My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2096: Sparrow becomes phoenix

Can you get up?

The students who are cheering for Teacher Bamu naturally feel like a piece of cake. They feel that this unsightly hill should be no more than a few kilos——

Teacher Ba Mu suddenly panicked. He used his emperor body to hug this'ancient mountain', and at that moment, he couldn't shake the hill with his force.


Teacher Ba Mu exhausted all his strength, but not to mention lifting an inch, "Gu Wangshan" didn't even shake.

Except for Bixun, all the teachers and students of Shenlu Academy, including the old dean, were frightened.

"Welcome to the new teacher!" The old dean clapped first, followed by a clap following the trend.

Ba Mu's face flushed, and he punched it hard, ashamed! What a shame!

"Dean! Since then, I will no longer serve as a martial arts teacher, please approve!" Ba Mu walked, and even felt that the students' eyes looked a little dazzling.

"This—" The old dean frowned.

Su Jin smiled lightly, "If you leave, it doesn't matter much, but after March, the "Shenlu Academy" will become the first academy, and there will be no glory for you again by then!"

"The First Academy?" Teacher Ba Mu was startled, and the others were equally silly.

"Why is the little friend so confident?" The old dean was puzzled.

"Because I came from Yingtian Academy yesterday, heaven and earth, literary Taoism and martial arts, I know everything, and even I am the Great Emperor of the Five Daos——" Su Jin glanced at Teacher Ba Mu.

In an instant, Su Jin released a little momentum, which directly changed Teacher Bamu's face, and forced him to retreat more than ten steps! You know, this is just the momentum that shook him back!

Why didn't Su Jin talk about the Six Dao Great Emperor? Because it's too terrifying, I don't want to add up to it.

"Five Dao Great Emperor! Little friend, don't scare the old-fashioned--" the old dean stared with a beard.

"Teacher, I am majoring in Necromancer Dao, can you be proficient?" A thin student didn't believe it, feeling that Su Jin was too rampant and wanted to make him make a fool of himself.


Su Jin raised his sword eyebrows. This so-called "dead of the dead" should be one of the ways of ghosts. He is a ghost king, why isn't he proficient?

"You use your most proud method." Su Jin confidently gestured to the student.

Immediately, the thin male classmate gave a soft drink, leaned forward and bent over. In the void on his back, hundreds of evil spirits suddenly floated out, making a shrill sound.

Su Jin glanced at hundreds of evil spirits. With just one glance, those evil spirits shuddered, separated from the control of that classmate, manifested in the void, and kept kowtow to Su Jin——

"See my king! My king and the heavens live together, rule over all races, and all worlds will be kings--" the evil ghost roared uniformly.

The thin male student's face was as pale as paper, without a trace of blood.

"Big brother, I am majoring in Immortal Dao, do you know Immortal Dao?" the big-eyed girl couldn't help asking.

Su Jin wanted to laugh after hearing it, not only would he?

In the blink of an eye, Xiaoyao Xianbu Su Jin exerted his full power, but he took a step, directly over a thousand positions, all of them changed, and then stood still again——

Just blink of an eye! As if Su Jin hadn't moved before--

"So amazing, so amazing!" The girl with big eyes couldn't be excited by herself.

"Did he move just now? Why do I feel dazzled?" a student asked.

"That's a body technique that uses the immortal technique. It's amazing, and it's really omnipotent!"

"It's too strong, I didn't see it clearly just now!"

"Little friend, please! You girls, vacate the best room in the academy and let... uh, what is your name, little friend?" The old dean was very excited.

After the pseudonym "Mu Ziye" on the Su Jin Newspaper, he was greeted by cheers.

Bai Ying glanced at Teacher Ba Mu, and then the second to last walked into the academy.

But Teacher Ba Mu is not stupid, the Five Dao Great Emperor, he doesn't feel ashamed now. If this person can really help the Academy to win the first place, he will indeed be at a loss.

Therefore, Bamu was the last to walk in and never mentioned leaving.

In Shenlu Academy, the environment is not as bad as Su Jin thought, and the area is not small. There are some ancient trees, but the old buildings are dilapidated, and some are not even repaired——

After working for more than two hours, a few girls finished cleaning up an old building, Su Jin and Bi Hun females lived on the third floor.

Su Jin sat down and hadn't warmed his buttocks, but saw the old dean uninvited him. Seeing that he wanted to talk, the Bichen could not help but go downstairs first.

"President, how does the college compare after March?" Su Jin looked at the old dean and asked.

He always wanted to ask this question--

The old dean sat down, nodded and said: "By then, there will be more than four major academies, and there will be more than one hundred competitions. The competition is still strength, savvy, martial arts as the mainstay, and literature as the supplement. Maybe it will kill a lot of people. ."

"Will you die?" Su Jin was a little surprised.

"Because the last hurdle is to climb the stage, the best academy team can stand out and be recognized for thirty-three days." said the old dean.

"Thirty-three days!" Su Jin was shocked, this is a land of legends, it is no trivial matter.

"Yes, there will be five places in the best academy. In thirty-three days, there is a place where sparrows can be turned into phoenixes." The old dean said.

"Students enter the thirty-three days, can they come back?" Su Jin became curious.

"Yes! There are holidays—"

The old dean then said angrily: "Teacher Midnight, look at the current situation of our college, can you keep the ranking of the four colleges?"

"What does it mean to keep? One hundred percent first." Su Jin laughed.

"Then, then it's all about Teacher Midnight--" The old dean actually didn't want to hit Su Jin, and he didn't explain the situation of other colleges. Now he can only be a dead horse doctor.

After chatting for a while, Su Jin asked everything he wanted to know. This old dean was pretty good, and he would answer every question. He finally got a general idea.

The old dean shook his head and sighed when he left. Su Jin did not deliver it, but drank tea, got up after a while and opened the window...

Su Jin was taken aback. Opposite the old building where he lived, it was also on the third floor. Bai Ying's bedroom was vividly visible, and he could even see her bending down and sorting things.

"How can the master make this Shenlu Academy become the first of the four major academies?" Bi Xun female respect walked into the door and looked at Su Jin in front of the window and couldn't help asking.

"It only takes two steps, and they do it, and they can make the academy number one, and they will take off, and the sparrow will become a phoenix--" Su Jin didn't look back and smiled lightly.

"Two steps? It's so simple?" Bi Hun was unbelievable, she could obviously hear Su Jin's self-confidence.

"I will tell you to do one thing. Investigate the team consciousness of these students. If anyone is not used to seeing who is uncomfortable, just kick the team out--"

Su Jin looked at Bixun's female veteran, squinted and said: "With your level of intelligence, how can you not see my plan."

Seeing that Su Jin was taking a test of herself, Bixun had stood there for a long time, and she remembered.

Soon, Bi Hun's eyes opened wider and wider, "Master, you actually want to..."

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