My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2092: I received it together (6/6)

Since entering the door.

Lan Yueya was like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

He looked left and right, it's really hard to imagine! The boss's house is so beautiful, there are hundreds of weird things that just wanted to create him in the parking lot not far away.

The environment, greenery, and modern buildings make Blue Moon Cliff feel an unprecedented experience.

Bi Hun is better than Lan Yueya, but it's the first time she has come to the master's house, which is unavoidable.

Su Jin took the two of them straight to the villa where they lived, feeling very good to return home smoothly again, and went into the living room——

"Ham Zhao Dao Venerable, how do you feel about the humble house?" Su Jin came in and saw Huan Zhao Dao Venerable enjoying his face, sitting on the sofa drinking coffee.


Since coming here two days ago, Huan Zhao Dao Zun can not help but fall in love with this drink.

"Have you done it?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun nodded, wearing a casual nightgown like a very noble lady. In two days, she became very modern.

"Well, where is Ying Jiao?" Su Jin didn't see it either.

"You mean my little disciple? Go shopping—" Huan Zhaodao respected.

Su Jin suddenly greeted the two of Lan Yueya to sit down, he trot into the bedroom, found a set of clean clothes, opened the bathroom and prepared to take a refreshing bath.

When entering the bathroom, the first smell was a unique medicinal fragrance. Su Jin looked at the almost full tank of milky white water in the bathtub, and the dumbfounded beauty.

"Wife, didn't you go to work?" Su Jin asked with a smile.

Only the jade neck of the beauty was exposed in the water, and the lotus feet and calves were placed on the edge of the bathtub, the same color as the milky white water, and the beauty nodded in a daze.


Old husband and wife, are you shy if you don't answer?

Su Jin put his clothes on the side, strode to the side of the bathtub, stretched out his hand on the ankle, leaned down, and kissed her big mouth directly.


After kissing Su Jin, I went to the shower and prepared to take a shower with a grin—

"Big Brother Su!" Xia Yunxi said in embarrassment.

Su Jin:...

what's the situation!

How could it be Xia Yunxi in the bedroom and bathroom! He grabbed the gaps in the three buttons of Su Jin's shirt with his big hands and asked, "Yunxi, give me a perfect explanation--"

"No explanation!"

Xia Yunxi wanted to laugh and get angry again. The action of Big Brother Su clenching the neckline seemed to be afraid of her invading him. It felt like being taken advantage of. This made her so angry!

"I'm calling your wife, why are you nodding your head?" Su Jin was already crying in the bathroom.

"What are you calling, if you want to tell me, why can't you—" Xia Yunxi blushed, lowered his head slightly, and said sideways.

Su Jin was speechless.

Fasten the buttons again, and Su Jin walked out holding the new clothes he found. This was a bit messy, he had to figure out the situation.

Out of the bedroom door.

Xiaotong had just entered the door and had already poured two cups of green tea for the two of Lan Yueya. Su Jin came out and looked at Huan Zhao Dao Zun and asked, "Just now, when I asked Tang Yingjiao, what did you call her?"

"Little disciple, that girl is very popular. After Yunxi's apprenticeship, I took it together. The talent is really good--" Huan Zhao Dao Zun kept nodding his head when he was talking about this now.

"Why is Yunxi in my room?"

"I put a lot of tens of thousands of years of immortal medicine in the bathtub, so that they have to go in to bathe and absorb it every day. It's time for Yunxi to practice the Taoism, so we should soak longer.

"You won." Su Jin said three words directly.

"The achievements of the three of them will be limitless in the future. When I go back, I will definitely envy those Dao Venerables--" Huan Zhao Dao Venerable thought about it very comfortably.

"Don't talk about this first, let's talk about business, my wife and sister, have the spiritual seal in my mind been unlocked?" Su Jin asked.

Dao Zun Huan Zhao frowned slightly, and then a little embarrassed on his face, and said: "When I actually did it, I realized that it wasn't that simple. Those seals are very strange. If I try to crack it by force, I'm afraid it's wrong."

"That can't be cracked?"

"No, if you crack it forcibly, what if you turn your wife into a silly wife?"

"There is no other way?" Su Jin was a little unwilling.

"Yes, I have a female Daoist friend who specializes in a formation. She definitely can, but I can't go now. I can only find her in the future. There is another way, which is to wait for their cultivation to grow. , It will naturally break the seal."


Su Jin stared, "How long is that!"

"It doesn't take long for her two to become emperors, and the seal will be automatically unlocked." Huan Zhao Dao Zun nodded.


That would have to wait until death, Su Jin heard the urge to spurt blood, and instead of waiting like this, it was better to ask her to find the female Taoist friend to solve it.

"Even you, Master Dao, can't do it. My wife's origins should be terrifying--" Su Jin thought about it but relieved.

"My disciple is naturally unusual, definitely not inferior to your status." Huan Zhao Dao Zun was a little proud, and then her face was straight, "Since you are talking about business, let's talk about business."

"Let's talk about it." Su Jin no longer thought about it.

"Remember what I said when I first met in Wuxian City?" Huan Zhao Dao Zun asked.

"I can't remember what you said--" Su Jin pretended not to understand.

"You kid don't pretend to be less. I said at the time that there are urgent things to do in two months, and now it's still a month away." Dao Zun Huan Zhao and Su Jin looked anxiously.

"Anyway, you can't leave anyway." Su Jin rarely finds a guardian master for his wife and sisters. Her presence will do no harm to the entire world.

"Yes, I won't go, you will take a trip for me--" Huan Zhao Dao Zun said.

Second Olympics.

Su Jin was routine for the first time.

"Where to go?" Su Jin had a headache. He had to go to the new king of Brahma to be crowned and rescue his mother. Where would he have free time to go elsewhere.

"Cambrian Realm is actually good for you to go there," said Huan Zhao Dao Zun.

"What kind of benefit?"

"It is the closest to'Thirty-Three Days'."

"What to do?" Su Jin's eyes lit up.

"You will know when you go." Huan Zhao Dao Zun had a strange expression and refused to tell the truth.

"Go!" Su Jin looked like he was willing to go.

There is no way, in order to keep this master in China, Su Jin can only agree.

Dao Zun Huan Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched lazily, "Let’s leave in the evening, it’s quite far away, then I will use the God Crystal Formation to move the void and cross you over—"

"How long will it take? I'm leaving, our China World is still in catastrophe, you need to take care of it." Su Jin did not forget about it.

"no problem."

Dao Zun Huan Zhao nodded, then smiled and said: "Go to a place to relax, don't let my apprentice lose my father, then the male apprentice under my sect can take advantage of it——"


Mysterious mission, life-threatening?

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