My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2118: Phoenix

Bump together!

The world seems to have lost its voice--

No matter how beautiful the scene was, it was eclipsed by this hit. The mountain protection ban surrounding the Thirty-Six Peaks, shaking and shaking, appeared a few cracks, almost unable to hold it.

When Long Yuan turned into a three-hundred dragon, when he met with Su Jin, he only swung the sword of the "Sword Song" to smash the three-hundred dragon!

"Puff~~~" Bai Jianfei spouted blood, and Long Yuanjian was shot into the air.

The Longyuan Sword was blessed by Bai Jianfei with all his strength, and he was defeated by this pair of fights!

"Huh? Not dead?"

Su Jin frowned. Just now he didn't carelessly, pouring the cultivation base of the Six Dao Great Emperors into the giant fault, and using the'Red Lotus Sword Song', this blow did not kill the world realm Bai Jianfei, which was beyond his expectation!


Su Jin grabbed and photographed that handle of Long Yuan, but Long Yuan was shaking in his hands more than ever, and he felt like he was about to get out of his hands. He immediately reached out the emperor's hand.


Bai Jianfei was shot flying, the sword box was shaken into the void on his back, and Su Jin caught it.

Putting the Long Yuan sword into it, it calmed down. Su Jin rarely had a favorite treasure. This sword and the sword box were very precious. He turned the giant fault into a ratio similar to that of Long Yuan.

Put it in the second position-

"You Long Yuan is good, I want to spare you a dog! When will you cultivate a stronger kendo, I will regain it. But next time, I will kill you." Su Jin looked far away with domineering eyes Bai Jianfeidao at the place.

Bai Jianfei was very miserable and was severely injured. He was not unwilling to succeed and defeat the roost! If you lose, you lose, and we will fight again in the future!

Immediately, Bai Jianfei pushed aside the void without looking back, walked into it and disappeared!

The scene has long been silent.

The beautiful woman was dumbfounded, her daughter Li Fengluo was also dumb on the spot——

Bai Jianfei! Completely defeated!

Complete defeat in the hands of an emperor realm, this is simply unimaginable, what kind of power does an emperor realm have to defeat a super world tianjiao?

"How could you lose—" the beautiful woman murmured: "This is impossible."

"Nothing is impossible, mother." Li Fengluo took a peek at Su Jin, who was invincible.

Su Jin carried the Long Yuan sword box on his back, stood in the fairy mist void, scanned the entire Yunjian Mountain, with a grim expression, and said lightly: "I killed the people of Beigong family! Follow me! Why follow this The dogs in Yunjianshan care about things!"

Condensed fingers into a sword, directly on the fourth peak of Thirty-Six Peaks, carved the three characters "dog stuff"!

Blockbuster people are silent, and many people have anger in their eyes, but this is often the case. The strong can make you hold your anger deep in your heart!

Although the beautiful woman was angry, she knew that she was wrong. After staring at the three characters "dog stuff" in a daze, she was about to have an attack. Su Jin carried the sword box on her back and walked far away.


Not chasing?

The beautiful woman didn't get her husband's answer, and now she can't make up her mind, after all, this kid is too weird.

We must know that Bai Jianfei has escaped several times in front of the three-step powerhouse of Heavenly Dao. Under this person, he defeated Bai Jianfei!

Li Fengluo had deep helplessness in her eyes, and her mother's rudeness provoked Su Jin's dislike of Yun Jianshan. What should be done?

"Enjoy the anger of the Beigong family!" The beautiful woman trembled in popularity and looked at the group of people walking out of the Ninth Peak. It was the strong Beigong family who had been placed.

"Mrs. Li, this matter is not over with your Yunjian Mountain. After this Mu Ziye is cut, I will come to discuss compensation matters—"

The one who spoke in front was the old man in Supao, followed by more than 80 people who had brought him.

The battle is not small.

"You have seen the murderer, what's the matter with Yunjianshan? Bei Gong Xun wants to plot a crime against my daughter, and I want to count it with you when the time comes!" The beautiful woman was upset and said angrily.

