My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2079: Wako (5/6)


Huangtian Hou Pang Chong has never wanted to kill a person so much! But when he condensed his power on the huge stone fist, he suddenly stunned.

This punch is empty!

In fact, it can't be called Dakong, Pang Chong's fist passed through Su Jin, but the opponent still moved forward!

The faces of Zen Xue's parents suddenly appeared surprised, including the Taoist priest in Tantai, and the younger generation Lan Yueya and the female priest of Zen Xue were all confused.

"Chi Di Dao Zun, could this be--" Tantai Dao Zun looked at Zen Xue's father, his face was numb and stiff.

As the head of the "God Race" in the vast land of God, Chi Di Dao Zun, the father of Zen Xue Nu Zun, is known as the "Father God", but at this moment he also secretly took a breath.

"With light and dust! His Buddhism is so superb that he has entered the state of'light and dust'!"

Chi Di Dao Zun gasped, his eyes widened, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

Just now Pang Chong did hit, but his fist passed through Su Jin, as if it was in the air——

This is "Harmony with Light"!


The screams of Huangtianhou Pangchong awakened many people. When he looked over with a pair of eyes, the Huangtianhou rolled to the ground, unable to display many magical techniques!

The group of Buddhist and Taoist phantoms, holding sticks, beat him hard! With each stick down, Huang Tianhou's body escaped with a few gray air——


"Huang Tianhou was smashed to the ground by those Buddha shadows holding a staff, just the manifested vision, already has such a prestige!" Someone scratched his head, looked eagerly, and started talking.

"It should have been hit just now, but why didn't it matter at all?" Someone was surprised.

"Huang Tianhou, hold on--"

"We still have Dao Sovereign, but why doesn't Dao Sovereign take action? Should he let him continue to be arrogant!"

Gradually, this kind of sound roared, and I don't know how many people are asking the Great Master to sanction Su Jin!

Chi Di Dao Zun and his wife, as well as Tantai Dao Zun's faces were full of bitterness. This undoubtedly touched the faces of the three Dao Zuns. Naturally, they would not ignore their status.

After all, in the state of'Harmony with Light and Dust', you can only see it, but in the distorted void, Dao Zun can't reach him. Fortunately, this is just a state. Among hundreds of millions of people, there will be no one— —

And this state, as long as it appears, it will definitely not appear a second time!

"He has found a way to break through." Lan Yueya's face pretended to be annoyed, but his heart was warm and very happy.

Zun Xue Nv's face was pale, and when she heard the word'breakthrough', she was already very nervous in her heart.

impossible! The Zen Snow Woman comforted herself in this way, comforting herself by saying, "The Six Dao Ancestors cannot become emperors."

On the other hand, Bi Hun and others were nervous, and nervousness was all over their faces!

Husband is too miserable——

A touch of grief came out of Xia Yuyan's heart. Su Jin's pressure had never been told to her. The burden on him was far beyond his imagination. If he can't break through, who can break through!

From a distance, Su Jin had already walked out of a hundred miles.

Because he found the right way, Su Jin had to be cruel to himself if he wanted to cross him. The Buddha shadows on both sides of the road, beat him with a stick, his face remained unchanged, and his golden body did not move!

Rod punishment, since the manifestation of the Daxiong Hall, no one has ever climbed to the top. Normally strong people will probably be knocked on the road, let alone Su Jin's current state!

"Great compassion without tears, silent laughter. The sound of wind and rain are the lovesickness of the first life. Nirvana and epiphany are the Zen front of the first life." Su Jin's standard unity, looking forward.

One hundred thousand miles, not far away.

Su Jin’s muddy eyes seemed to be a little more clear, and he said as he walked: "The enlightenment is speechless in all phases, away from all phases, that is, no phase, evil and righteous troubles, emptiness of identity, separation of false appearances, and wonderful minds. ."


On both sides of the Buddha ladder, the real Buddha phantom was holding a staff, and slammed two sticks on him, expelling a few rays of karma.

Su Jin walked indifferently, and the stick tormenting Buddha shadows he walked past all began to sit on the ground, and there was a melodious voice of Sanskrit singing: "Nan Wu drinks La Da Na, Duo La Ye Ye."

"Nan Wu Aying Ye, Po Lu Jie Di, Shuo Bo La Ye."

"Mahe, Jialu Nijiaye. Om, Saba punishes you."


Hundreds of miles, thousands of miles, thousands of miles--

Su Jin was 10,000 li on the high Buddha ladder, and countless Buddha shadows sat down behind him. The Sanskrit singing converged into a sacred torrent, resounding in the surrounding earth and the clouds!

A hundred miles ahead, Su Jin didn't walk fast, and a thousand miles behind it was fine, but the more high places he walked, the less the shadow of the Buddha's shadow, but the stronger!

For a long time thousands of miles ago, he walked away from the first step of the Buddha ladder to the present, but it only took an hour.

"Damn! I just heard the "Infinite Life Sutra", those Buddha shadows are making up his life--" Chi Di Dao Zun frowned, and there was a trace of anxiety in his heart.

"Supplement your life?" The Zen Snow Female Venerable started in amazement.

Su Jin used to run out of ammunition, food, and oil, and the lamp was dead. Now he is in a state of ‘harmony with light and dust’. Those Buddha shadows chanting ‘Shou Jing’ are making up for his life!

Chi Di Dao Zun waved his arm, and the void more than twenty meters away revealed Su Jin's perspective around the Buddha ladder.

Sure enough, the scene appeared, and Su Jin's long hair, like snow, was beginning to change faintly.

Transition to gray-cyan!

Huan Zhao Dao Zun took a breath, this son is so heavenly! What is this operation?

"Disciple, who is your husband? If you weren't a monstrous person in the previous life, it is definitely impossible to be so enchanting——" Huan Zhao Dao Zun looked at Xia Yuyan and couldn't help asking.

"I do not know."

Xia Yuyan had a faint pride on her face. In the great world of Chennai, she was able to distinguish it clearly after she had gone to the teacher. It turned out that this magnificent Daoist was even more powerful than Su Jin.

"When I return to your Huaxia Great World, I will help you unlock the seal of your spiritual sea as a teacher. I feel that your husband and wife are not normal--" Huan Zhao Dao Zun sighed.

"Okay." Xia Yuyan didn't blink her eyes, looking at the scene with expectation in her heart.

Bi Hun is far more anxious than others now. She is a world-level female and follows Su Jin ancestral realm. Although she is not as powerful as her master, she...

But people will still be poked on the backbone and talk about things behind the back. If Su Jin succeeds, then she has a better vision of gambling than Chan Xue!

All sentient beings, the Buddha's ladder is high, all look forward to it, but most of them are looking forward to Su Jin's death——

But at this moment!

The Daxiong Hall is in the center, and the "Da Leiyin Temple" on the right suddenly makes a clang!

A magnificent and sacred Buddha bell was struck!

With the sound of the Buddha's bells, and the bathing of Buddha's light, the entire 80-city of the royal family of China seems to be turned into a piece of bliss!


In the golden body state of Su Jin, with the sound of the Buddha's bell, it seems that there is a sound beyond the usual sound——

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