My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2095: Shenlu Academy

Bi Hun female respect is completely speechless.

The words of the six people in front of the tower are really kind, because one of the four great academies, the famous "Shenlu Academy" actually...

It's so desolate!

There were still some people at Beijiekou. When they arrived at Shenlu Academy, there were no people in the first five miles, and no one in the last five miles. The two stood on the spacious street, whizzing cold wind.

In the Shenlu Academy, there is a deer head carved out of wood on the corner of the door, and there are several damaged antlers.

"Are we still going in?" said the female veteran Biyu, ashamed.


Su Jin looked at the corner of Shenlu Academy, there was still weeds that had not been cleaned, and immediately stepped forward and knocked on a brass knocker on the door.

Klang Klang!

With a sigh of relief, Su Jin heard footsteps, and there seemed to be a lot of people inside—

Anyway, someone is fine.

"Who are you? What are you doing in the academy?" A sturdy young man with red hair looked around before opening a door, and then asked Su Jin.

"Senior Brother, who's here?" Another girl asked in it.

"I'm here..." Su Jingang wanted to speak.

"Our college no longer admits students, Xiongtai should go elsewhere." The red-haired youth interrupted Su Jin angrily.

"Who said I am a student?" Su Jin said strangely.

"Then you?" the young man with red hair asked.

"I came to apply for a teacher."

Su Jin left and thought about it. If he wanted to win the first place in this'Shenlu Academy', it might be possible to become a student by himself, but if he became a teacher, he hoped that he would definitely improve by many times.

Besides, the teacher is free——

"Be a teacher? Are you sure?" The young man with red hair finally opened the door completely, and kept looking at Su Shao with very strange eyes.

As soon as the door opened, more than a dozen Confucian robe students appeared inside, nine men and four women, among them a girl with big eyes was pretty.

"Yes, I'm here to be a teacher!" Su Jin nodded his head.

"Teacher, please--" Fourteen students, including the red-haired youth, made a sudden gesture of salute.

Grass mud horse!

Scared me!

Su Jin has never experienced such a situation. What the hell, the original attitude of the red-haired young man seemed reluctant to let him in. Why did he suddenly invite the teacher?

"I'll tell Grandpa, and Teacher Ba Mu and Teacher Bai Ying." The big-eyed girl turned and disappeared happily.


Su Jin hadn’t seen that girl enough, she was not tall, about 1.6 meters, but her development was definitely far better than others, her face was pretty good--

Soon, three people were invited by the big-eyed girl.

"I'm the dean of Shenlu Academy. The little friend came to apply for the teacher? But the treatment is..." the thin old man looked at Su Jin and asked.

"Don't get any treatment--" Su Jin simply duped it.


The scene exclaimed, the 30-something-year-old teacher Ba Mu, with a strange face, flushed and said, "Then you came for sister Ying?"

Ying sister?

Su Jin glanced over, tusk tusk, don't look at the number of people in this academy, but there are two big beauties, the female teacher named Bai Ying, dressed in plain, but the face and body are excellent.

Su Jin felt very strange to this Bai Ying. She seemed to be a woman who had experienced a rich life, but she did not know why she would teach here.

"When I first met, I have never heard who Ying Mei is--" Su Jin said to Teacher Nabam.

"Ahem, not everyone can teach people to learn Taoism, you are too young, and you are almost the same as a student, and you are probably too tender to be a teacher." Teacher Ba Mu has already revealed his hostility.

"Oh? What kind of Tao is taught by fellow Taoist?" Su Jin really disdain to teach him.

"Budo! Physical training!"

Teacher Ba Mu sneered and said, "All kinds of spiritual fetuses, I can let them get the power to pull the mountain in a short time. This is the most basic and simplest."


Su Jin nodded suddenly.

Immediately, including the Bi Hun woman, something that everyone could not imagine happened!

Su Jin swirled around his body with a flash of red light, and then he lifted his left hand, and directly put down an ‘Ancient Mountain’ not far away!

"The simplest force to pull up a mountain, if you can pull up an inch of my mountain, I will leave without saying a word--" Su Jin invited Teacher Ba Mu.

Female Bi Hun was dumbfounded, but soon she wore an unstoppable smile on her face. The master was so smart that she could even do this kind of thing.

On the contrary, it was Teacher Na Bamu, with a trivial expression on his face, and immediately said, "Okay! A word is settled!"

The old dean of Shenlu Academy on the scene looked worried. Now there is a teacher who doesn't want to be treated, and Bamu wants to get rid of him, but now he can't say much.

After all, Bamu can't leave and can't offend——

"Big Brother, Teacher Bamu can lift a hundred mountains like you!" The girl with big eyes smiled and said to Su Jin.

"Yes, your difficulty is too low. Teacher Bamu used to be the'Hercules' of our city." Another student said.

"To be honest, I can lift it up. It's not difficult at all. This kind of hill wants to stump Teacher Bamu? I don't think you can be a teacher—"


Only the female teacher named Bai Ying, after taking a look at Su Jin at first, lowered her head slightly, and then Master Bamu went to lift the mountain. She looked over again, her face seemed a little surprised...

That mountain was very different in Bai Ying's eyes, and Su Jin saw her surprised face.

This Bai Ying definitely has a story, Su Jin carefully looked at it, and didn't even go to see Teacher Bamu's operation.

Under Su Jin's careful observation, there seemed to be a crescent mark near Bai Ying's ear and neck. Although she wanted to cover it up on purpose, Su Shao still saw it——

At this moment, the big-eyed girl and other classmates have already walked into the street, surrounding the ‘Ancient Mountain’.

"Teacher Bamu, come on!" A female student seemed to be very concerned about Bamu and cheered for him directly.

"The dean wants to keep him, don't be treated--"

"Yes, but I don't think there is anything special, and the origin is also suspicious, let's stop accepting strangers."

"I think he is lying. It's probably true as Teacher Bamu said, he came for Teacher Bai Ying, Teacher Ying is so beautiful, and the person is so nice." Some students were whispering.

"Ah! Teacher Bamu has already begun to lift!"

At this time, as some students exclaimed, even Su Jin looked over.

Sure enough, I saw Teacher Ba Mu directly soaring into the sky, his jacket was shaken open in an instant, and muscles came out. This is a great emperor who directly used the emperor's body to move the'Ancient Mountain'!

Su Jin had a confident smile on his face, and the dean of Shenlu Academy kept nodding his head.

The great emperor, isn't moving a hill like a feather?

Teacher Ba Mu hugged "Ancient Mountain" and directly said with full momentum: "From--"

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