My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 2121: Saving people is important!

The monks in the surrounding city may hardly forget this scene in their lifetime!

The splendid light illuminates the world, and Su Jin, the six great emperors against the sky, is a strong defender of the heavens to the top!

At that moment, the dragon that Long You turned into by Yuan Jian's skill, under one cut, turned into a circle, Su Jin was in the middle, and there were terrible sword marks everywhere!

"It's a flashy dream, and the path is broken--" Can Shang Dao Zun's face was solemn, and he uttered a clear voice.

In the surrounding trails of void manifestation, the galloping **** wolves raised their heads proudly, their eyes all looking at Su Jin!

The overwhelming demonic crows and giants carrying battle axes looked up and stared, and opened their mouths to roar!


Su Jin slashed down that sword, and slashed it on the head of the remnant Dao Venerable!

That blue-white divine jade head and shoulders, under the blow of all six cultivation bases of Su Jin poured out, the power was so powerful that the remnant Dao Venerable didn’t expect it--


At the top of the head of the remnant Dao Venerable, there was a lot of twists and turns, and dense cracks appeared.

"You cut this deity! You will die for me!" Suddenly, the ruined Dao Venerable was filled with anger, disappearing into the same place, and when he reappeared, he gently shook it——

Just like holding a ray of starlight, that is the stream of light broken into pieces! The maimed Dao Zun held it in his palm!

Grasping the flowing light, the remnant Dao Venerable raised his hand fiercely, and the incomparably mysterious Taoism escaped!

Because Su Jin's power could not be quickly replenished for the time being, when the opponent made this kind of attack, he stepped on the Xianyao Xian step, which was a thousand positions in an instant, but the power of that trail is very unimaginable!

In an instant, Su Jin sat in the void, his fiery eyes shot at the group of reluctant trails, and two beams of fire rushed over!

Chi Chi ~~~

"Not good!" Su Jin wanted to avoid it anymore. It was too late. The streamer couldn't even burn the golden eyes, and it went straight to his eyebrows——


Su Jin lost consciousness in an instant, black smoke appeared all over his body, and his skin began to scorch black!

"I want to send you into the'extreme cold deep space' of Ji Yaotian! Let your body be permanently frozen!" The jade-like head, neck and shoulders of the remnant Taoist priest turned into normal colors.

The blood flowed down, and an emperor realm severely wounded him like this. He was almost hated to the bone, and there was a mysterious ghost curse in it that wanted to suppress his body, the remnant Dao Venerable dare not careless.

Su Jin's whole body was scorched and quickly turned into a track line, and fell, but just when he was about to touch the ground, an ice-colored vortex gate appeared!

Before Su Jin disappeared, the remnant Dao Venerable was holding his head, obviously resisting the ghost king curse, but the accident happened at that time, Li Fengluo stepped up beside Su Jin and hugged him——

The tremendous momentum brought Li Fengluo into the gate of the whirlpool!


Before the vortex disappeared, just before Su Jin lost consciousness, the Long Yuan sword that he let go, turned into a stream of light and penetrated into it!

"Huh! The girl from the Li family, she is killing herself, no wonder I!" Can Shang Dao Zun's face paled, although he wanted to kill with resentment, he turned and left quickly.

After all, it's the business to fight the Ghost King Curse first and nurture his Taoist body. I hate his Taoist body. I don't know if it can be restored as before, and I have suffered a great loss.

Around the city, the uproar was so loud!

"The remnant Dao Venerable from Beigong's family was severely injured by an Emperor Tianjiao! What's the situation?" someone exclaimed.

"I heard that this arrogant, first beheaded Beigong Xun, the eldest son of the Beigong family, offended the Beigong family, and invited the remnant Taoist priest, then Beigong Xun is not weak!"

"More than that! Bai Jianfei, who can be ranked in the'thousand people' list, has been fucked, what is the origin of this mysterious Tianjiao?"

"It doesn't come from any other way. Just a blow from the remnant Taoist priest may have killed him--"

"Obviously dead."


No matter how strong he was, he was so far short of the realm. Although his performance was good, he was still beheaded by the remnant Dao Zun, and his body plunged into the'extreme cold deep space'!

What a pity, a pity!

Su Jin could not hear all these things, nor could he hear. Li Fengluo didn't know what to think at the time. She only knew that her life was saved by Su Jin, and she couldn't sit idly by—

So he was brought in.

The first thing Li Fengluo felt was the unbearable cold, and the heat she breathed in an instant turned into a trace of icy debris floating away.

Her eyelashes quickly frosted, and Li Fengluo urged her energy to resist, and she got better, but she felt that she could not hold on for long!

Most of the entire void is frozen, and the cold here is the cold that can freeze the void!

A piece of dark blue, stretched out of sight!

"Mu Ziye! Wake up--" Li Fengluo embraced Su Jin, looked at him, who was scorched and closed his eyes, and hurriedly shouted.

Nothing happens at all!

Is it dead?

Li Fengluo was so frightened that she hugged Su Jin onto the deep sky blue ice, sat down and felt Su Jin's pulse...

Can't feel it!

In a panic, Li Fengluo lowered her head and listened to his heartbeat with her ears.

After half a minute, Li Fengluo's face was miserable, and while his brain was blank, she was about to raise her head, thinking that Su Jin was dead, the weak heartbeat gave a ‘boom’—

Not dead or dead!

With an expression of joy on Li Fengluo's face, listening carefully, her face gradually became strange. Normal people's heartbeat shouldn't be so slow. Su Jin's heartbeat only beats two or three times within a minute!

What happened to Su Jin?

The remnant Taoist used Taoism to destroy the Su Jin Emperor's spirit, just like Bei Gong Xun died, and Su Jin paid the same price!

At first Su Jin lost his life in the ancestral realm. After obtaining the Red Lotus Purifying Fire, the Purifying Fire even merged into his true spirit. Soon he became an emperor, but the power of the Purifying Fire was still in the emperor spirit!

The attack of the law of traces was too vicious, igniting a piece of Emperor Spirit, causing a chain reaction on the surface of Su Jin's body, and it turned into a charred black color.

It can be said that this way of igniting the emperor spirit, ordinary people can't die anymore!

Su Jin lost consciousness, but the red lotus purifying fire in the emperor's spirit was contending with the law of traces——

"Don't you die!"

Li Fengluo flipped her hand immediately, and there was a small handful of elixir in it, which even contained something she couldn't bear to eat, but now Su Jin didn't know it, her teeth were clenched.

how to eat?

Li Fengluo became more and more flustered, looking around, she was deadly cold, her cold thinking was a little stopped.

However, the problem of feeding medicine at this time still made Li Fengluo a hard time——

Cruel, saving lives is important!

Li Fengluo put a few fairy medicines in her mouth at random, pinched Su Jin's chin, lowered her head and passed the small mouth.


Li Fengluo blinked quickly. This is the first time for her to do this. Fortunately, the choice of medicine is correct and the process goes smoothly...

However, Li Fengluo has no bottom, and even feels a little lost~~~

She didn't know whether Su Jin could wake up.

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