My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2083: Scare away the strong

Very weird

After Chi Di Taozun took out the sauce-colored wood carving, the whole surroundings seemed to be transformed into a silent world, with strong fluctuations in the void intertwined, and Su Jin stared at the wood carving!

There is a sense of imminent disaster!

In the boundless black sky, full of the breath of vicissitudes of life, the sauce-colored wood carvings swayed gently, and four statues of old men from the east, south, west, and north appeared——

Every statue of the old man is comparable to a mountain!

Su Jin's face changed wildly, but the next moment his face was solemn, his hands gently folded.

Head down, look up!

A golden Buddha statue appeared! The tall and sacred Buddha statue directly shocked the hearts of many people!

After Su Jin entered the Great Hall of Heroes and transformed himself, the ancestor became an emperor! And he has achieved a golden Buddha! Originally, Su Jin faced Chi Di Dao Zun, only to be sure of being undefeated--

But now the other party has invited the Clan God Longevity Statue! Instead, Su Jin felt the challenge.

"The Buddha emperor's golden body with the'wisdom Buddha pupil' opened..." Someone on the scene trembled.

"Is it right? Is it really the wisdom Buddha pupil?"

"You can't be wrong! This person has become the six great emperors, and there are countless wisdom Buddha pupils, it is already difficult to limit." Some people shook their heads and sighed.

"How did we provoke him--"

"Don't be afraid, Chi Di Dao Zun is very powerful. With his and his wife present, the Buddha emperor's golden body will have to be blasted!"


Many people are looking forward to the next moment when Chi Di Dao Zun beheaded Su Jin who destroyed their home. After all, the hatred of the destruction of their home is not shared!

The four longevity statues of the elders, all expressionless, raised their right hands together, cyan ripples stretched towards Su Jin's golden body of the Buddha!

Those cyan ripples, after touching Su Jin and Buddha Jin, began to rumbling, descending cyan thunder!

Every cyan thunderbolt is difficult to figure out its power. If the ordinary world is in it, I am afraid that it will be blasted into powder, but Su Jin's Buddha statue has not moved!

The four longevity statues suddenly turned into an afterimage, condensed into one, and there was a piece of depressive Taoist sound around, the old man who turned into a longevity statue, his face was full of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy!

Under the sound of Taoism, the longevity-like old man raised his hand, pinched various techniques in his hand, and then lightly printed it towards Su Jin's heart——


The huge Buddha emperor's golden body was sunken in his heart, and a striking palm print clearly appeared in front of people!


Su Jin squirted blood out, and directly swiped it with the huge Buddha's palm wrapped around the Brahma Sutra!

What I just said was late, but it was a matter of two moments. Su Jin Buddha's golden body was almost broken. What is the origin of this wood carving!

"Huh? Not dead?" Chi Di Daozun was stunned, the current situation exceeded his expectations.

Su Jin's palm swept away, but it was empty! As if the old man does not exist in the world!

"Hot eyes and golden eyes!" Su Jin was furious, and the golden body's eyes suddenly became red, and he directly saw a wooden sculpture flying at the bottom.

Sky Bridge!

Su Jin’s golden fingers shook, and a fairy bridge was erected over the entire area. The fairy bridge was completely changed. After becoming the six great emperors, he used the fairy keel as the beam and the dragon foot as the pier. Once it appeared, the wooden carving was directly built. Live a moment!


"Return the longevity statue of my clan god!" Chi Di Dao Zun did not expect that this would be seen by Su Jin. If he did not grasp the longevity statue, several attacks from the clan **** would be enough to beat Su Jin's Buddha emperor golden body. Into a mess!


There was a cruel look at the corner of Su Jin's mouth. Fortunately, he had fiery eyes and could see through the hiding place of this longevity statue, otherwise he would lose without a doubt!


Su Jin lifted the palm of the Buddha, and the Sanskrit and Buddhist patterns on the palm of the Buddha were constantly suppressing the wood carving, and soon two pillars of flames spewed and hit the immortal statue of the **** of that tribe!

"No!" Chi Di Dao Zun was about to split, the clan god's longevity realm, soaring to 33 days, the only thing left to them is this longevity wood carving.

It can be said that the gods, the vast earth and the gods, have such a status, which has nothing to do with this longevity image!

The golden eyes of the fire-eyes directly condense the ultimate red lotus purifying fire, and the wooden sculpture on the Buddha's palm is melting rapidly when visible to the naked eye——

"Evil things, I will destroy them for you first, and you will take them out to harm people if you save them." Su Jin watched the yellow and bright water stains flowing between his fingers, and the entire Buddha emperor golden body began to disappear--

"Even the longevity image can be caught and melted?"

Dao Zun Tantai's old face was tense, as if looking at a monster, he looked at Su Jin, and then transmitted his voice to Chi Di Dao Zun and said, "Today, he has become an emperor. I think we should go back and find some countermeasures. "

I have to say that Dao Zun Tantai was frightened, and let alone him, even the others were confused by the whole scene.

"I have ninety-five'clan gods', if you dare to come, stay with you to the end!" Chi Di Dao Zun's face was ugly, one raised his hand, and together with Tantai Dao Zun and others, disappeared.

Clan gods?

It should be the body of the clan god! Su Jin thought, his face was pale for a while, and his body shook a few times in the void——

The eyes went dark.


"the host!"

"Brother Midnight~~~"

"Brother Su!"

As for the waking time, it was already two days later.

In a piece of continent in the Void Abyss, Su Jin was unclothed in the cave mansion.

It turned out that Su Jin became the emperor of the Six Paths and destroyed the Protoss Immortal Statue, which made Huan Zhao Dao Zun the intention of cherishing talents. In order to prevent Chi Di Dao Zun and others from returning and killing them, he deliberately brought Su Jin and others into a void. abyss.

In the Void Abyss, Su Jin once survived, looking for countless ways, but in this kind of zone, only the Taoist cultivation base, or the evil evil like Su Shao can get out!

It's dark and cold.

Su Jin opened his eyes lightly, looked at the stone wall above, seemingly aware, lowered his head and looked at a beautiful woman who brought him warmth——

Xia Yuyan seemed to be haggard. It was cold here, and she slept next to Su Jin, holding his arms with both hands.

The fragrance is tangy--

Seeing her close so close, Su Jin couldn't help but look towards the position of his heart, where it was like a ‘palm print’, but almost killed him! If he hadn't had a golden Buddha statue, he wouldn't have survived ten of them!

"Wife, who are you?" Su Jin stretched out his hand, his lips turned white, and he touched her ears and cheeks with his fingers.

Huan Zhao Dao Zun said that there is a seal in her spiritual sea, plus the **** life and death book she entered before she was born. After giving birth to her mother, after the car accident died, she became an extraordinary mansion in the underworld.

Su Jin wants to know.

But Su Jin is now seriously injured, the ‘power’ brought by the longevity image is still aggravating his injuries, and his mother’s life or death is uncertain in the Mogu Prison.

The catastrophe, the catastrophe of China is not over, Su Jin does not even know whether he can change his fate for his own world——

The gap is still very big! Su Jin is actually very fortunate that he can only fight a Daoist now, and no matter how much it is, he will die!


Xia Yuyan woke up with her eyes distraught.

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