My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2120: Fight! !

Remnant Dao Zun became famous with this magical technique!

I call myself "Dream Catcher" or "Drunk Dreamer" outside. If this technique is successful, the Remnant Dao Venerable will be able to slay a powerful enemy without any effort.

I don’t know how many Heavenly Dao three-step powerhouses have been killed by this technique. Li Fengluo is worried that this is where Su Jin’s realm is far worse, sinking into it, and the final result can be imagined!

Will fall!

"Girl doll, you can't wake him up at all, if it weren't for this place under your Yunjian Mountain, no matter who you are, the Daoist Venerable would have dared to eat you--" Can Shang Dao Venerable laughed.

Li Fengluo's face was bloodless, and the eyes of Remaining Dao Venerable lingered on her, apparently hitting her.

Blame, blame, people are beautiful, and they look good! Even the old hooligan was moved.

Su Jin looked at the wisps of blue shadows, but laughed, wiped off the blood from the corners of his mouth, and shouted!

"What is he going to do?"

Li Fengluo was attracted by Su Jin's aura, and the remnant Dao Venerable said that he would not attack her at the foot of Yunjian Mountain, and of course she no longer worried.

The surroundings are heating up frantically!

That kind of warming was extremely obvious. Li Fengluo felt her skin burning when she wore such thin clothes on a rainy night!

Look at beautiful eyes--

Li Fengluo's face turned pale.

Su Jin was full of fire waves, this was the second way he showed the sword body way!

His eyes were red, and the illusory "fire eyes and golden eyes" appeared in shock!

At this moment, even the drunken dream magic technique has become a pediatric technique! Even if the evildoer turns into a human being, the "fire eye and golden eye" can see through it at a glance, let alone an illusion!

"These eyes—" Li Fengluo's heart beat continuously, as nervous as a deer crashing wildly.


The golden eyes of the eyes turned into two pillars of fire, and they threw out directly under Su Jin's roar. The green mists were repeatedly hit by those two pillars of flame among the electric light flint!

When Su Jin raised his head, two pillars of fire shot out from his eyes. The terrifying spirit made Li Fengluo feel like he was invincible!

"It can actually break my drunken dream!" Can Shang Dao Zun was a little surprised.

"Old dog! What else can you do, just let it go!" Su Jin's fiery red eyes gradually converged and turned into normal eyes.

"Tsk tusk, your emperor realm is not ordinary, so you have cultivated two kinds of Taoism together--" Can Shang Dao Sovereign nodded in approval.

The person who had discussed the explanation in the Beigong family went back to report that this Mu Ziye was superior in swordsmanship and defeated Bai Jianfei, so the remnant Dao Zun now said that he had learned two ways.

To be reasonable, the emperor of two kinds of Taoism is far better than one kind of Taoism. Of course, this also depends on the situation, and you have to learn the essence.

Su Jin stroked the Long Yuan sword box lightly, feeling intimate, and hearing the words of the remnant Dao Zun, he gradually raised his head and said, "The next technique, Longyou in Yuan!"


Li Fengluo's pretty face was dull.

It was heard that after Bai Jianfei obtained the Longyuan Sword, he did not know how many years of painstaking practice before he condensed Longyou Zaiyuan Yishu. This sword has three types of swordsmanship. I don't know how long it will take to learn Chengdu!

Could it be...

In less than a day, Su Jin understood "Dragon You in the Yuan"?

Li Fengluo watched Su Jin slap open the sword case, grabbed Long Yuanjian, and then put the sword case back on her back. The next situation caused Miss Fengluo to exclaim, "No way, right!"

Bai Jianfei's Longyou Zaiyuan is not like this!

That Long You condensed three hundred divine dragons in Yuan. It was terrifying. Su Jin could not kill Bai Jianfei. It can be said that Bai Jianfei didn't lose much at the time——

There are dragon patterns on the Longyuan Sword, which is far more fancy than other divine swords, and there is a dragon head in front of the hilt, covering the dragon eye, and it is extremely domineering!

But now, Su Jin is holding the hilt in both hands, like a gesture of "Shang Xiang", standing the blade in front of him!


Su Jin began to appear a handle of sword light around his body, and each of the sword lights was a imaginary Long Yuan sword, and Long Hua flowed in it, forming a whole circle around his body.

As I said before, there are three styles of original swordsmanship in Longyuan. Although it is only three styles, it can evolve thousands of styles!

Su Jin's Longyou in Yuan is fundamentally different from Bai Jianfei's!

"You kid is unusual, even Long Yuan can get it, but it's very difficult to hurt me at all--" Can Shang Dao Zun sneered.

The remnant Dao Sovereign finished speaking, and gently rounded in front of him with one hand, and the trails of Taoism manifested. His temperament was sinister, but at this moment, he was really like a Taoist expert, terrible!

The trails were shaken and scattered in the sky.

The dark sky turned into daylight, and all creatures condensed in the trail.

There are galloping **** wolves, there are overwhelming devil crows, and there are giants carrying battle axes! All kinds of creatures are countless!

"Even the'dao traces' can be condensed, what point has this remnant Dao Venerable reached?" Li Fengluo was completely frightened.

In the thirty-three days domain.

Everyone knows what it means to manifest the path. This is at least the way to the top of the heavens. It is already very close to the edge of breakthrough. This is the most terrifying!

Su Jin entered a special state, and Li Fengluo withdrew her gaze from the remnant Dao Venerable. When she looked at Su Jin again, she was not a little scared.

Human sword is one?

Ordinary people talk about the unity of human and sword, which is about artistic conception, or the inclusion of divine sword into the body, but those are all common laws, and it can be done with a little means.

But Su Jin is different now!

The bright sword light surrounding Su Jin became more dazzling when Su Jin closed his eyes!

"Dragon! You! Here! Yuan!" After Su Jin drank the last word, he opened his eyes and flew straight into the sky.

The imaginary Dragon Yuan sword light dragged a long stream of light when Changhong soared into the sky!

It really looks like a dragon!

Li Fengluo closed his mouth in surprise, and surrounded by "Yunjian Mountain", "Langhuan Town", and even many big cities have seen the wonder of the dragon ascending to heaven!

That Longyuan sword turned into the back of the white divine dragon, carrying the body, and each dragon scale was a sword arc, Su Jin's aura reached the highest level, and he suddenly dived down——

"Although it's good, but it's still far away!" Can Shang Dao Sovereign raised his head, and the traces revealed in the void, it is estimated that this little emperor realm will not be able to break the slightest.

Even want to kill him?

A cruel smile appeared at the corner of the cruel Dao Venerable's mouth. He raised his hands lightly, and the creatures in the trail glowed, and the power of the first life poured into him!

With this blessing, Can Shang Dao Zun’s head went down and began to turn into a jade-like texture, blue and white, but this situation only spread to the shoulders——

At this moment, Su Jin burst out all his strength!

Under the blessing of Long Youzaiyuan Yishu, because he was transformed into a white dragon, and on his back, it was the back of the dragon that was transformed into the dragon sword. Su Jin immediately raised his hands...

Chi Chi Chi Chi ~~~

A trace of lightning intertwined between the hands and the hilt!


Su Jin roared fiercely, as if possessing incomparable power, holding the hilt of the sword, and behaving like the entire white dragon, brilliantly reflecting the entire void, and slashed towards the remnant Dao Zun!

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