My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2081: Many visions

Step on this step firmly!


Su Jin's face was solemn, the entire upper part was empty, Xia Wei steamed, and the rumbling became stronger and stronger. He looked at the sacred Daxiong Hall, folded his hands together without hesitation, and entered the hall with a golden body.

At that moment, everyone will never forget.

Su Jin's golden body moved into the Daxiong Hall, and in an instant, behind the three halls, a tens of thousands of miles and a high ‘wheel of heaven’ rose!

The Secret Wheel is bathed in the'Six-Color Xia Wei'.

For those six wheelbases, three straight and three reversed are slowly rotating, but at that moment, visible to the naked eye, each kind of road began to cruise in different routes——

The wheel of the incomparably splendid Heavenly Secret, the yellow Buddha gushing out from above, a pure land opened up in Xia Wei, a total of 9,999 Buddha Kings of Bliss appeared!

Sacred and incomparable Sanskrit singing, neat and consistent, this kind of Buddhist sound seems to awaken the feeling of good in evil beings:

"Nan Wu, Drink La Da Na, Duo La Ye~~"

"Bodhi night, Bodhi night. Puduo night, Puduo night."

"Mi Di Chi Ye. That is Jin Chi. Dili Senina. Po Ye Mo Na~~~"

The nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Buddha Kings of Bliss appeared as if they really existed, with loud and holy voices, shocking millions, even tens of millions of people who heard the wind around them!

Together is the king of life and death! Congratulations from King Buddha!

Tweeted, tweeted~~~

In the sky, Xia Wei raised two high-pitched bird cry, the whole sky suddenly became dark, and even Xia Wei Guanghua could not be seen again!

At a high altitude, a dark sun manifested, and with the first bird cry, the flames around the dark sun became discs, shining toward the heavens!

This is a sun candle! The vision revealed by Honglian Jinghuo!

The second bird cry was a moon rising in the east. Only the edges of the moon were blue and white, and the center of the moon was also black!

This is Taiyin Youying! The extraordinary vision displayed by the sky hellfire!

The second way: Vulcan Way! With that high-pitched bird cry, the shock manifested!

In the seventy-nine king cities, many monks were very anxious and looked up, but here, with a tragic sword tune, everyone seemed to see the distant era of the sword god.

One person buried the sword.

A hundred people buried their swords.

Thousands of people buried their beloved swords, and buried the sword cases inlaid with crystals. Those sword cases contained swords, or buried them in deep pools, or buried the sea and cliffs——

But at this moment, the desperate sword burial monk of millions of people raised his head fiercely, and the swords buried seemed to tremble with inexplicable force.

"My fairy sword!" Suddenly, someone faced the cold gust of wind, with a surprise, the sword took the initiative to unscath and was led away!

Shoo! Numerous sword rains flowed back on the scene, and then they returned to their scabbards with great precision!

The scene was full of shocked faces, no one dared to speak loudly, and even a small number of whispered words.

This is Su Jin's third way, the sword body way!


Who is crying, and who repents before the Buddha? The 2.5 billion evil spirits manifested from the wheel of the secret of heaven, spreading out the void, at this moment, the evil spirits moved through the clouds, floating densely with ghost skulls!

"The ghost king is here!"

Two and a half billion evil spirits, kneel down and worship, that thin child, that fearful child, his pupils were instantly dark, and the first generation of ghost kings cut down one third of the fertile soil of the heavens!

This is his fourth way: Ghost King!

The fourth way, reflecting far away, one ghost king in thousands of worlds, the first ghost king comes to congratulate!


In the distant black sky, a white wave rushed in. A pegasus of thousands of miles in size, wrapped in seven colors of colored glaze, mainly purple, with barbs on the top of its four legs!

"So handsome Pegasus--" Someone envied it.

"Ordinary people call it Tianma, but in fact it is called'Gouchen'. This is the legendary Gouchen! Immortal beast!" Someone cleared the question.

"Five Dao has been shown, and he has to break through! How many Dao does he have!"

"Six Daozu! Mine?" Someone looked up with fear.


The blood and the corpse pulp were mixed together, and a demon realm in the distance was opened up. Among them, the violent ape waved two mountains, the ancient mountain and the modern mountain. The corpse blood waves, inducing the purest modern and ancient demon energy!

The ancient mountain and the present mountain, the magic light suddenly became bright, and when the naked eye was visible, it rose crazy, soaring into the sky!

The faces of Bi Hun, Zen Xue Nu Zun and others were very numb, which was caused by a long period of sluggishness!

"Six Dao Ancestors, we are going to break through, and break the curse legend!" Even now, the female veteran Biyu feels like a dream. This scene is too unbelievable and unimaginable.

"No, no, don't break through!" The Zen Snow Female Venerable's face was pale, and she couldn't find a trace of blood on her face, her heart beating like a drum!

"If he breaks through, I can reconcile it, Master Zen Xue, what do you think?" Lan Yueya was shocked and asked by the voice transmission to Zen Xue.

"My parents add Dao Zun Tantai, killing him is as easy as turning the palm of your hand!" Female Zun Zen snorted coldly.

"Hey—" Seeing that the two of them had a deep hatred, Lan Yueya chose to give up directly, and continue to see if he could become an emperor at this moment.

Tang Yingjiao looked at her little hand weirdly. Her little hand was pinched very tightly by her sister-in-law, and she was speechless when she heard the sound of "Come on" in her ear.

However, the scene was indeed shocking, and even Tang Yingjiao, who had been indifferent, watched without blinking!


Suddenly, in the Daxiong Hall, a violent shaking began to appear. The three Buddha Halls shook, and the surrounding 100,000 li began to tremble, and the 79 royal cities were in danger of collapsing!

In the Daxiong Hall in the middle, as long as there are monks on the scene, they can feel a momentum rising again and again!

Double, double, triple--

In the end, the strength has been increased more than ten times! Although I didn't see Su Jin's existence, that kind of aura can indeed be calculated!

"Not good!" The Zen Snow Woman trembling, her face suddenly changed.

"This wicked barrier!" Chi Di Daozun and his wife also looked gloomy.

Even Tao Venerable Tantai took a sigh of relief, and a trace of regret appeared in his heart. In fact, he and Su Jin didn't have much hatred at first, and the fault was all at his Tantai family in Dachang Palace!

Looking up, the vision suddenly disappeared, including the three Buddhist temples and even the Wheel of Heavenly Secret.

Su Jin sits in the void, with a handsome face and a standard namaste sitting posture with closed eyes. His ink hair is flying in the wind, and his many temperaments are added, like evil and charm, like solemnity, silk devil like immortal——

In the next quarter of an hour, Su Jin did not move.

Within the seventy-nine royal cities, the monks began to make noise:

"Has he become the Six Dao Great Emperor?"

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