My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2082: Six Dao Great Emperor

"It doesn't feel like a breakthrough--"

"It's best not to break through, the scary movement, when did our royal family provoke such a powerful existence!"

"Don't be afraid of breakthroughs. The Protoss Patriarch Chi Di Dao Zun is no longer under the net, so he didn't discuss it."

"It should be a breakthrough. The horrible aura just now has been increasing exponentially~~" Someone put forward different opinions.

Opinions vary!

Su Jin's eyelids moved slightly, and he opened his eyes lightly. The infinite wisdom of wisdom seemed to penetrate people's hearts. He restrained his breath, and his whole person was like a mortal.

The mind was shaking.

Su Jin was extremely excited. He was called the homeland of the Wasteland and needed to be guarded. The Catastrophe had just begun, and the enemy was strong. If he didn't break through, how could he change his fate for the entire world!


Has succeeded!

He is now not only the Six Dao Great Emperor, but also the Six Dao Great Emperor!

Quietly, Su Jin stood up.

"I want to destroy your homeland, and let you hide like a bereaved dog. Just like this, the "Seventy-Nine Kings City" is destroyed, so will your vast Protoss—"

Su Jin slowly raised his hand, as if there was some kind of wonderful Taoist rhyme in that hand, he did not turn into a golden body, but a Buddha palm covering the sky was covered!

Fortunately, the Seventy-Nine King City, because it was destroyed by Su Jin before, almost no monks dared to stay in it!

How can it be called a majestic under the palm of a few miles?

"Don't kill me!" Xing Ming Dao Ren's eyes are blood red. He is not worried about the destruction of the God City, but Su Jin seems to be aiming at him deliberately. The Buddha finger on the Buddha palm gently bends——


It was as if a balloon was blown to its limit, hit by the Buddha's finger, the Taoist Star was directly shattered and turned into ashes, and the seventy-nine city, under the palm of the Buddha...

In the boom, was razed to the ground!

The impression of Buddha's palm with a diameter of nearly ten thousand li appeared on the vast earth!

"You wicked barrier, watch me kill you!" Chi Di Dao Zun was so angry.

Many mud and stone people below were destroyed, and they condensed out of the soil at this moment. This is Chi Di Dao Zun's "transformation of common people"!

In the surrounding air, a group of transparent immortals were manifested, and that trace of regular force connected them together!

The whole world is confined by Chi Di Dao Zun, no one wants to escape from here!

Su Jin smiled lightly, happy and immortal step!

Come straight away——

The Zen Snow Girl stunned and took a step back.

"Then come and try to kill me!" Su Jin yelled softly.

Chi Di Dao Zun's whole person, rising from the ground, the technique of'Transforming the Common People' gleamed all around, and the strange aura radiated from the mud-rock men.

Almost every step he took, Chi Di Dao Zun's momentum increased by three points!

Su Jin suddenly panicked. In the immortal cave mansion opened up by the void, endless male celestial beings appealed to evil power. As a result, every face of the transparent male celestial became savage.

A trace of gray air filled my heart, and the gray-black stone heart was steadily beating, eliminating the interference!

"Unexpectedly, the effect is not great!" Chi Di Daozun was a little surprised.

This technique of "transforming common people", although other Dao Venerables can also do it, but other Dao Venerables are far less sophisticated than him. He once used this technique to refine a Dao Venerable to death.

Su Jin had a strong aura, and appeared directly beside Chi Di Dao Zun at this moment, smashing the past with a punch and carrying the strength of Wanjun.


Chi Di Dao Zun's figure swayed and appeared 300 meters in front of him, frowning a little.

"Father God actually retreated!" The onlooker yelled in an incredible tone.

"Obviously, this person has broken through to the Six Dao Great Emperors, and the attack speed just now is estimated to be difficult for the world's strongest to avoid!"

"But Chi Di Dao Zun has a profound cultivation base. It is estimated that there is no better than him, and there will be nothing wrong with this person, right?"

"Look again!"

The exclamation sound also made Xia Yuyan's worried heart fall, and she raised her head proudly, watching the battle!

"Master, you said, can my husband beat this Chi Di Dao Zun?" Xia Yuyan asked silently.

"Can't beat. It's impossible to win." Huan Zhao Dao Zun shook his head.

With her remarks, even the lady Bichen was curious.


"Because Chi Di Dao Zun possesses more than one hundred kinds of magic arts, and the Clan God's longevity statue has not been released yet, Chi Di Dao Zun in that state is invincible." Huan Zhao Dao Zun said.

"Can't even beat you?" Xia Yuyan was very worried.

"I added Dao Zun Tantai, combined with the power of two people, maybe survived that blow, but I can't win." Dao Zun Huan Zhao clearly understood this.


Both Xia Yuyan and Bixun took a breath, and began to worry about Su Jin.

At this moment, there was an exclamation on the scene.

The two of them fought back and forth in the sky. Chi Di Dao Zun seemed to be angry, and his cross arm condensed his Dao Sword. The Dao Sword was full of "feather patterns". Once it appeared in the hand, it immediately bloomed. The glory of strength comes out!

Su Jin flipped his hand and held Ju Que in his hand. The distance between the two was not short, but both of them attacked in a flash!

The two streamers are joined together!

Qiang Qiang--

The ripples from the collision of forces shattered the void!

"Sword Song!"

Su Jin directly raised the sword with one arm and pointed the sword at the sky. The terrifying fluctuations directly caused the black wind and clouds, and lightning converged!

Bang bang bang--

A broad sword with a virtual handle soars into the sky, like a shooting star piercing the ground everywhere! Madly pulling away the power, Su Shao has confidence in this blow!

"What a wicked animal!" Chi Di Daozun looked at the changing situation, his figure shook.

Eighteen Dao Chi Di Dao Zun, one word appeared! This is one of his Dao Zun skills, incarnation outside the body!

"You die for me..." Su Jin squeezed the hilt of the sword, the sword rain was absorbed by the giant sage soldiers, and then he swept out the giant sacred soldiers!

The rumbling slashed through the sky, and that extremely fast ‘sword song’ technique was beyond defense!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Eighteen Dao body incarnations were decapitated, but Chi Di Dao Zun was safe and sound, without any damage! On the contrary, his deity held up with his hands, and a sauce-colored wooden carving was offered by him!

Su Jin's expression suddenly changed with the breath of endless vicissitudes of wood carving——

"The emperor of the clan god, no matter how great his Six Dao Great Emperors are against the sky, he will not be able to fight. On the contrary, he will become an emperor today, and he will be annihilated today." Huan Zhao Dao Zun shook his head and sighed.

It seems to be a pity--

Xia Yuyan was a little worried, the sauce-colored wood carving was like an old man, lifelike, and there were waves of mystery, but this wood carving would kill Su Jin!

"Not good!" When Lan Yueya looked at it, his heart was desolate.

On the contrary, the Zen Snow Female Venerable and her mother laughed lightly, Shit Six Dao Great!

Under the eternal image of the clan god, these six emperors, Su Jin, will die and cannot die again!

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