My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2088: Bufandi (2/6)

A few drops of tears blew with the wind——

A Qiang had never thought that everything about him would be wiped out with the collapsed Imperial Palace Mountain, the symbol of the highest class, collapsed into ruins in that rumbling.

Happy fairy step!

Su Jin took one step away, and when the entire Immortal Emperor cultivation base performed this step again, the whole person simply showed handsomeness and mystery, as if the Immortal Emperor was constantly searching on the road of time.

"You--" Yuanshi's female realm master's face changed wildly, and when she saw that demon-like figure stood in front of her, she felt a sense of sadness in her heart.

Su Jin sneered at the corner of his mouth and waved his hand directly. An arc-shaped blade cut quickly. The nine Xiahuang phoenixes were lifted off directly. The gorgeous feathers covered the void, and some feathers were stained like plum blossoms. Animal blood.

"I didn't expect to meet so soon. Master, how are you feeling?" After killing the nine Xiahuang phoenixes, Su Jin looked calmly at the female Master Yuanshi.

"As you wish, I'm so cool--"

The Yuanshi female realm master's face was like an ice wall, facing Su Jin now, even though she was flustered, she couldn't be frightened.

"You are aloof, do a lot of evil, snake-hearted! Have you ever thought that I could reach the cultivation base of the Six Dao Great Emperors so quickly?" Su Jin walked gently.

"Do you think you can really save that wasteland by your own strength? It doesn't exist, the people sent by God Tianhaotu are just the beginning, and there are even more terrifying powerhouses coming to cut you easily."

"Oh? How about I cut you off first?"

Su Jin squinted and walked to Huang Nian's place. Seeing her sitting calmly, she felt a bit of nowhere to go to heaven and nowhere to go to earth.

Speaking of this, it is the first time that Su Jin has been so close to this female world lord. Of course, he shouldn't be described as ‘close’. It should be said that he is close!

Su Jin stretched out her hand and picked it up at her chin. When she raised her head, Xing's eyes were hateful--


Directly appreciate the female realm master!

"Su Jin! I want to kill you! Desperate!" The Yuanshi female realm master has been driven mad, and she is splattering in a flash, she must tear Su Shao by hand--

"I ask you, does it hurt?"

Su Jin stared angrily, staring at the Yuanshi female realm master, "Don't speak? When you sent someone to squeeze Li Bicheng to death, did you think about the current fate? When you led someone to kill Long Yingru, did you think about the present! Ok?"

"I won't admit defeat, no!" Yuanshi female realm master really had a cruel trick.

What caught Su Jin off guard was that the voice of the Yuanshi female realm master contained a strong resentment. When the words fell, she directly covered Yidan in her mouth and swallowed--


A field formed directly, Su Jin instinctively retreated a hundred meters away, and felt the power of repelling anything within that hundred meters!

Fuck! What did you just eat!

Su Jin was shocked, the momentum of this Yuanshi female realm master had risen tenfold, and her momentum remained unabated--

Visible to the naked eye, the Yuanshi female realm master was floating in the void, and every inch of her skin could be seen rolling power, and purple qi spread from her skin!

It didn't take long for the Yuanshi female realm master to be enveloped in a purple mist.

"Emperor Cheng!" Su Jin glared, surprised.

What exactly did the Yuanshi female world master take? Is there such an easy thing in the world to become an emperor in an instant? Su Jin doesn't think this is a coincidence!

About a quarter of an hour, the Yuanshi female realm master groaned in the purple mist, and the purple mist around her was reduced crazily and was absorbed by her.

In the end she was like this--

Liuli Jinyi covers some long legs, her shoulders are exposed, and the Jinyi is very thin, but the eyes and lips on her face are all turned purple, and the ears are slightly pointed, and the purple pupils seem to hide endless depth——

"I hate that my three steps of heaven have turned into nothing, but I am willing to be able to kill a Six Dao Great Emperor!" Yuanshi female realm master looked at her hand, the inch of nails made her heart chill.

"You took the forbidden drug." Su Jin guessed that the Yuanshi female realm master took pill and was promoted to the emperor by an exception, and it seemed that he was not weak, which made him feel very strange.

"Yes! Just because of you! Because you know what!"

In the Yuanshi female realm master's purple eyes, there seemed to be two groups of purple flames jumping, gritted her teeth and said:

"Tao Poison Pill, after taking it, you can become an extraordinary emperor, but it can only be extraordinary for a hundred years. My 150,000 lifespan is exhausted, and there are only one hundred years left, but you are enough!"

Dao Du Pill?

At the price of 150,000 years of life, can the emperor promoted be an ordinary emperor?

Su Jin frowned, "With your current cultivation base, it is not enough to fight me—"

"Seriously wounded body, dare to speak up?" Yuanshi female realm master saw the flaw at a glance.


Su Jin stared at her pupils, this Yuanshi female realm master had indeed become quite different, and she could even see her severe injuries. This was a bit troublesome.

"Then I will let you see, the power of my Six Dao Great Emperors!" Su Jin said coldly with sharp eyes.

Bang bang bang~~~

Su Jin's aura soared, and a fire lotus rose up around him, with innocent stamens, and yellow silk threads rose from the lotus petals. That was the power of fire!

Six is ​​currently the strongest one! Vulcan Road!

Yuanshi female realm master Ziyi was charming, and she was directly trying to make a move. She noticed that two powerful men were coming in the distance, but based on her understanding of Su Jin, she should not interfere in the battle between the two!

"I'll kill the six great emperors, Yuanshijie will be famous all over the world!"

The female world lord is graceful, as if turning around and walking into the void. When she reappears, her whole person is restricted and wrapped by a purple barrier. This purple barrier can actually isolate the strange fire for a short time.


Su Jin was shocked, but he didn't believe that he would lose. He seemed to have noticed: "You two stand still, I will catch her personally!"

do not kill! After being ravaged, he must be sent to Sister Meng and bow down before he cuts it off!

Lan Yueya and Bi-sister-in-law looked at them from a distance, feeling very nervous.

"Who is this? There are even ‘Dao Poison Pill’! It turns into an ‘Emperor Uncommon’, which is really exciting--" Lan Yueya smiled bitterly.

"If the master is not seriously injured, of course it is more than enough to deal with it, but the other party is obviously going to be stronger now, why doesn't the master let us take action?" Bi Hun was puzzled.

"I don't know, it should be confident--" Lan Yueya shook his head.

Su Jin is very calm now, and now his Buddha emperor's cultivation level cannot be used, and the severely injured area is in the position of his heart, otherwise he will pinch off any "extraordinary emperor".

Sitting in the void, Su Jin twisted a red lotus, green white pistil, and silky yellow power rising above it, and a red lotus purifying fire was condensed in the palm of his hand.

The power of horror is contained in it. When this red lotus is successfully condensed, even the two females of Bichen in the distance have changed their colors!

Yuanshi female realm master supported the purple barrier and rushed into a purple shadow!

Su Jin's face was calm, watching the cohesive red lotus floating in front of him, he snapped his fingers unhurriedly--

That red lotus turned into a streamer to go to Yuanshi female realm chief!


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