My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2097: Bad comer

Sure enough, the price of offending Su Jin was heavy.

Bi Hun female veteran figured it out and knew why Su Jin was so confident. The owner was making up his mind to make Shenlu Academy the first, so he thought of a way.

Immediately, Bi Xun Nuvun turned around and started to investigate the students in accordance with Su Jin's orders.

But Su Jin looked at the beautiful woman quietly, and Bai Ying had already felt it. The new male teacher looked at her like this, and she was ashamed to close the window in front of her.

Bai Ying packed up, took out a blue book on the desk in front of the window, and began to sit quietly and read the book, she deliberately kept still.

I thought...

I think I'm not moving, I'll be bored, but the situation is very embarrassing, Su Jin is getting more and more vigorous, and finally Bai Ying simply ignores the rest, let him watch and see death!

However, soon after, Yingtian Academy.

In the secret room, the blind old dean turned his back to the person who appeared quietly, and said, "Did the thing happen?"

"The news of the former orphans hidden in the Shenlu Academy has been revealed to the Lingyue Empire, and the dean's trick is really powerful--" the person behind him said with a smile.

"Well, step back." The old dean waved his hand.


Quiet secret room.

After a long time, the old dean said to himself: "Six Dao Great Emperor, if you don't want to use it for my academy, then die."


Su Jin had already lost his senses now. He was sitting and watching the window not far away with his chin. Bai Ying seemed to have an inexplicable magic power. After watching for so long, she couldn't see enough——

Bai Ying read the book, and finally couldn't help it, put the book on the table, gave Su Jin a glance, got up and quickly closed the window.

Everyone can be shy.

But when Bai Ying is angry, it is also another wonderful style~~~

Su Jin curled his lips, okay, I didn't have to read it. He still waited for Bi Hun's news, and now it was time to spend his time in practice, and immediately he began to practice.

It wasn't until the sky was dimmed and the dusk had ended that the Bi Hun lady went upstairs and entered the room to tell Su Jin the news of the investigation.

"Tsk tusk, it is true that the hearts of the people are uneven, but fortunately only five students are needed to participate in the evaluation. I will pick them out tomorrow morning. I should start preparing too—"

Su Jin is not too disappointed, "Tomorrow you will accompany me to choose, and let them swear, otherwise I would not waste resources."

"Okay." The Bi Hun lady sits on Su Shao's lap, her face pressed against his shoulder, with a little bird's attitude.

"Boom boom boom."


"Come in--" Su Jin said.

"Well, teacher, please have dinner." The big-eyed girl brought a few cages of beast meat and a pot of fragrant beast milk wine. When she saw the lady of Biku sitting on Su Jin's lap, her face flushed.

"Hehe, my little sister has never experienced it, the teacher's arms are always open to you~~" Bi Hun joked.

"What's your name?" When Su Jin said to the big-eyed girl, she glanced at Bi Hun, but she covered her mouth and smiled.

"Teacher! My name is Yi Xiaohan."

The big-eyed girl's heartbeat slowed down, watching Su Jin get up and walk.

The handsome male teacher, it’s the first time I've been so close, Yi Xiaohan is very nervous——

Su Jin sat down, in addition to the smell of beast milk wine, Yi Xiaohan's unique young girl fragrance was also smelled by him with his breath, it was very charming.

"Have you eaten, together?" Su Jin asked.

"No, no!" Yi Xiaohan blushed, "Goodbye teacher——"

Ok! This girl is a manufacturable! The face and figure have potential!

Su Jin watched the girl with long legs and big eyes leave, picked up a piece of beast meat with his chopsticks, watched Bi Hun poured him a bowl of wine, and started eating——

Bang bang.

The window swayed, and as soon as the temperature dropped outside, a strong wind began to blow, and the snow flakes fell. It was only a quarter of an hour before Bi Hun went to close the window, and the room finally became warmer.

Su Jin didn't sit honestly. As soon as Bi Hun was sitting down, his hand was placed on Bi Hun's lap, a piece of fragrant animal meat was clamped in his right hand, and he threw it into his mouth.

"Master is interested in that girl?" Bi Hun asked with a blink of an eye.

"It's boring, I'm too young, I just appreciate beauty--" Su Jin shook his head.

"Where is the teacher Bai Ying on the other side?"

"I closed the window angrily in the afternoon. I guess that window won't open to me!" Su Jin chewed on the beast meat, a little amused.

Bi Hun Female Sovereign:...

Can people adapt after staring at others for so long? Bi Hun still doesn't understand the master in this respect.

The snow outside the window is falling slowly, quiet and beautiful.

But at this moment, in the void a hundred miles away, a team of more than 300 people is walking towards the "Shenlu Academy"——

The three people in the front, the middle one is an old man, holding a light stick in hand, and at the top of the light stick is an octagonal rectangular lantern made of unknown animal skins.

The blue faint brilliance escaped from the octagonal lamp, and there was a sacred stone embedded under the lamp rod, sixteen colors of sacred stone!

Obviously these three have the highest status, especially the old man, and then the team behind, there is another eye-catching thing, which is actually a "prison car" made of purple iron.

More than 300 people wore heavy armor and drove the prison wagon in the snowy night!

"Master, Shenlu Academy will be here soon." Among the three, the young man on the left said to the old man holding a light stick.

"This matter is of great importance, so we must take people away regardless of everything --" said the old man of the country teacher.

"Yes!" The two people on the left and right sides said with full air.

The speed of the entire team is actually very fast, and within a moment, Xifengcheng is instantly visible.

The team stopped abruptly!

The old man of the national teacher squinted his eyes, raised his left hand, and directly grabbed the past.

A big blue hand gathers on the North Street of Xifeng City, and the terrifying aura spreads across the city!

"Master! Return home with the old city and board the big treasure!" The majestic voice of the old master of the country filled the sky of Shenlu Academy!


The old dean directly ascended into the void, looking at the big blue hand like a water wave, frowned and said: "The national teacher of the Lingyue Empire? What's the point of coming to my Shenlu Academy!"

At the same time, Su Jin simply put his chopsticks away and disappeared into the room——

"Our future country master, in your Shenlu Academy, you'd better get out of the old Jiuliang." The old man of the country teacher said lightly to the dean.

"What kind of country lord, we don't have Shenlu Academy! You leave now!" The old dean was obviously angry.

"You were exhausted a hundred years ago, and the three-step cultivation of the heavenly path has fallen to the point where the emperor is not as good as the emperor. Do you want to stop me? Die!" The old man of the country teacher looked at the old dean and sneered.

As soon as the sneer fell, the big blue hand shook down suddenly--

The old dean gritted his teeth, and his heart was full of despair. He knew that he could not contend, and those cubs would also die because of it. The other party was a strong man in the realm of heaven!


Above the void, criss-crossing sword shadows appeared out of thin air, and those sword shadows directly smashed the blue giant hand!

Su Jin took his hand and stepped forward!

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