My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2098: Confrontation

The entire Shenlu Academy was plunged into a kind of intense killing at this moment!

All teachers and students learned about the situation-

An enemy is coming!

Lifting his head in front of the window, Yi Xiaohan looked at his grandfather okay, and felt nervous. The crown prince of the Lingyue Empire was in the Shenlu Academy?

Who is that crown prince?

Yi Xiaohan has never heard of it. She is very familiar with this place, including everyone's experiences.

"The national teacher of the Lingyue Empire, personally led troops to our Shenlu Academy, our Shenlu Academy is probably over!" There was a male student who was talking nervously with his roommate.

"Pack up things, let's go quickly before we fight!"

"Yeah! Although it's a bit weird, it really can't stay here for a long time. Anyway, this bird academy is rotten to death. If it weren't for being tricked into joining by that bad old man, who would be willing to stay—"

"Go and go!"

There were several students in private who slipped away in a very short time.

And on the third floor of a dilapidated wooden building, Bai Ying stood in front of the window, looking up at the sky as well. Apart from a touch of solemnity, her face was more complicated--

Bai Ying had just bathed and changed into a snow-white nightdress. If Su Jin were to see it, she would surely reach the point where her eyes could not be separated, and the nightdress could barely cover Teacher Bai's figure.

It was concluded that Bai Ying was basically **** except at night.

In complexity, Bai Ying watched, but her eyes slowly widened, because a man entered the field of vision and stepped into the void--

It's him!


Bai Ying suddenly understood that the giant blue palm just now was chopped to pieces by Mu Ziye.

"Who is blocking me!" Lingyue National Master yelled. Although the power carried by the palm just now wasn't too strong, it wasn't anyone who wanted to smash it!

More than three hundred people watched Su Jin stepping into the void, including Lingyue State Master. They didn't expect Su Jin to be so young.

"You go back, Shenlu Academy does not have the person you want." Su Jin said calmly and lightly.

"Impossible! Our future country lord, whose breath has been locked by me, is underneath, you can't hide it from me--" Lingyue's face flushed.

"Give you a face, right? I said no, but no, I'm afraid you have to come here."

While speaking, Su Jin took out a cigarette case, flicked his finger, poured out one, and lit it at the corner of his mouth.

"A mere emperor, dare to speak against our Master of the National Normal University? It's ridiculous! I! Qin Haoyang of the Qin Family of Lingyue Country, hereby kill you!"

On the right side of the Lingyue State Master, he walked directly out of a world realm, the appearance of that person was less than thirty, his eyes and tone were extremely energetic, and he stepped into the void.

"Remember, Mu Ziye, who killed you!" Su Jin had already guessed who the other party wanted, but it was impossible for them to take it away and directly met Qin Haoyang!

"Be careful at midnight--" the old dean hurriedly backed away, somewhat worried.

Qin Haoyang raised his hand, and a green snake-shaped long sword appeared in his hand. The blade was wide and five-finger wide, and it was half a person tall!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

Su Jin crossed his arm, and the giant sage soldier was displayed in his hand.


At the moment of lightning and flint, sparks were dazzling, Qin Haoyang did have some strength, but in Su Jin's view, it was not enough!

Qin Haoyang was astonished at the power of this emperor realm, but in his heart, there was almost no possibility of defeat, and he swayed horizontally.

One, ten, fifty Qin Haoyang appeared, that is an extremely rare method of'incarnation outside the body'!


More than a thousand phantoms flickered in Su Jin's body, and each phantom kept a different posture. When the move evolution was complete, the entire Xifeng City was shaking!

Raise your arms! The mountain-like giant fist appeared, and the Great Beng Bad Fist appeared magnificently. This is the power of his six great emperors, the condensed ‘Da Beng Bad Fist’, powerful!

"Haoyang retreat—" Lingyue State Master suddenly exclaimed, but it was obviously too late!

Heaven and Earth seemed to have only that punch, and immediately bombarded the incarnation of Qin Haoyang's fifty bodies. This Qin Haoyang was actually careless, and he had no chance to use his strongest technique!

That punch, like a cannonball, slammed into Qin Haoyang's incarnation!


The avatar outside the body was completely gone, and was shaken into nothingness, and Qin Haoyang's deity was the first to bear the brunt. The clothes were broken, the flesh and bones burst out, even the head was shattered, and the brain was splashed——

The monk's world is so cruel, and a living person who has just been born is broken and fallen!

More than three hundred people came to see the Qin family's eldest son being beheaded. This hope, known as the Lingyue Qin family, was struck to death with a punch!

"Hao Yang!"

Lingyue Guoshi's expression was painful. This Qin Haoyang actually had another relationship with him, and that was his godson. Now that Qin Haoyang is dead, the Qin family will definitely go crazy, and he has a great responsibility.

"Is it so weak? Toast or drink fine wine, I'll get rid of Laozi! I don't know how many countries will be destroyed by Laozi."

Su Jin snorted, then took a breath.

"Mu, Zi, Ye! You little beast, let's see how I clean up you!" Lingyue State Master gritted his teeth and hated him.

"Old dog, because of your words, the Lingyue Empire will be annihilated by my own hands--" Su Jin sneered.

"Let me see, why you, a little emperor, can be so rampant, I have to tear your mouth first!" Lingyue's national teacher trembled all over.

Cut the Qin Family Haoyang.

Call yourself an old dog.

Master Lingyue had never heard of it before anyone else, who would dare to scold him like this!

Throughout Xifeng City, there are still a large number of monks, watching from a distance, there are three steps to attack Shenlu Academy, this kind of situation is not common at all.

"I call Lingyue an old dog, who is this person? Why is he so arrogant!" A monk was shocked when he heard it very clearly.

"It feels very powerful. One punch can kill that world arrogant. This Mu Ziye is going to become famous overnight, but I don't know if he can survive."

"Live? You want to live if you offend a strong man in the realm of heaven like this?"

"Have you heard that Mu Ziye was called the Emperor Realm by the Lingyue State Master just now, but why can the Emperor Realm bombard the world realm powerhouse? This is suspicious—"

"Shenlu Academy is in such a bad place, it is really unpredictable and terrifying to be able to lead the heavenly realm to come."

There were cultivators gathering around, chatting about the battle just now, and almost all of them were talking about Su Jin.

The atmosphere of the entire Xifeng City is very strange.

Lingyue Guoshi must do it himself! Who can resist the three-step cultivation of the Heavenly Dao!

However, at this moment, a sigh came from the wooden building below.

It didn't take long for the former orphan of the Lingyue Empire to truly appear in front of people, wander into the void, and stop at a position about ten meters away from Su Jin's body.

"What you want is me, I will go with you—"

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