My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2119: Strongest enemy

Look closely at--

I feel more and more unbelievable!

Li Fengluo got off the Yunjian Mountain and came under an umbrella. She changed into a rouge-colored shirt. She was wrapped in a knee-length lotus pattern skirt below her waist. The skirt was very thin.

She is so thin that she is almost visible on her abdomen, especially her body is straight now, wearing gray-brown boots with tangled legs, more beautiful temperament!

Su Jin was away from home and never thought of seeing this outfit here, and I felt that this outfit was no longer suitable for Li Fengluo!

Seeing that Su Jin didn't need to talk too much--

Li Fengluo continued to say: "People from the Beigong family, after you left my Yunjian Mountain, returned to the family."

"Since I can't wait, I won't wait for them." Su Jin was a little surprised.

One of the surprises was that Yunjianshan could have so many masters, and the Beigong family was afraid of Yunjianshan and didn't dare to come.

"No, according to reliable sources, the Beigong family is already on the way, you'd better leave as soon as possible." Li Fengluo's eyes flickered, looking at Su Jin and said.

"Why are you reminding me?" Su Jin glanced at Li Fengluo, and asked in a puzzled way.


Li Fengluo choked a little, "I will ask you again, that night..."

"Don't look too high at yourself, none of the women I have looks worse than you." Su Jin was a little depressed.

Li Fengluo was bathing in the pool at the time, but he turned around and turned his back to Nizi, who was sitting by the bonfire. He didn't even think about it, but the other party didn't seem to believe it.

"How come you guys are uncomfortable when you talk?" Li Fengluo Danfeng said bluntly with weird eyes.

"It seems that if you don't take out some dry goods, you won't believe it--" Su Jin looked helpless.

"Do you have a way to prove it?" Li Fengluo didn't believe that Su Jin was a decent gentleman. Of course, this was also because of how confident she was.

Su Jin didn't explain, and opened the "Mohe Town Prison Eye" between his eyebrows, glanced at Li Fengluo with a divine eye, and yelled: "Contrary!"

The vision is suddenly born!

A bunch of bonfires appeared in the scene, Su Jin's attitude at the time, and the sound of the water that came, all entered Li Fengluo's eyes, but this method of condensing the vision is not something no one can do——

"I believe you." Li Fengluo's tone was a bit far-fetched, but the suspicion was slightly dispelled.

Hearing her tone, Su Jin wanted to slap her to death. Who on earth did he save?

The heavy rain was pouring, and the strong wind began to blow the mist everywhere. With this dense dark night, Su Jin really did not want to stay here.

However, just when Su Jin wanted to enter the town to avoid the rain and drove Li Fengluo back to Yunjian Mountain...

Su Jin turned his head suddenly and noticed an unusually powerful aura!

"Get out!" Su Jin fiercely raised his hand, and the huge emperor hand grabbed it directly.


Su Jin was shaken back three steps!

Li Fengluo felt a chill on her back, holding the umbrella back, and helping Su Jin cover the rain——

In fact, umbrellas are somewhat redundant. At their level, they have already reached the point where the rain does not touch their body. Su Jin can no longer control so much, staring at a dark place ahead.

"People from Beigong family!" Li Fengluo didn't even think about it, her pretty face changed.

What should come will always come.

There is one thing that Li Fengluo is puzzled. Although Su Jin has shown the ability to cut Bai Jianfei, the Beigong family has many powerful people, and if he is an ordinary person, he would have been desperate for the world and fly away.

But Su Jin--

Not only didn't he leave, but when it got dark, I didn't know whether this courage was stupid or really had the ability to dare to compete.

"Jie Jie Jie, you guessed it right." In the darkness, a small and small mysterious old man walked out.

The old man's face looked like a child, but his age was terribly old. He was wearing a black and white robe, and a few strands of white hair were revealed in the position covered by the robe.

So strong!

Su Jin's face was solemn, this person was not comparable to that of Bai Jianfei, and even Li Fengluo's mother who came here to see didn't feel as good as this person!

"He is the deceased Dao Sovereign of the Beigong Family's "Superior Elder"! Mu Ziye, you run away--" Li Fengluo saw the visitor clearly, and said in shock.

"Tsk Tsk, the girl doll still remembers this name. I haven't remembered this name for many years. I'm just a drunk dreamer." Can Shang Dao Zun opened his mouth, revealing his black jagged teeth, and he laughed out of it. sound.

Su Jin didn't mean to stretch his brows, this person was weird, and he could even hear it!

"Just you?" Su Jin asked calmly without seeing any other strong men.

"One person is enough to kill you." Can Shang Dao Zun raised his hands flat, and the sleeves of the large robe that did not match his figure swelled open, and the whole person floated in the void.

"Come on then!" Su Jin didn't persuade.

In recent days, Vulcan Dao has repeatedly made breakthroughs. At present, there are three kinds of strange fire fusions. Now that Long Yuan has been initially sacrificed, his swordsmanship has advanced by leaps and bounds. It may not be impossible to fight against this remnant Daoist!

However, Su Jin did not have the confidence to defeat 10%. This person is probably the strongest he has ever met!

"Keeping Xun'er intact the emperor spirit is not bad, but your fault lies in your fault. You shouldn't even destroy his chances in the next life. Killing you this time is not enough to calm the patriarch's anger.

In the calm tone of the remnant Dao Venerable, with a strong murderous intent, his whole body was shocked, the whole person turned into a line of green mist, and he came suddenly!

Su Jin slapped the Longyuan Sword Box on his shoulder with his left hand, and placed it in front of him, like a plucked piano.

A wave of water-colored sword marks, directly dialed out, swept across!

Li Fengluo was affected by the aura of the two, not from instinctive retreat, she was really pushed away by the aura, looking pale at Su Jin!

What happened to Mu Ziye?

When he was in Yunjian Mountain during the day, he hadn't been so tough, absolutely not! You know that they are all swordsmen, Li Fengluo feels really, Su Jin's swordsmanship has made a qualitative leap!

Is it because of Longyuan?

Li Fengluo felt the horror of Su Jin!

The green mist was swept away, but the remnant Taoist priest was not affected too much. Instead, one step at a time, after approaching Su Jin, the green-colored withered arm raised...

Shoot it over Su Jin's head!

Su Jin placed the sword box under his arm, and blasted his right fist towards the claw, and the cultivation base of the Six Dao Great Emperors burst out!


The remnant Dao Zun turned into a blue mist, and once again appeared in another position on the right!

The flashing afterimage continued, and every attack was extremely sharp. Su Jin felt that the opponent was getting stronger and stronger. Every time he exerted his strength, the opponent wanted to firmly suppress him!


Su Jin was blasted back five steps, and even couldn't help but cough up blood, he felt something was wrong!

Li Fengluo's face was pale, she watched Su Jin fighting not far away, but she was extremely anxious in her heart. Then she reminded again and again and found that Su Jin did not respond at all, as if she hadn't heard anything!

Immediately, Li Fengluo said to herself:

"Broken! This is the strongest magic technique of the Dao Sovereign Remnant, the technique of Drunken Dreams!"

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