My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2089: Cause and effect (3/6)


With a clear drink from Su Jin, he was drowned in the huge sound, and a red lotus that was not as big as a palm turned the void into a wave of fire when it encountered the Yuanshi female realm master.

How can the power of the most pure three kinds of strange fire be small? But then, Su Jin's surprised scene appeared——

In the center of the fire curtain, the hair of the Yuanshi female realm master actually grew several feet, and each strand of hair was flashed with tight Dao mark symbols.

The Yuanshi female realm master unexpectedly gave birth to purple hair, condensed into a Taoist clothing, and carried the blow without damage!

"Six Dao Great Emperor, just this little method?"

When the Yuanshi female realm master spoke, her purple hair was flying and her face was exposed. After speaking, she rushed to Su Jin and grabbed it with the white palms of her nails!

Brush and brush——

Ten cracks were caught from the void, and Su Jin moved a few steps to the left to avoid this ferocious blow. He was very puzzled. What kind of **** is that poison pill is so tricky.

"View treasure!" Su Jin threw out a scroll, and the scroll opened.

The Yuanshi female realm master looked angry, and immediately knew what it was, it turned out to be the prestigious ‘Acacia Picture’!

As she closed her eyes and avoided, strands of celestial power trickled out, and those celestial power trickles spread from the feet of the Yuanshi female realm master to her upper body. For a while, she was bound to death--

"The master is not just a bad one." The lady Biyu covered her eyes and couldn't bear to look at the scroll.

"No wonder there is no shortage of beautiful women around the boss." Lan Yueya said while wiping cold sweat.


Su Jin frowned, and as she saw it, the Yuanshi female realm master who was tied into rice dumplings still had a smile on her mouth——

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The Yuanshi female realm master slowly stretched her arms outwards, and the ropes that flowed into the immortal force were broken. You must know that Su Jin is the cultivation base of the immortal emperor. Although he was seriously injured, the immortal emperor's method was used!

"It's a pity that my Buddha emperor's cultivation is unsustainable. If I were at the peak of my harmlessness, the three temples would be able to suppress this woman --" Su Jin's face was solemn.

"Boss, do you want us to take action?" Lan Yueya asked in embarrassment.

"No need to."

Su Jin was thinking about the problem.

Lan Yueya immediately glanced at Bi Xun Nu Zun, and said: "The extraordinary emperor that Dao Poison Pill has transformed into is not much rarer than the Six Dao Great Emperors. The formula for this kind of'Dao Poison Pill' is still In those thirty-three days, it was difficult to gather all the materials--"

"I just heard it a long time ago." Bi Hun NuZun used words to describe the rarity of this pill.

"But the boss won't let us help—"

"Look again." Bi Hun has a strong premonition.

How powerful is the person who can give the "Dao Poison Pill" to the Yuanshi female realm master? If this Poison Pill has been passed down from ancient times to the present, it might be better to say that if it involves the'Thirty-Three Days', the trouble will be great. .


The original female realm master will smash all the fairy power entangled in her body!

So strong

Lan Yueya was secretly surprised, and looked at each other with Bi Hun. Both of them felt strong pressure as the world realm. Who would support this woman behind her? Why even the ‘Dao Poison Pill’ can be given!

The female veteran Bichen shook her head and said: "Don't panic, the master can use one or two ways. This is definitely not his full strength. Even if he is seriously injured, it won't be so bad."

Sure enough, when the two exchanged, Su Jinfa was angry, squirted blood, and forcibly condensed the Buddha's golden body——

Words of wisdom resounded in the hearts of the world:

"One-eye awareness, two-ear awareness, three-nosed awareness, four-tongue awareness, five-body awareness, six-consciousness... the eyes recognize each other and distinguish themselves."

"Everything is immeasurable, immeasurable life, immeasurable brightness, immeasurable skill, immeasurable magical powers."


At the center of the eyebrows, the ‘wisdom Buddha pupil’ opened, Xia Wei can be bright!

Da Leiyin Temple, Daxiong Hall, and Sumi Bodhi Hall were simultaneously manifested!


The ringing of the bell in Da Leiyin Temple changed the face of the Yuanshi female realm master. Her heart seemed to be torn when the bell rang in an instant, and she felt anguish.

The corner of Su Jin's mouth was bleeding, and the Buddha Emperor Jin was tall and sacred. No matter which angle he looked at, he couldn't find faults.

"Boss, this—"

Lan Yueya sighed and saw that Su Jin was struggling with serious injuries to fight this woman alone. It was really not worth it.

"Zhan Xue Nu Zun was once imprisoned by her master in the'Da Lei Yin Temple' and almost converted to her master. After all, she was suffering in meditation with a blue light inside. For my cultivators, it was simply a torment." Big.


The bell of Da Leiyin Temple rang again and fluctuated, this time it was actually suppressed towards Yuanshi female realm master!

"I'm not reconciled!" The Yuanshi female realm master raised her head, feeling the heavy pressure, as if the sky had fallen, pressing on her body!

The Six Dao Great Emperor was too terrifying, even if it was seriously injured, she took the Dao Poison Pill and turned into an extraordinary female emperor. Facing Su Jin who was annoyed at this moment, she could only watch Da Lei Yin Temple--

"Fate and death, the cause of your cause, the result of your response." Su Jin's voice was cold and cold.

"No! I'm not convinced, the teacher will help me!" Yuanshi female realm master Zhuangruo mad, her long hair swaying in the void, she shouted up to the sky.

Not to mention, the sound of "Teacher save me" directly changed the color of the world-

Above the three magnificent temples, the wind and clouds gathered, and beams of brilliance struck down, like beams of light from the dark clouds, at the moment when the brilliance fell--

A giant hand covered with silver scales fished under the Great Leiyin Temple from an unknown distance!

Su Jin was ready in the first place. When something strange appeared above him, his scalp felt numb. Of course, he was not afraid of anyone, so he directly brought out the giant soldiers!

"Want to save her?" Su Jin smiled coldly.

When he said that, Su Jin waved and turned into a thirty-nine-meter giant, slashing it directly!

Logically, this cut! Su Jin wanted to cut down the giant hand with silver scales, but--

But when the giant sage soldier touched that arm, the iron-cut sage soldier just burst out dazzling sparks at this moment!

A prismatic silver scale was peeled off, but the Yuanshi female realm master had been captured by the giant hand!

The visions of Da Leiyin Temple, Daxiong Hall, and Sumi Bodhi Temple were also shattered by the huge hands that stirred up the situation!

Lan Yueya was stunned in surprise: "What is the origin of her teacher, is she so strong?"

"It's over, it feels like something big has happened." Bi Hun also pale.

The situation is not urgent.


Su Jin's whole body was surrounded by Xia Wei, and a thousand phantoms faintly lifted him up. This is the first time he has performed the Great Ascension Technique since he became the Six Dao Great Emperor!

Lan Yueya was taken aback, seeing Su Jin's stubbornness, hurriedly shouted:

"Boss, don't chase it!"

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