My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2105: Forbidden Land

When he just approached, Su Jin did not even touch Helian Beibei——

As a result, Princess Beibei was shocked. Her cloak was broken first, and then the pink dress, a few pieces of cloth faintly collapsed!

Su Jin was confused.

Routine see Routine again, this routine is not ordinary!

"Go!" Su Jin was not scared back, but directly picked up Helian Beibei and disappeared on North Street.

"Father! Save me!" How can Helian Beibei know that Su Jin is so bold, but only her voice is still echoing at the scene, where are she and Su Jin?

Song Yingxue was dumbfounded.

Bai Ying was stunned.

The old dean of Shenlu Academy sat down on the ground, yelling that Teacher Ziye couldn’t help——

But Su Jin couldn't hear it anymore. No one could compare this courage. It was unimaginable!

Mu Ziye caught the pearl in the palm of City Lord Xifeng. The news that the witch Beibei had been captured, as if she had grown wings, spread throughout the city, even the monks in the surrounding city.

No one knows where Mu Ziye took the witch Beibei——

Many people in Xifeng City kowtow incense at home, begging that Princess Beibei never come back.

So where did Su Jin catch Princess Beibei?

Su Jin didn't know, he only knew all the way to the north, in the ice and snow, carrying it for an unknown distance, the girl was soft, and it would be great if he didn't have to hit him with random fists.

"Fight again, this king will eat you!" Su Jin put down the witch Beibei and stared at her.

Helian Beibei:...

Earlier, Helian Beibei himself threatened to take Su Jin, but this trick was too much, Su Jin did not follow the routine, and did not proceed as she expected.

Helian Beibei expected that if she did that by herself, the teacher named Midnight would be confused on the spot, and then she would be able to wait for her grandpa to clean him up.

"What do you want to do? My daddy, they will find you, they will smash you into pieces!" Helian Beibei was still not convinced, and said in a threatening tone.

"So I have to carry you farther--" Su Jin waved a stream of immortal power, tied her firmly, then opened a void channel and disappeared in it.

Hurry up, hurry up!

After two hours of walking like this, Su Jin was even dizzy, not knowing where he was and which direction he was walking in.

"Bad guy! You better let me go! Otherwise Beibei will make you worse off than death!" Helianbeibei was anxious.

"I'm thinking, do I want to kill people, then take a long-distance teleportation array and live in other big worlds?" Su Jin squinted his eyes and asked Helian Beibei.

Helian Beibei was frightened immediately, not daring to be so arrogant——

"You put Beibei, I won't trouble you anymore." Helian Beibei said honestly.

"You are so beautiful. It's a pity that I'm thinking about cutting to death. I'll be a little bit tired and wait ten months before we go back." Su Jin's eyes were strange.

"Ah? Does it take that long?" Helian Beibei asked, how weird it sounds.

"Well, I'll be fine by the time, either for you or for me—"

"You are too confident, no matter how long, my father will never let you go!"

"Hehe, when the rice is cooked, we will return to Xifeng City as a family of three. When we arrive at your house, we will be a family. Your father must be recognized even if he is the king of heaven and I--" Su Jin happily rubbed his hands.

what? a family of three?

Helian Beibei swears that this is the most confusing day for her. It turned out that Su Jin said that he would wait ten months before going back, which actually meant that.

Who doesn't know her Helian Beibei?

Who would dare to talk to her like this, do that kind of thing to her?

This Mu Ziye is definitely a heinous demon, even more devilish than her, far surpassing her wicked witch Beibei!

"I don't want it!" Helian Beibei panicked, panicking to death.

"I can't help but you, sister." Su Jin's face was completely a bad guy who had stolen the fragrance, and the posture of rubbing his hands was very standard. After speaking, he carried her for a while--

Anyway, what should be explained, has been explained, what those Enlightenment Pills should be given to the students, Bichen will do it well, and Su Jin is all right now!


Daxue squinted, and Helian Beibei knew that it was impossible to escape this disaster. When Su Jin was carried, she kept cursing Su Jin. In the end, her face was flushed and she was slapped for several times before she came down honestly and shut up completely.

"Where is this?"

In the end, Su Jin stopped his steps, his face turned weird, and the snow was underneath it, but not far away, there was a place full of white flags, showing a feeling of forest coolness.

"It's over, it's over, this is a forbidden place for a long time, I can't get out!" Helian Beibei trembled, as if she could see where the place was.

"It's a bit deeper, will you dive into the spot if you retreat?" Su Jin turned his head and found that besides some icebergs, there were more mysterious places of white flags.

Su Jin came to a place of bone flags and looked down. These white bone flags can isolate the heavy snow. There is about a hundred meters of ice around it. Inside, there is a divine coffin with seven treasures——

Qibao is naturally a seven-color bead, I don't know what kind of gem it is.

Su Jin looked down at this divine coffin, and he could see a female corpse inside. Except for the place covered by clothes, the face, neck, and wrists were all purple-blue, and they were still in a state of indecency.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Helian Beibei screamed and lost her voice.

Su Jin slapped everywhere in the void and found that the passage could not be opened. This place is indeed very strange——

There was no way, Su Jin had to wave his hand on an iceberg and burn a place with a red lotus net to avoid the heavy snow drifting outside.

Time passed quickly, the sky dimmed, Helian Beibei was tied up, her torn pink skirt, and her snow muscles were red from freezing. This ghost place was extremely cold, more than ten times colder than Xifeng City.

"Be honest, wait until I'cook the meal' with you, and let you go after confirming that it is correct." Su Jin said innocently.

"You let me go, I won't run away. The outside is full of bones, I'm afraid!" Helian Beibei's face was pale.

"Really?" Su Jin closed his eyes.

In the end, no matter how Helian Beibei yelled, Su Jin ignored her, and a piece of Xia Wei welled up on Su Jin. He has not yet recovered to his peak.

You must hurry up and recover the last bit of injury, otherwise you will always feel uncomfortable——

Two hours passed, it was already late at night!

The wind is like a ghost crying outside, and coupled with the special "Hundred Ancient Forbidden Land", there is always a strange atmosphere in the entire Iceberg Cave Mansion--

Su Jin noticed something, opened his eyes, got up and looked to the southwest, he opened the prison eye of Maha Town!

In the void of the southwest, more than 500 people were hung with white silk, and more than a dozen people carried a divine coffin. From that void, there seemed to be a funeral path. Who is buried today?

"Big villain, grandma is cold to death!" Helian Beibei exclaimed.

"Hush, there is a situation—" the author Su Jin hissed.

"Help!" Helian Beibei was about to shout, but it was a pity that Su Jin was deceived and covered her small mouth.

Su Jin told her what she saw:

"Those people are carrying a fairy coffin to bury a girl in the forbidden ground, but it is strange that the girl in the fairy coffin is still alive and is constantly slapping the coffin with her hands."

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