My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2094: Yufeng Castle

Six Dao Great!

How is it possible!

In terms of ability, even the six realms can become an emperor, and the difficulty in itself is many times more difficult than the three steps of the heaven. Such people are driven away by his "Yingtian Academy" and turned away?

"Dean, no, right?" the middle-aged man asked nervously.

"Huan Zhao Dao Zun speaks clearly, alas!"

"Then what to do?"


Where did the old dean still have an idea, now everyone is gone, and even if I go to invite, I despise the young man just like that, I think it’s impossible to look back—

Nothing at all.

Regarding Su Jin's temper, the old dean was very accurate. He couldn't turn his head back, just so stiff!

Snowy, with the sunset falling from the horizon, Su and Jin were already stationed in a cave thousands of miles away, with only a few afterglows.

As the sky darkened, the place became colder, and the heavy snow was crazily underneath. Su Jin possessed the Vulcan Dao, and the three kinds of strange fires were fine. The coldness was even a bit uncomfortable with Bichen.

In the cave, the bonfire is burning.

"If we don't complete the mission of the Huan Zhao Dao Sect, will we make her unhappy when we go back?" Bi-Hun female venerable asked softly, with a touch of worry on her face.

"Can I blame Lao Tzu if I don't like it?" Su Jin glanced at her, "It's polite to not beat them on the spot, they are all birds."

Mother lie--

Just glancing at this glance, this Biyu female is really beautiful, no wonder she is cold, wearing a purple tulle with her arms, her enchanting figure is highlighted.

The key point is that Bi Hun is not accustomed to wearing shoes. Like many good female cultivators, she has bare feet and is a refreshing beauty.

The female veteran Bi Hun swept away her anxiety, smiled, and gave Su Jin a full view of her demeanor. They were only about half a meter apart.

"The Cambrian world is closest to the thirty-three days. Isn't the master interested in the'Thirty-Three Days'?" asked the Bichen.

"A lot of my own things have not been done yet, so let's talk about it when you have the opportunity. Tomorrow, go to Shenlu Academy to see the situation first."

"What's the master's plan?"

"I heard that the old blind man said that it would be three months later to compete for the top four academies. I can't stay here forever." Su Jin shook his head.

"Will you go to work in the middle?"

"Well, I'm going to take a trip to Taifan in the middle, first take down the position of the emperor, and choose the opportunity to rescue my mother -" Su Jin said.

Su Jin was suddenly surprised. She immediately looked at Su Jin and closed her eyes. It was obvious that she was planning to practice hard for one night before the bonfire. Thinking of this, she seemed to have thoughts and got up and walked into a deeper cave.

In a moment, the mist evaporated in the white bath tub on one side, and the feet of Bi Hun did not touch the ground. The toes slipped in gently, and Zi Shayi also submerged little by little.

Half a stick of incense, a stick of incense passed.

Su Jin opened his eyes and began to think about the confusion in his practice. Naturally, he also saw that Bi Xun was not there. On the contrary, he could clearly hear the sound of water rippling deep in the cave.

Uncontrollably got up, his feet were limited by instinct, and walked over step by step——

One step, ten steps, a hundred steps, stop.

The snow-white bath tub had a scent floating, and Bi Hun's shoulders were exposed on the edge of the bath tub. When she saw Su Jin appear, her face was first reddish, and then she gently bit her lip.

"Master, come here." The Bi Xu female squinted at Su Jin.

Soon, the dark sky was illuminated by the snow, and the heavy snow was still like leaves, densely scattered between the sky and the earth, and the cave was warm like spring, shining with fire.

In caves like this, it is possible to hide giant beasts. For example, now, there are beast-like sounds faintly from time to time.


In the early morning, the sky cleared and a few rays of sunlight shone. When he reached the cave, Su Jin held one hand behind his back, and his mood suddenly became bright.

The Bi Hun female veteran changed into a white fur coat and rarely wore a pair of leather boots. Her face was full of amorous feelings she had never had before.

Soon, the two set off. Yesterday, they didn't meet anyone. The direction is right. Three thousand miles later, it should be the'Xifeng City' where Shenlu Academy is located.

The speed of the two people's rush is absolutely leveraged. It didn't take long for the two of them to appear outside a big city. When they looked up, a huge antler was carved directly above the gate of the gate.

"Why suddenly I have a bad feeling——" Su Jin said.

"What kind of premonition can the master have?" The Bihu female cuddling in Su Jin's arms, rubbing her face on Su Jin's collarbone, said with a smile.

"Several fellow daoists, where is the location of Shenlu Academy?" Su Jin stopped the six monks who were going to leave the city together.

Su Jin wanted to keep a low profile. If he were to use Maha’s Prison Eye, he should be able to find it, but this is the closest place to the'Thirty-Three Days'. It's hard to say that there are no experts, so it's appropriate to ask.

"Shenlu Academy?" There was a monk with surprise on his face.

"Go to Shenlu Academy? I advise you not to go. It's better to go to our Xianxiang Academy than there--" another fellow fellow said straightforwardly.

"Yes, did I see people from outside the city? It's better to go there than to go home and practice spiritually with peace of mind."

"Don't go."

The six are quite enthusiastic. You talk to me and persuade Su Jin at a loss.

Su Jin asked: "Isn't Shenlu Academy one of the four major academies?"

"It won't be after March! Forget it, let's go and take a look. Shenlu Academy is on North Street. It's fifty miles here, and it will be there in the blink of an eye."

After speaking, the six stopped talking to Su Jin, but their weird eyes left a deep impression on Su Jin.

The Bichen female stunned, "Then, shall we go? It seems that something has gone wrong with Shenlu Academy——"

"Go, there is a challenge to be motivated." Su Jin smiled confidently, but he wanted to know what moth came out of Shenlu Academy, so that the monks here would stop him from going.

"Yeah." After Bi Hun became a Su Jin woman, not only did she get closer, her personality seemed to be completely released.

"Let's go! Let's take a look at the situation first, in any case, I want the Shenlu Academy to get the first place when it arrives." Su Jin remembered what happened yesterday, how could he not be angry.

Then the two of them entered the city and walked to North Street--

The city is very large, and the streets are clean and spacious. There were a lot of monks when Su Jin entered the city, but as he walked, he found that something went wrong. The more you go to the North Street, the fewer people there are.

Confucianism and Taoism are prosperous here. While the monks emphasize martial arts, they also place Confucianism and Taoism on the same level. The fragrance of books is very important in this place.

North Street.

In the snow-white streets, there were scattered vendors on both sides of the road, and the wine flags flying outside the restaurant and inn slowly fluttered with the wind.


Su Jin's bad premonition became stronger and stronger, but he still bite the bullet and walked towards Shenlu Academy. It didn't take long for the two to get there.

Directly dumbfounded-

Shao Su has the urge to turn around and leave!

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