My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2087: What am I afraid of? (1/6)

The surrounding area was white, and the fog formed a river of fog in the distant mountains and forests, flowing slowly.

In the early morning, the huge mountain statue was carved into the stone, and the formations were bright, showing three figures.


Su Jin looked up and saw the stone carvings on the six ears. A red bird called out, staring at the three of his party with shining eyes. Afterwards, he might feel boring, but he started to go again. Caught the bug.

Princess Huoer was accommodated by Su Jin in the Wheel of the Sky Secret, where she could condense her Vulcan Dao and also absorb the incomparable Jade Lake Immortal Power.

"Master, that dream girl... can't be saved?" The Biyu female veteran asked softly as soon as she left the teleportation formation for fear that Su Jin would forget.

Su Jin's face moved slightly, and he shook his head and said: "I have a badly wounded body, and now I can only rely on the Vulcan Dao to flourish. First, I will take down the palace of the female realm master of Yuanshi and seize her world's essence."

Is that true?

There was a trace of doubt on the face of the Bi Hun Female Venerable. The owner has wisdom Buddha pupil and great wisdom. It is impossible to find such an excuse——

"The slave and maid had something to say, I don't know if it's appropriate to say it," Bichen said hesitantly.

"Speak." Su Jin nodded.

"The speed of the dream girl at that time was far beyond the surface strength, and the Zen Xue Female Venerable could also see it, so -" Bi Hun Female Venerable said.

"So what?"

"So be careful~~~" Bi Hun said bitterly.

According to Su Jin's temper, this is simply an offensive statement by Bi Xu Nu Zun, but it is for Su Jin's good to say it, and now he is not unreasonable.

Out of the ordinary, Su Jin smiled and said: "I know! So this trip captures Yuanshi female realm master and destroys her world. This Yuanshi female realm master is also the instigator. I will arrest her to the underworld and kneel in front of Meng Sister."

"It's a pity that Pang Chong ran away when the master broke through." The Bi Hun woman nodded.

Intentionally, Bi Hun Nuvun turned off the topic of Meng Girl. Su Jin did this. Naturally, there was a reason for him to do so. Perhaps Su Shao was also entangled in her heart.

This man, as his strength grew, the city mansion became deeper and more cunning than some old guys.

"Let’s go, our time is very tight. We will do the big thing first. When the two realms of Yuanshi and Tianlong are destroyed, I will rush to Taifan to proclaim the emperor. I wonder if I can reach the Mogu God Prison with the cultivation of the Six Dao Great Emperors. The place where the mother is held."

It’s not that Su Jin didn’t want to save Meng’s girl. When the Buddha Emperor was in golden body, he was sunk by the immortal statue of that tribe’s god.

How can Dumeng sister wake up under severe injuries.

"Well, important things are important." Bixin nodded with a smile.


The Lord's Palace.

The Yuanshi female realm master lay on the phoenix chair which was larger than the bed, closing her eyes and restoring her spirits. The thin colored glaze dress stretched to her long legs, and her snowy skin showed her noble status everywhere.

For a moment, the female realm master took out a Dao Dan in her hand, followed for a long time, and finally held it firmly in her hand, sighed, and remembered the teacher's words in her mind:

"A Qiang, it's up to you to take it or not. You used to have the potential of the Three Steps of the Way of Heaven. After taking this ‘Dao Poison Pill’, although you can become an ‘Uncommon Emperor’, you can only have a hundred years of extraordinary emperor life——"

On the fictitious screen, there are two You Feng, dancing slowly, and the gilt censer on the case is slowly rising with a unique nose-smelling fragrance.

Clank clank.

Outside the door, an afterimage in black ran in and bowed to the ground.

"Is there any news?" the female leader asked.

"The Great King has embarked on the ancient forbidden road, and the Little King Jinpeng is still recovering——" said the black shadow envoy.

"I'm asking Su Jin!" The female realm master said immediately, surprised by the courage of Jian eleven.

"Not long ago, Emperor Su was in the vast land of Gods and Heaven, and he destroyed the Royal Eighty City by one person, and cut off nearly one hundred thousand celestial soldiers and saints——" The black shadow envoy said with sweat.

The female lord stunned.

Why is this happening!

"Why is he suddenly so strong?" The female realm master asked like she went crazy suddenly.

"Tianzi Su has become the'Six Dao Great Emperor'." The shadow envoy in black is now constantly wiping sweat.



"Fuck! Fuck!" The female realm master burst out her temper in an unprecedented way, **** off the cursing **** of the black shadow, slammed the door and fled——

"Tsk tsk, eat me, let me occupy your body and mind, and bring you the strength to rival him~~"

The sound like a curse wafted out of that ‘Dao Poison Pill’, and the tone seemed to contain endless temptation, confusion and attraction.

The female realm master gritted her teeth and constantly resisted taking away the ‘Dao Poison Pill’. Soon she got off the phoenix chair and called someone to say: "Prepare the Jiuxia Divine Luan Car, I’m going to visit the teacher—"

She is panicking now, feeling like a disaster is imminent!

Su Jin became the great emperor of the Six Daos, and even dared to dominate in the vast land of Gods and Heavens. If she returns, the first person who will not let it go is her Yuanshi Great World! I know how much I hurt him.

Soon, the nine Xia Luan raging had gathered, and a luxurious coach was pulled outside the imperial palace by Xia Luan.

But at this moment, the voice like a **** of death appeared——

"So want to escape?"

With the sound of Su Jin's voice, high above the lowest part of the imperial palace, hundreds of resisting imperial guards were blasted into the sky, falling freely in an extremely gorgeous posture!

The pretty face of the Yuanshi female realm master changed suddenly. She thought that Su Jin would be the first to attack her Yuanshi Great World, but she didn't expect to come so soon! This exceeded her expectations!

She hurriedly got into the Luan car and rushed not far from the void.

However, when looking at it with the naked eye--

The palace under the imperial palace was shattered into fragments, flying everywhere, Su Jin was too strong, not only was he the emperor of the six realms, he also brought two powerful men over!

"Su Jin! Do you dare!" The Yuanshi female realm master's eyes reddened suddenly, and she looked at the palace attendants and saints who had ran away, her face was so cold that she could condense into ice.

"What can I not dare?"

Su Jin was full of flames, directly from the bottom of the mountain, all the way up, before long, the imperial palace turned into beacon smoke, and you can see it from thousands of miles away!

"Refining the celestial essence, for my use!" Su Jin used three kinds of strange fires, and burned all the elixir in the imperial palace into a clear stream and gathered them together!

In an instant, Su Jin felt that his injury was just 20% better, but unfortunately the number was still too small—

"I'm going to kill you and smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" The Yuanshi female realm master looked at the burning of Emperor Palace Mountain, but she was very powerless in her heart, she could only shout from a distance.

"Your Yuanshi Great World, just like your'Imperial Mountain', will fall today!" Su Jin Xiaoyao stepped forward, and finally slammed a punch on the cliff!

This punch is terrifying!

The entire Emperor Palace Mountain, under the bombardment of this fist, collapsed and collapsed--

"Do not!"

Yuanshi female realm master's face was pale, but then she urged Jiuxiahuang very quickly, and the whole chariot began to turn into a stream of light——

"Run? You ran away, I wrote my name backwards!" Su Jinfa said harshly.

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