My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2104: Witch Beibei

"Who is here?"

Su Jin tried to ask Bai Ying, to know that when he came to Shenlu Academy to compete with Teacher Bamu, Teacher Bai did not have this expression.

"Witch Beibei——"

Bai Ying and Su Jin looked at each other and said: "The only daughter of City Lord Xifeng, the jewel in the palm of the Helian family, she was also given the title of'Princess Beibei', but anyone who was targeted by her , There is nothing to end."


Su Jin laughed blankly and couldn't help rolling up his cuffs and said: "I will meet her for a while, and say that sanctions should not be imposed -"

Bai Ying raised her bare hand, her mouth opened slightly, but she wanted to say something, thinking about the cleverness of Teacher Midnight, if even he can't deal with Princess Beibei, I'm afraid other people will be useless.

Thinking of this, Bai Ying saw Su Jin opened the door and walked upstairs, she couldn't help but bite the bullet and followed out.

Dilapidated wooden building, roof.

The snow hasn't fallen, but the sky has begun to become drowsy, and it can't be said when the snow will fall.

Su Jin took out the picture of the mountain **** and big river and shook his folding fan leisurely. His expression was calm, but his heart was very shocked. Although the North Street was clean, but because of his excellent performance in the morning, it can be said that it is not an exaggeration.

But now, in the sight of the closed door, the escaped escape, in the first time, North Street became a clean place again, and even a sparrow would not appear or fall.

Not far from Beijiekou, a two-meter-thick white python, surrounded by Helian Beibei, drove up, billowing in the air--

Behind Helian Beibei, there was another person behind, it was Song Yingxue!

Song Yingxue looked a little anxious, she didn't expect Helian Beibei to be so violent, she directly chose to rush to the Shenlu Academy!


As if suffering from ADHD, Helian Beibei took no time for a moment, came to the gate of Shenlu Academy with the closed door, smiled and shook her cute and playful face, and was about to blast open the door with that snow python——

There is a voice, coming down from the roof.

"Pinglin is deserted with smoke, and the area around the cold mountain is sad. When the color enters the tall buildings, some people are upstairs worried."

It was a young man who was reciting poems, and Helian Beibei felt that he looked up at a forty-five degree angle, and he had a unique and unspeakable temperament, but she did not understand this.

"Worry your sister, where is Mu Ziye? Quickly let him get out, the county chief will kill him--" Helian Beibei said with a slender waist, arrogantly.

However, the young man on the top of the building chanted to himself: "The jade steps are standing in the sky, and the bird is in a hurry. Where is the return journey? Long pavilion... even short pavilion."

Bai Ying has always followed Su Jin, and when she heard him chant such beautiful poems casually, her face was suddenly surprised and different. She remembered that Su Jin had said that she was both civil and military when she came here——

It doesn't make sense.

Sure enough!

"Where is the wild girl, disturbing the king's Yaxing." Su Jin disappeared on the roof, and when he stood again, he was already on the street five meters away from Helian Beibei.

"Wild, wild girl?" Helian Beibei opened his eyes wide.

"I'm the handsome midnight, Shicai, you said you want to kill me, how do you do it?" Su Jin looked at it carefully.

Helian Beibei seemed to be about sixteen or seventeen years old, like a blooming flower bud, full of richness, wearing a pink skirt on the inside, and a bright red fur cloak outside——

Overall it is good.

"Okay, you are the Mu Ziye!" Helian Beibei raised her little hand and pointed at Su Jin with an expression that you are finished.

"Yes, any advice?" Su Jin asked.

All monks in this place were born as spiritual wombs. This Helian Beibei has a good talent. He has reached the level of ancestral realm at a young age. If it were before, Su Jin might have to weigh it.

but now--

Now Helian Beibei is in front of him, undoubtedly a tender garlic seedling that has just rushed out, and can be pulled out at will.

I really don't know how the emperor realm powerhouse like Bamu is afraid of such a girl.

"Don't fight with her." Bai Ying began to speak.

"Why?" Su Jinning asked linearly.

"Behind her is the entire Helian family. There are at least three heavenly realm powerhouses in the mansion. Her own strength may be insignificant, but the talent behind her is the most terrifying——" Bai Ying said.

"Oh? What then?"

"Helian's family is also famous for protecting shortcomings. Helianbeibei dares to make trouble like this, so naturally he has no fear."

"It turned out to be like this." Su Jin suddenly said, "It doesn't matter--"

"Listen to me, she has a lot of weird tricks, which often make you unexpected, but it is easy to suffer a lot. The monks in Xifeng City, everyone is afraid of this witch, and walk horizontally." Bai Ying's tone was a little anxious.

"Hey, this king is walking sideways with the dictatorship." Su Jin stood up calmly.

Seeing that Su Jin refused to listen, Bai Ying was anxious and helpless. In her opinion, even though this Helian Beibei was in the ancestral realm, the level of terror was no less than that of the Lingyue State Master——

"I can't talk about advice, now I'll give you two paths, let you choose!" Helian Beibei swaggered around Su Jin and walked around.

"The two roads?"

Su Jin is a bit funny, this Helian Beibei is probably the calmest ‘enemy’ in front of him, there is no one, and the degree of arrogance is rare in the world!

"Sister Yingxue's business is my Beibei's business. If you make her angry, the first way is to kneel and apologize to her. I will consider forgiving you." Helian Beibei said.

"I'll choose the second way." Su Jin didn't even think about it, but looked at Song Yingxue with a cold face.

"Hey hey! You are so shameless! People haven't said the second way yet--" Helianbeibei was anxious.

"Okay, you said... I'll choose the second way." Su Jin couldn't help laughing. This girl is the best, no one is the best--

"The second way is to fight with me, I won't show mercy to you!" Helian Beibei waved his hand to show his fist, as if to stand up.

"Is it that simple?"

Su Jin thought for a while and asked: "You want me to beat you, and then your father, your father, your ancestors of the eighteenth generation will come to fix me?"

"Hehe, I heard that you are not a local, why do you know me so well? But what if you see it, this girl will take you down—" Helian Beibei gave an indifferent expression.

"No matter what the existence of your Helian family is, hit you? You suffer, dominate and savage." Su Jin's face was very calm.

"Okay! Look down on my Helian's house? This girl is going to teach you--" Helian Beibei's hands were thrown, and the tens of meters long snow python suddenly hissed.

The huge snake head gleams with strange brilliance, the snake letter is vomiting, it is actually an emperor monster!


The snow python wandered through the void in an s-shape and rushed towards Su Jin.

Su Jin Xiaoyao started moving, only a small move, and he directly deceived Helian Beibei. If he wanted to kill her, he probably moved his fingers. But then, the scene that appeared made Young Master Su dumbfounded. !

Really, there are not many people who can make Su Jin confused!

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