My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2091: Reborn Sutra (5/6)

"Could it be that the master has already concluded in his heart?"

Bi Hun female respected tone, after all, Su Jin has wisdom Buddha pupil, it is impossible not to be smart.

"She is not a dream..."

Su Jin sighed, "At that time, when I went through the barrier in the Chilin Immortal Hall and reached the end, you might want to know what I saw in the coffin."

"That's right—" Lan Yueya watched the whole process, so curious, but didn't deliberately ask, after all, this is privacy.

"The real dream girl has been buried in the coffin, and I know very well that the cemetery on the star road is leaving me." Su Jin said quietly.

"Huh?" Female Bi Hun was shocked, her face changed color.

"The number of nine to nine, this kind of burial method is unheard of." Lan Yueya shook his head.

"I only opened two coffins, and saw my realm emperor and sister Meng." Su Jin didn't want to talk more, "Let's go, there are quite a few things—"


In the gray scene, after the King Ksitigarb stopped chanting on that day, he fell into a long silence for several days. On the edge of the Nai River, the colorful boat swayed slowly--

In early summer, she carefully wiped the back of Mengmeng's hand, and exchanged care with the two of Yeyou.

"King of Ksitigarbha." The voice of night wandering outside the door.

"You two should withdraw."


In early summer, he heard the sound and walked out of the room. The Ksitigarbha king walked into the room and looked at the dream girl who showed no signs of awakening. He took his hand and sighed for a long time: "He has become the Six Dao Great Emperor, what you hope What I saw."

Talk to yourself.

Still talking to myself.

"He's coming soon, he will definitely ask your identity when he comes, I don't know if I should tell."

Ksitigarbha King said again: "Who is he, who are you, Sister Xia Yuyan, he should always ask, Dawei Zhi Pluto put all the burden on me——"

On the deck of the color boat, Chuxia and Yeyou Yinshuai were watching the waves of waves in the distance.

"Will it be a powerful enemy?" Yeyou felt that the visitor was a big deal.

"It shouldn't be, if it were, the Ksitigarbha King would not stop it. Ah? Big Brother Su!" Chu Xia's face was filled with surprise, his eyes fixed on the three people who came.

"The feeling he gave me is so different--" Yeyou was a little surprised on his face, and he had incredible guesses in his heart.

"I don't know what the other two people are." Chu Xia beckoned to Su Jin and talked with Yeyou.

Su Jin's face was gentle, and he immediately saw where Meng Sister was, and the Ksitigarbha king moved to the deck of the ship and nodded at him.

"I have become an emperor, and now I will use the Buddha's cultivation base to treat her!" Su Jin was unwilling to wait for a moment, walked over the Nai River, his hands gently folded.


The Buddha's golden body, the King of Life and Death, took up nearly half of the width of the Nai River in an instant. The position below the waist of his golden body was all immersed in the Nai River. This is so, the huge Buddha's body is as large as a mountain.

Su Jin lifted his palm, the five fingers, each finger was like a mountain, and the golden fingernails were extremely clear.

The peaceful underworld once again ushered in an extraordinary day, wisps of Sanskrit singing sounded, singing the most famous "Death Sutra" by the Buddha of Life and Death——

"Nanwu Amituopoye, Dota Gadoye, Dodiye him."

"Amily Dupobi, Amilyduo, Sittampobi——"

"Ami, Emperor Pijaran..."


Miss Meng’s body was photographed by Su Jin and placed on the palm of the Buddha. The "Death Sutra" turned into strands of scripture, wrapping the entire body of Meng’s sister and entwining—

Yin Shuai Yeyou hasn't slowed down yet, Su Jin has become the emperor! This is simply a great thing for the entire China World!

"His injury." The Bi Xunvun was a little worried.

"No one can control him, especially what he has to do." Lan Yueya whispered.

The Ksitigarbha king secretly nodded his head, the rebirth scripture is indeed powerful. When you can see it, the broken soul and spirit are like turning a book, folding into the dream girl's body from nothing.

On both sides of Huangquan Road, withered flowers from the other side began to fill up, and clusters appeared.


Behind Su Jin, the wheel of the secret of the sky is supported, and the six daos are not in the state of three stances and three inversions after becoming emperor, but all reversed. Each dao seems to be able to integrate and communicate in it to form the emperor of the six dao emperors. Pattern.

On the Buddha's palm, Miss Dream floated up, her breath, her appearance and color became more and more vibrant.

Although it was just a treatment, the atmosphere at the scene was tense!

In the early summer, she was reflected by the brilliance of the secret wheel, looking up at the huge Buddha statue, the incomparably true sacred feeling, truly made her admire.

A stick of incense time passed.

Miss Meng's eyelashes trembled slightly, and she felt very tired these days, as if she didn't sleep enough.

Now she opened her eyelids, and that ray of vision turned out to be a golden statue of a big Buddha——

Su Jin breathed a sigh of relief and used the Buddha's palm to send sister Meng to the two girls in Chuxia.

"Brother Jizo." Su Jin dispersed the golden body and calmly wiped the blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth. This was the result of forcibly condensing the golden body, he didn't care.

"You two take good care of her, and you should be able to wake up in a while."

Ksitigarbha asked the second daughter of Chuxia to bring Meng Girl back to the room, then looked at Su Jin and said, "I know what you want to ask."

"Please clarify--" Su Jin nodded.

"You have chosen to treat her, and there is no confusion." Ksitigarbha Wang said.

Su Jin:...

Nothing wrong with the words, that is, doubt, why save her? If Dream Girl is harmful to his heart, why bother to carry him to death?


There was a helpless, bitter smile on Su Jin's face. The Ksitigarbha King clearly knew it, but if he refused to say it, he would not be able to ask why.

"King of Ksitigarbha, please protect the six reincarnations of my Chinese Great World——" Su Jin emptied all miscellaneous thoughts and no longer worried about this matter, said to Ksitigarbha.

"The Book of Life and Death is the six reincarnations of our world, and it is now under your control." said the Ksitigarbha King.

"Forget it, it's not appropriate to let me here. I have too many powerful enemies, and I don't know what day I will die." Su Jin waved his hand.

After talking for a while, Su Jin bid farewell to the Ksitigarbha King and others, and then called Lan Yueya and Bi Hun, opened the void passage, and planned to return directly to Qin Cheng's home from here.

But on the roadside of Huangquan, the flowers of the other bank that had just returned to life began to wither again—



On the edge of the concrete road, a car honked its horn.

"What the hell!" Lan Yueya immediately made a defensive posture, his face solemn.

"Hey, scold someone, and get in the way, I will kill you--" The driver was very arrogant.

Su Jin and Bi Hun appeared on the sidewalk, but Lan Yueya ran off and almost stopped cooking.

Asking Lan Yueya to come over, Su Jin led the way, walked straight for dozens of steps, and then turned into the door of the house.

Entering the door of the home, Su Jin didn't feel much relaxed, Huan Zhao Dao Zun said that it was to lift the spiritual seal of his wife. According to the time, it should be almost time!

Compared to Sister Meng, Su Jin is actually looking forward to knowing who his wife Xia Yuyan really is—

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