In response to this, the Supao old man of the Beigong family was silent, did not speak, and led people away.

Su Jin walked out of the Thirty-Six Peaks of Yunjian Mountain and sat down on the open space of a small town not far away, waiting for the Beigong family to come.

He is not at large as Mrs. Li said!

But after waiting for nearly an hour, Su Jin did not wait for anyone to come--

Su Jin frowned, took off the sword box behind him, and took out the Long Yuan.

Gently flicking his fingers, he shattered the brand of Bai Jianfei left on the sword, and began to sacrifice.



"What? Mu Ziye is in Langhuan Town at the foot of the mountain? Where are the people from the Beigong family?" The beautiful woman sat on the luxurious phoenix chair in the hall and asked a disciple who had inquired.

"The people of Beigong's family didn't chase Mu Ziye, it seems they should have returned to the clan—" the disciple said.

"It's really shameless, that Northern Tibetan Taoist is really as timid as the legend, a powerful man in the heavenly realm, who has brought more than a dozen world realms, dare not attack an emperor realm!" The beautiful woman snorted softly. .

The disciple below didn't say anything, but was thinking in his heart, Mu Ziye engraved the three characters ‘dog stuff’ on our Yunjian Mountain. Why didn’t we take the three steps of the heavenly path in Yunjian Mountain?

"Mother, Mu Ziye is really in Langhuan Town?" Li Fengluo's eyes widened.

"Don't mention the name, it hurts." The beautiful woman closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead with her fingers.

"Well, where is father?" Li Fengluo asked, turning his eyes slightly

"The old ghost is with your Siniang!" The beautiful woman had more headaches and seemed to be more impatient.

"Oh, mother, take a good rest--" Li Fengluo walked out of the hall.

Time slowly passed.

Su Jin's selfless sacrifice to Longyuan, this sword is really marvelous, there are only three original sword moves, but the three skills seem to be able to evolve thousands of styles.

Bai Jianfei could only use the first trick, "Dragon You in the Yuan", and Su Jin can now deeply understand the difficulties.

The brand of Ghost King Curse was engraved by Su Jin. In the future, unless he dies, it will be difficult for anyone to win this sword!

At noon, Su Jin had already condensed a few wisps of Longyuan sword energy.

He forgot the time and location. In the evening, the sky dimmed and it felt like raining, but Su Jin was surrounded by a faint blood-colored dragon——

In less than a day's time, Su Jin sacrificed this Dragon Abyss sword, which enabled the sword body to gain a lot of effort!

Perhaps for the whole, it is trivial, but at least this is a clear way. Just as conquering a strange fire can make Vulcan Dao diligently, he may not be able to become the Six World Realm!

It's getting dark.

Su Jin opened his eyes and laughed, "Swordsmanship is diligent, if you learn the three swordsmanship in this dragon deep, this one can wait for the other five to merge to——"

By then the world can be achieved!


Raindrops the size of soybeans, faintly carrying endless water vapor, floating down——

"I know there is another place outside the territory, there should be a strange fire! Under the Qinghuomen!" Su Jin confidently said to himself.

There is also a coffin in there, and he almost died in those flames. If there is no strange fire ground vein, it is absolutely impossible to have such a fierce fire. When he returns, he will rush to the Qinghuomen.

Zhuanghe Vulcan together!

In Langhuan Town, the lanterns of thousands of houses are misty in the wind and rain——

Su Jinyi was not exposed to the rain, and was about to go to Langhuan Town to stay first, but saw someone not far away holding a bright pink spar and holding an umbrella. The surface of the umbrella was embroidered with green pink lotus and jade. The arms are white.

"Brother Midnight, I have offended Yunjianshan a lot in the morning, my father..." Li Fengluo came under an umbrella, but was interrupted by Su Jin before he finished speaking.

"Needless to say--" Su Jin shook his head, but saw Li Fengluo walk in front of him.

Su Jin stayed for a while and saw an unimaginable scene~~~

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