seemed to have a tendency to stop working. This scene excited others!

Sure enough, Huang Tianhou is amazing!

At this moment, two whirlpools appeared in the void in the distance, as if the void was distorted. In the two whirlpools, several people appeared——

Dao Venerable Tantai, parents of Zen Xue, and three Dao Venerables are here! There are two juniors, Zen Xue and Lan Yueya!

On the other whirlpool, Huan Zhao Dao Zun led Xia Yuyan, Bi Hun Nu Zun, Xia Yuyan and Tang Yingjiao to appear.

"Tianyu City was destroyed by him, how could this Lingyao City turn into a ghost city!" Huan Zhao Dao Zun himself didn't believe it, and at the strong request of his lover Xia Yuyan, he brought a few women.

As a result, it's as you see it!

"Husband——" Xia Yuyan instinctively wanted to pass, but was held back by the Bichen.

"What's wrong with Brother Su?"

Tang Yingjiao has always been indifferent to Su Jin, because she feels that Big Brother Su is invincible, but now she is panicking!

"His longevity is about to die, it is impossible to live, let's see him off." The Biyu female respected said with great pity.

Hearing this, Xia Yuyan's eyes were filled with mist——

"It seems that there is no need for us to come." Tantai Dao Zun said with a sarcasm, looking at Zen Xue's parents.

"It's really unnecessary."

"The girl Zen Xue begs to let us come. His longevity is completely exhausted and he can't live anymore." The lady stroked Chan Xue's hair and chuckled.

"Then watch him die--" Chan Xue snorted, staring at Su Jin who had stabilized his figure.

Three Taoist priests arrived at the scene, and there were two other gods, the Father God and Mother God! This scene, let other people see, clenched their fists excitedly.

No doubt, got insurance! Su Jin couldn't live anymore, even running away became a wishful thinking!

Su Jin looked at Huangtian Hou Pang Chong now, feeling that his figure was shaking for a while, blurry!

But Su Jin can still fight!

Buddha and Taoism are golden body, feet are stepped away, at that moment, Xiaoyao Xianbu makes perfect use!


As if the speed had exceeded the limit, when Su Jin appeared in front of Pang Congru Xiaoshan's body, he raised his fist, and the Buddha's palm was folded into a fist——


At that moment, the Great Benghuai Shenquan blended with the Buddha Quan, perfectly blending, and it felt like there was no disobedience!

Huangtian Hou Pang Chong did not dare to be careless, but his body speed was far not as fast as Su Jin's punching speed. This blow hit the stone body!


Pang Chong's small stone body was blown up, and blood was shaken out of his mouth, nose, ears, and even the corners of his eyes!

This is too strong! Su Jin's dyingly ill, hollow body of an old tree could still have such a combat power!

"I'm going to peel your skin and crush your bones!"

Pang Chong became frantic, and his whole body swelled out, and a sunken fist mark appeared in front of him. This is simply his shame!

"I worked hard all the way and tried all the breakthrough methods. Now I...understand how to become an emperor." Su Jin's eyes were already blind.

If it hadn't been for the Buddha and Dao gold body to hang him, I am afraid that the last vitality and longevity would have passed out.

It was too stupid to go into the universe. Su Jin tried to take the path of his predecessors and walked through places where there are so many wars, but those are always the paths of others.

His way is these six ways!

How can one walk six paths!

Naturally, it is necessary to integrate the six ways, just like six chopsticks, one by one is very easy to break, but if they are bundled together, it is far more than six times more resilient!


Su Jin's eyebrows opened suddenly! He wants to break through!

Great Leiyin Temple! Daxiong Hall! Sumi Bodhi Hall! The three halls manifested in the sky!

Su Jin Wisdom Buddha pupil looked at the ‘Daxiong Treasure Hall’ in the middle. It was a hundred thousand li away, with the Buddha shadows on both sides holding sticks, magnificent and sacred. Although one hundred thousand li is far away, in the eyes of the benevolent, it’s close in front of him——

"I want to truly transform myself and enter the'Daxiong Hall' with a golden body. I will use the strongest way, the golden body of Buddhism and Taoism to integrate the other five realms!"

Su Jin's eyes were muddy, he didn't even look at Pang Chong, as if he had forgotten everything around him, folded his hands together, and stepped onto the Buddha ladder——

"This punch will smash you!" Huangtian Hou Pang leaped forward, condensing all his strength, he was sure to blast Su Jin with this blow!


All around exclaimed, seeing Su Jin put his hands together sincerely, and took a step on the Buddha ladder, as if ignoring the bombardment of Pang Chong behind him!

This blow will be fatal!

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